Author Archives: jackie

In The News

Review of The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World:

“In her book, Jackie Lapin eloquently shares the simple secrets of getting what you want.  She has the gifts of a creative and quick-witted mind, not to mention an amazing sense of humor, compassion, and clarity.  Her style is playful and quirky, yet profound and to the point.  She knows how to clearly help the reader tap into conscious abundance on all levels, from thinking happier thoughts to actually achieving and receiving material abundance … This book will wake up to what it is you are truly creating.  It is a must-read for anyone who wishes to have a more focused, creative and abundant life.”
–Reviewed by Bliss Wood, Aura Magazine

Upcoming Teleworkshop:  Power Up Your Life!  Consciously Create Love, Health & Wealth

• Are You Facing Challenges in Your Love Life?
• Are You Not Attracting the Kind of Money that You’d Like?
• Are You Not in Peak Health?

If so, you owe it to yourself to learn how you can Consciously Create Love, Health and Wealth.  Discover your ability to Power Up!  Learn the techniques to focusing your personal energy—your unlimited power–on locking in the reality you choose for yourself this year. 

We’ll be holding a life-changing 90-minute teleworkshop in the Spring.   CLICK HERE for details.  Sign up NOW and receive a $50 off coupon!


Jackie’s Travels

Jackie Lapin Will Be Honored at International Awards Presentation and Will Participate in International Women’s Festival Peace Ceremony

Jackie will be honored this Saturday evening at the First International Green2Gold Awards, to be presented at the California Women’s Festival in Santa Barbara, March 8.  The festival’s organizers and the Green2Gold Foundation will pay tribute to her work in founding United World Healing, bringing people together for simultaneous visions to heal the world, and her bestselling book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World!

Earlier in the day from 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm, she will speak as part of a panel on The Secrets of Getting What You Want in Your Life and Your Business.  She will then join in a powerful peace ceremony lead by leading visionaries in honor of International Women’s Day.  The circle will unite with hundreds of thousands of others around the globe to visualize a world in balance, abundance and peace, and pledge to create a better world for our children and ourselves. 

The event will begin gathering at 4:30 to the live music of world-renowned artists Soulfège, an Afro-politan fusion group, and acclaimed Opera Singer Carol Manzi. Aman Motwane, author and founder of Yes, You Can Change the World, and Lori Leyden, Ph.d, facilitator of The Grace Process.  Jackie will also assist in creating the experience.  The ceremony will begin promptly at 5:15 pm.  The peace ceremony is free and open to the public and you are invited!  Saturday’s events will be at Santa Barbara City College.

For more information on the California Women’s Festival in Santa Barbara, March 8 & 9, go to www.WomensFestivals.org

Conscious Creation Stories

I would love to hear from you!  Send me your best Conscious Creation Story, and I will send you — totally free– a digital copy of the 100-page Art of Conscious Creation Workbook.  The workbook contains insightful, powerful and fun exercises that will help turn you into an unstoppable conscious manifestor!  This $50 value is a perfect companion to the No. 1 Amazon.com bestseller!

Send your Conscious Creation Stories to us at: Info@TheArtOfConsciousCreation.com!

The 7 Things You Can Do to Grab Life’s Joystick: You Don’t Have to Be Miserable

Good news! You didn’t come into this life to be miserable! That’s something I’ve told people most of my life — something I knew innately. But while researching my book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, my beliefs were reinforced.

Great spiritual leaders of the New Age believe we arrive on Earth in a state of joy, and then proceed to screw it up. Our souls are blissful — looking to love and enjoy our lives and everything that we attract to us.  The Universe is constructed to confer to us all we desire; to “download” goodwill, happiness and peace upon us.

So why do so many people insist on wallowing in misery? It’s because they can’t believe their good fortune, refuse to trust, doubt themselves, let egos get in the way, deny reality, and ultimately sink into negative thinking. The Law of Attraction supports the reasoning that negative thoughts attract those things that reinforce unhappiness. 

We can choose to not be miserable! Just Grab Life’s Joystick and Consciously Create happiness and bliss! Quantum physics has validated the belief that thoughts and emotions are energies capable of changing reality. Create positive, joyful thoughts and emotions; you’ll bring to the world happy and wonderful experiences.

So how do you Grab Life’s Joystick? 
1.) Think positively. If a wave of negativity comes over you, consciously rearrange the thought to something optimistic and hopeful. When you do this, be confident that your words will generate a happy, positive outcome.

2.) List the things you want to come your way. Cut from magazines the pictures that emulate your desires. Put those photos in a special box, with words on the cover that state: “Thank you for granting me these wonderful things.” Then trust that the Universe is working to bring you these wishes. 

3.) Spend time envisioning what you want from life and how life should be. This scene you envision, put yourself in it.  Feel the real joy, wonderment and excitement of being there. Taste the scene, smell it, observe the details. This should hasten your vision’s arrival!

4.) Don’t think less of yourself. Love yourself, pat yourself on the back, and pamper yourself more. Focus on your strengths, not your shortcomings. Enjoy who you are. Allow yourself to be proud of what you’ve accomplished. 

5.) Do one thing wonderful each day. Indulge in a favorite book or ice cream cone. Exercise until the endorphins spring forth! Hike with friends or take your dog to a park. Cuddle your children and read to them. Etc ….

6.) Be nice and help someone — or someones — in need.  Lend a hand to somebody.  Put a smile on your face and light up a room. Give a kind word to a person who doesn’t receive a lot of recognition for their good work.

7.) Go into nature. Feel the energy that comes from being outdoors.  Swim in a lake, walk on a beach, rest under a tree, smell the daisies, feel the wind, roll in the grass. The act of sopping up nature’s positive energy always raises a person’s energy and outlook.    

These are just a few ways you can start living a cheery, fulfilled existence. It only takes the commitment to start Consciously Creating. Take responsibility for your own bliss!  Don’t look to anyone or anything to manifest joy for you. You can open the door and invite joy into your life. Grab Life’s Joystick!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at
www.theartofconsciouscreation.com to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on  www.unitedworldhealing.org

Conscious Creation Tip

Here’s a practice that will really start your day powerfully … Consciously aligning with Universal energy.  It was taught to me by one of my spiritual mentors.  Each morning before I start work, I stand before a big picture window and drink in the beauty outside.  I center myself; legs balanced apart, bring my hands to my chest in a prayer position, take a deep breath, and as I do, I lift my hands pressed together to the sky.  I recite to the Universe that “I am in the flow,” and then allow my hands to part, facing outward/downward and circle back down to my outer thighs.  I do this at least four times.  I also then verbally invite the glorious energy of the day into my life.  If I’ve had a negative day on the day before, I release all negative energy into the earth, and then again, welcome the fresh energy.

I can only tell you that on days that I forget to do this practice or am too busy to make the time, my days do not go as smoothly as when I make sure to consciously connect to the Universal energy flow.

It’s Time To Get Into The Flow!

Oh how I love it when the days are longer.  I bet you do, too!  Even if there’s snow on the ground where you live, Daylight Savings Time heralds the spring to come.  But most of all, it gives us more hours in the day before we settle in for nighttime.  So let us ask: What do we want to do with that time? More work?  More chores?  More errands?

Why not use those extra hours deliciously for yourself?  I love to walk during the two hours before dusk, that “golden light” time.  But DST also means I might be able to get in a half hour or hour of meditation in the morning before I get to my desk, or perhaps in the evening in my backyard, amongst the trees, cooing doves, running waterfall and fresh smelling flowers.  On the weekends, it means I can spend more time outdoors reading wonderful mind/body/spirit books or perhaps immersing myself in a historical biography or novel.

What can you do with those extra hours?  How can you enrich your life, de-stress, find joy?  Take a yoga class, visit with friends who feed your soul, take your dog for a long walk, dance, sing, indulge in a hobby that takes you away from the cares of the day, or take your kids to a culturally stimulating program that’s interactive for adults, too.  Etc…

Make a list of the things you desire to do and then block time for this in your calendar — and just to make sure you are creating the right energy for it, consciously create a visualization where you see yourself doing these things.  Revel in the emotions of joy, relief, fun, ease and satisfaction that go along with being in that experience.  Now, go enjoy those extra daylight hours!

On the way to Nowherestan

On the way to Nowherestan…Michael Elefteriades, a Lebanese
entrepreneur, who has lived through the strife of Lebanon’s recent wars
and skirmishes, decided their had to be a better way. So he created
"Nowherestan," where boundaries cease to exist and individual
identities are blended. He maintains that the world’s problems stems
from the predominance of identities–racial, religious, ethnic, and
political–and thus in Nowherestan, people will share a common
identity. The poet, composer and painter has attracted more than 50,000
"citizens of Nowherestan" to his website. He has produced a record
album bearing the name of his utopia and conducted workshops throughout
Europe and the Middle East. There is even a "national orchestra of
Nowherestan." Elefteriades has a vision that people around the world
would share in the wealth, technology and benefits from other regions.
He is meeting with world leaders to promote his concept of a borderless
blended identity world. Says Elefteriades, "People everywhere are fed
up with the way the world is today. But change is possible.The march to
Nowherestan, like Gandhi’s movement, is going to be peaceful."

From My Friends

Check out a new program called, Having it All – Creating The Impossible, created by my friends Anita Pathik Law and Lorraine Cohen, two powerful spiritual mentors and teachers.

They say: The key to manifesting more of what you want is being in alignment.  Simply put, whenever you are hitting up against obstacles, unintentional or undesired creations in your life, something, somewhere is out of whack.  Unless you can see where you are out of alignment, you will continue to operate in a survival-oriented space, which is a difficult place to attract and manifest your greatest desires.

Through their highly interactive and experiential Teleprogam, you will learn how to:

• Bridge spiritual principles with practical application so that you attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.
• Develop your intuition, emotional and spiritual intelligence to heighten your instincts and self confidence.
• Transform fears and self-sabotaging beliefs so that you can eliminate dramas and repetitive themes that keep you from manifesting your dreams and desires.
• Awaken to the calling of your soul’s desire and experience more vitality and joy.
• Use the power of energy, choice and language to deliberately shift into a higher vibration of conscious creation.

Click on www.powerofmyway.com/havingitall.html to learn more.

P.S. They will also be making available some powerful f*r*e*e audios at www.powerofmyway.com/aligningwithdestiny.html

Make sure you let them know that you heard about it from me!

Book Review “Five Good Minutes” by Jeffrey Brantley, M.D. and Wendy Millstine, N.C.

Is your workday filled with chaos and stress? Do you have mountains of projects ahead of you, but feel helpless to tackle them? Do you race through your day, come home, shovel in dinner and collapse into bed? In less time than you would spend on a coffee or juice break, you can fill your day with calm, balance and serenity. The authors of this charming series of books offer 100 mindful practices to help you relieve stress, have your best day and unwind from the pressures of a day on the go. Clever little practices including “Float Away,” “Find Your Release Valve,” “Your Worry Basket,” “Mental Vacation,” “Better Boundaries,” and “Lessons from Nature,” set you on the course for a day and night of greater serenity. This wonderful little resource and reminder of who we are supposed to be, Five Good Minutes has companions in Five Good Minutes at Work and Five Good Minutes in the Evening. You can get this resourceful book at www.ManifestBooks.com.

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