Practical Conscious Creation...The Pathway to Your Dreams
Master Practical Conscious Creation
to Live the Richest,
Lushest, Most Bountiful Life!
Practical Conscious Creation is...
Practical Conscious Creation is the specific application of your positively-directed, high frequency thought, emotions and energy to everyday life…to all the actions, routines, experiences, relationships, challenges and opportunities that color your existence. As you grow to master these skills and incorporate them in your lifestyle, you will become a better, faster manifestor of all that you desire!
We invite you to explore all of the resources awaiting you on these pages and discover how you can make your life flourish and grow.
Visions for a Better World
Hone Your Practical Conscious Creation Skills With Jackie’s Two Bestselling Books
Practical Conscious Creation is an extraordinary gateway to anchoring manifesting and law of attraction into your daily activities to create a life of YOUR choosing, vision, ease and prosperity. A life-changing book!–Marie Diamond, transformational leader and speaker and star of The Secret
“An astonishing book! This is the first paint-by-the-numbers approach to creating a personal and planetary life that is abundant and happy for all.” — Dr. Joe Vitale, author “The Attractor Factor,” star of “The Secret”
“If you’re ready to create your personal world into a veritable ‘Garden of Eden, read, drink in deeply these profound insights and together let’s positively change the world.” — Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul