Articles by Jackie Lapin in Online and Print Publications

We welcome you to use these articles from “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires” in your publication. Please include Jackie Lapin’s signature at the bottom and credit Richard Crookes for the illustrations, which are included in the book.​

Practical Conscious Creation: The Key to Becoming a Better, Faster Manifestor

By now you are no doubt familiar with the principles of Law of Attraction and Conscious Creation, and have seen or read The Secret—and you are aware of using the power of positively directed thought to improve your life.

But let’s be honest…How often do you remember to apply these? Maybe once or twice a month? Or when you come across something you really want to manifest—so you get busy visualizing? Have you really made it a way of life? Are you impatient to see things become reality, but the slowness of the process is making you crazy?

Well I have news for you. Transforming your life through Conscious Creation is not a sometime thing…it requires rewiring your thinking and your lifestyle–and it requires consistency.

It mandates becoming proficient at Practical Conscious Creation, applying the principles of Conscious Creation to everything you do—in decision making, energy management, relationships, attitude, mindset, rituals, activities, habits, communication, self-care and daily chores. And when you do, the reward is in becoming a better, faster manifestor, day-by-day.

And ultimately, enabling you to live a life of YOUR choosing.

In writing my first book, The Art of Conscious Creation, I began to apply “frequency management” to my life—managing the frequency level of my thoughts and emotions so that I would increase my success at manifesting—and indeed I could directly see the correlation between that and the realization of positive, successful developments in my life. But, I often got caught up in daily activities and let my vigilance slip. Lo and behold, so did my consistency of manifesting what I wanted.

So I realized that there had to be a way to inculcate the key principles in daily life, so much so that it would become a WAY OF LIFE…not an occasional thing, when you just happen to have time for a little meditation. And so Practical Conscious Creation was born!

Practical Conscious Creation isn’t a system. It’s simply applying the wisdom of the process to your daily activities.

What are some of the key elements in Practical Conscious Creation?

Setting Intentions/Visions

In starting any project you want to clear a smooth pathway. Setting an intention is like laying your Yellow Brick Road. It gives you and the Universe a shared direction and destination.

Being Clear on Where You are Heading or What Outcome You’d Like to See

You can’t get there from here if you don’t know where you’re going. Be very clear about what you want — and that your heart and head are in alignment. (i.e. your subconscious beliefs aren’t undermining your forward motion.) True clarity allows the molecules to form into a specific reality related to your intention.

Checking Your Mindset for Negative Thinking

You’ve got to root out any vibrations (thoughts, emotions) that are sabotaging your pathway. Negative thinking comes in a whole rainbow of colors–fear, anticipating all the reasons things won’t happen, limitations, distrust, lack of self confidence, feelings of unworthiness, blame, remembering the past experiences, needing to control, anger, etc.)

Selecting Your Energy and Applying It

Once you’ve recognized your negative thoughts, you have the ability to choose an alternative vibration. What’s it going to be? Optimism, Trust, Assuming the Best, Faith in Self, Faith in the Universe, Cheerfulness, Love, Compassion, Willingness, Acceptance—or a combination of these?

Being Cognizant of Your Words

You must be vigilant about the words you use both in your mind and in the world because these have a tendency to become your reality. As you go about your project, what are you saying to yourself, to your colleagues, to your partner, to your friends, to your family and to others you’d like to influence?

Opening Yourself to Assistance

Too often we think of ourselves as loan wolves, everything falling on our shoulders, but if we only open ourselves to assistance, or call it forth, it can be ours. This can be in the form of tangible aid from others–people pitching in–or the Universe putting exactly what we need in our path to help us.

Being True to Yourself

We must be honest with ourselves and others, and be true to our desires and our values in order to fulfill our goals and our destinies. We can’t live a life of compromise for others, because that diminishes our true passion. It is the energy of passion that manifests and moves us in the direction we seek.

Allowing What Happens to Be OK and Being Flexible

Where many aspiring Conscious Creators fall down is in their rigidity of holding to a chosen outcome or expectation. While setting intentions and visions is important, being flexible with what manifests is even more important. Learn to adjust, accept and flow. Without resistance you can maintain a positive, gracious and happy outlook.

Accepting the Wisdom of the Experience

Find the gift in the experience, no matter how it turns out…what lesson, benefit, positive spin can you derive from the experience?
These are just some of the key elements, but there are so many ways to apply them.

You can apply Practical Conscious Creation to money, to relationships, to love and romance, to work, to family life, to health and healing, to all of the things that hold you back, to living life more deliciously—to anything.

And here’s the fun part… You can feel the difference in the FLOW of everything. If you are like me, you’ll soon start seeing things manifest far more quickly for you in all phases of your life—small daily things, large achievements, wishes, hopes, dreams.

There is something so delightful in thinking you’d like to see someone you’ve been missing, and the next minute they are calling you to say they are coming for a visit. Or pondering where your next client might come from to fill the gap in your cash flow, and you meet someone at a party who has the perfect project for you. Or, as in my case, I asked the Universe for a FREE vacation—and a month later a girlfriend invites me to stay at her new house in the Bahamas for a week!

Practical Conscious Creation is the key to fast-tracking your manifesting. Make it a lifestyle and you’ll be astonished at the change in your fortunes!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Practical Conscious Creation. She is the bestselling author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World” and “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires.” Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation offers 70 articles with step-by-step actions to achieve greater empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. To learn how to become a better, faster manifestor, secure a free chapter of “Practical Conscious Creation” or receive Jackie Lapin’s daily manifesting tips, visit

Jackie Lapin is also the founder of, the Virtual Village that is the Marketplace, Directory and Information Resource for the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. A place where mind/body/spirit entrepreneurs and self-help experts connect with their next customers and clients worldwide. Go to for more information or to learn how to become a Village Member.

Word Count 1058

Fear: The Siren Call to Change

When most people think of fear, they conjure pictures of screaming women in slasher movies, horrible mindless villains, or heroes chased by zombies. But, for most of us, fear feels more like an insidious virus that our minds and emotions create to stop us from moving forward.

Fear is the mind/ego’s way of saying “I’m not going there! I like being right where I am. I’m familiar with my current state. If I plunk myself right down here, nothing can hurt me because I already know this territory. I’m not worthy and if I stretch myself, I might get rejected.”

Fear means you are not willing to venture into the unknown, not willing to take risk, not willing to accept and adjust to change. Fear is about ignoring imperatives to change, putting your head in the sand and expecting the problem to go away, allowing others to control your life because you may not have the courage or confidence to control your own. And fear always leaves your life messy, miserable, and myopic (limited in scope.)

You may not actually be aware of the grip fear has over you. And even if you are, you sometimes feel powerless to change because of past, tightly held beliefs.

But fear can be your ally. If you feel it, it is a siren call to change!

When you bump up against fear, you know you are called to move forward, be bolder, take a well-calculated risk, flow with the change imposed on you, make the course correction you’ve been resisting, cross the seemingly impenetrable barrier, strike out on your own, act in your own self-interest, or reach for freedom!

So how can you move beyond it to something better when fear is at your door?

1.  The flipside of fear is faith. If you are experiencing fear, then something is pressing you to change. Where does that urgency for change originate— in your heart, in your spirit, in the Universe? If it originates in the Universe, your heart and your spirit are indeed pushing you forward. Let go and trust. Allow your faith to spring forward. Ask if this change is in your highest good. If the answer is “yes,” then trust the Universe to allow the benefits to unfold once you give up resisting and start moving forward. If the pressure is mounting from outside—job loss, relationship breakup, and so on—again ask if this is in your highest good? These conditions are the Universe speaking to you in the dialect of “loving change and redirection.” Trust and go with the flow.

2.  Affirming “I am FEAR-LESS!” Whenever I get overwhelmed by fear, I repeat this affirmation again and again. I repeat it with power as if I were brandishing a wooden stake in order to ward off a vampire! My confidence grows and the fear lessens as I remind myself that I have no reason to fear because I am a fearless being with the Ultimate Support System!

3.  Get clear. If part of your fear is confusion about what steps to take or where to head, spend time in silence asking questions. Reach out to someone else who can coach you through the process of getting clear or put your options in writing. These are just some of the ways you can get focused, so that with clear intention you can begin loosening the grip of fear.

4.  What is the worst thing that could happen if you do move forward? Usually you will have built up this fear into something greater than it could possibly ever be in reality. When you really look at the worst thing that could happen, it’s usually not all that terrible. Then it’s a simple realization that moving forward easily outweighs your realistic worst-case scenario. Voilà, paralysis unblocked!

5.  Bring it out into the light. The more you look at fear from an objective standpoint, as if you were not in your body—bring it out, hold it to the light, examine why it’s making you crazy—the more power you have to eradicate the fear of it you are harboring. Think of yourself as the sleuth bringing the clues out into the open so you can solve the case.

6.  Recalibrate your limiting beliefs and go for expansion. Look at the beliefs that are causing you to hold onto your fear. What’s real, what’s not? Make a list of these limiting concepts. Then list the opposite possibility—the expansionist and unlimited belief that you could be holding—the one that would enable you to move forward with confidence and courage.

7.  Stop thinking about what you’re giving up and start looking at what you are potentially gaining. What’s the upside? This is an easy one! Ultimately moving toward your highest good will always have a greater potential upside than staying where you are, or giving up what you currently have.

8.  Talk it out. Find a forward-thinking and positive friend, someone who is used to stepping through fear, or perhaps a counselor or coach. Talk about what you are feeling. Ask that person to tell you stories of how he or she found success by moving beyond fear. Be inspired by other people’s courageous acts.

9.  Fear is just thoughts and emotions—those can be changed! Fear is just something you created in your mind. It is not real. It is simply a virtual prison that you can choose to make disappear by hitting the delete button!

10.  Stop clinging and start living—embrace the unknown! Life is an exciting e-ticket ride with everything you want if you will simply embrace the unknown. But if you persist on clinging to the known, you’ll never experience it. Greet the unknown future with a warm welcome and magical things start to happen.

11.  Consciously create/visualize the outcome. Once you release fear and unwaveringly commit to change, you can help secure a positive future by Consciously Creating it. Make sure you are operating in a high frequency, create your visualization, postmark it to the Universe and then let it go with a blessing of gratitude! Fear has a way of fading in the wake of action and purpose.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Practical Conscious Creation. She is the bestselling author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World” and “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires.” Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation offers 70 articles with step-by-step actions to achieve greater empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. To learn how to become a better, faster manifestor, secure a free chapter of “Practical Conscious Creation” or receive Jackie Lapin’s daily manifesting tips, visit

Jackie Lapin is also the founder of, the Virtual Village that is the Marketplace, Directory and Information Resource for the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. A place where mind/body/spirit entrepreneurs and self-help experts connect with their next customers and clients worldwide. Go to for more information or to learn how to become a Village Member.

Word Count 1,032

The Magic of Changing Your Perspective

For most of us, dealing with changes and events that move us out of our comfort zone instantly takes us to a place of fear and negative thinking. It is the rare person who doesn’t emotionally invest the experience with anxiety and assign a negative value to it.

Yet the truth is that all things are neutral, they just are—until we lend our perspective to them and assign value. More importantly, every experience brings with it an opportunity for growth—for greater wisdom, for new knowledge, for redirection from the Universe, or for expansion in some way, shape or form.

The task for us as Conscious Creators is to retrain ourselves not to immediately go to that dark place, but instead to seek the light and—assign positive value to every experience. The best way to do that is to learn new perspectives, and to apply them to each situation. You can magically turn a perceived problem into a blessing by asking the right questions or applying the right filter. Let’s expand our thinking and open up to the many new ways to look at things. By having these “tools” in your tool kit, testing the ones that work best for you, then applying them through practice many times over, you will be able to change your knee-jerk negative pattern of thinking to a welcoming and positive perspective that raises your frequency. And eventually will become your new permanent pattern of perspective.

Here are some really insightful questions that will lead you to look at your perceived challenges, problems, and issues as your next opportunities, gateways, and gifts:

  • What is the joy to be found here?
  • What is really great about this?
  • What can I learn from this experience?
  • How can I apply this in the future?
  • How does this ultimately serve me?
  • What is the upside to this experience?
  • What is the takeaway here?
  • What message is the Universe offering me?
  • How can I turn this experience into something positive?
  • What is the underlying truth about this experience—what is the reality without my emotional charge?
  • What is the good that can come from this?
  • Who can I help with this wisdom, knowledge, and experience?
  • Where is this experience directing me?
  • What is the invitation here?
  • What new opportunity does this open up?
  • How can I grow from this?
  • Where is my expansion in this?
  • What is this calling me to let go?
  • What burden is being lifted through this experience?
  • What deep calling within me wants expression through this change—even though it may be subconscious?

You undoubtedly know that everything happens for a reason. Here’s an opportunity to look at that reason as Source does. You would not be offered this experience if there was not purpose here for you, your life, and your spiritual growth. But the Universe gives you these experiences out of its desire to help you reach your own truth and highest good. Use these questions for a more objective view of what is in your highest good.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Practical Conscious Creation. She is the bestselling author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World” and “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires.” Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation offers 70 articles with step-by-step actions to achieve greater empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. To learn how to become a better, faster manifestor, secure a free chapter of “Practical Conscious Creation” or receive Jackie Lapin’s daily manifesting tips, visit

Jackie Lapin is also the founder of, the Virtual Village that is the Marketplace, Directory and Information Resource for the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. A place where mind/body/spirit entrepreneurs and self-help experts connect with their next customers and clients worldwide. Go to for more information or to learn how to become a Village Member.

Word Count 526

It’s a Universal Redirect!

Tired of making or encountering mistakes? What about hitting the wall? How about running into Murphy’s Law? You make plans and God laughs? Then there are “problems,” “challenges,” “issues,” “dead-ends,” “failures,” “disasters,” “disappointments,” “hiccups”. . . I can go on and on.

But now hear this! These obstacles are not what you think they are. Forget those old labels. What you are experiencing are “Universal Redirects!”

How many times have you obsessed over what went wrong, perhaps blaming others or yourself? How often do you keep trying to work through something that isn’t working? How much time have you wasted pushing a rock up a hill? How long have you hung onto problem clients or miserable relationships?

These are all symptoms that you have not yet realized that the Universe is offering you valuable information. Try something different! Change your attitude. Change your actions. Change your expectations. Change your team. Change your route. Change your job. Change your intention. Change your partner. Let go of this course of action!

Many people ignore the gentle nudges that the Universe offers until they get hit with a sledgehammer. But all along the way, they’re being redirected to new, more life-enhancing choices. Now here’s the catch: If you don’t do it, the Universe will do it for you!

I experienced this about 12 years ago when I was running my $2 million bicoastal public relations agency. It had become a burden—the fun had gone out of it. Instead of doing creative PR for my clients, I was chasing money to pay my enormous overhead. And furthermore, my heart was elsewhere, loving a hobby business that I had created selling mineral spheres. I saw the signs but just kept trying to juggle clients, vendors, and employees—with challenges everywhere. The business was imploding on itself, and I couldn’t cut the cord.

Finally, three clients all went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the same month, owing me $150,000! That was a very big ouch, and it was the last straw. I finally closed up the business, found another opportunity for myself immediately, and ultimately relaxed into enjoying life again after finding a way to settle with my creditors. The Universe was redirecting me to something far more life-enhancing than that stressful meat grinder I had suffered through those last two years.

When you hit a roadblock, instead of railing against fate, ask yourself: “What is this Universal Redirect all about? How can I look at this objectively, step aside, and think differently?” You’ve heard the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason.” Apply that to your Universal Redirects and you will begin to see that each one is a blessing in disguise. There are no mistakes, no errors, no accidents, no missteps, no faults…There are only Universal Redirects!

Use these wonderful nudges as your guide early on, and you will find your life being easier and more effortless. Tune into the universal language of course correction and you will be rewarded with greater and quicker success, more peace and joy, less struggle, and greater abundance.

Just remember, if it’s too hard, you’re being called for a Universal Redirect!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Practical Conscious Creation. She is the bestselling author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World” and “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires.” Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation offers 70 articles with step-by-step actions to achieve greater empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. To learn how to become a better, faster manifestor, secure a free chapter of “Practical Conscious Creation” or receive Jackie Lapin’s daily manifesting tips, visit

Jackie Lapin is also the founder of, the Virtual Village that is the Marketplace, Directory and Information Resource for the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. A place where mind/body/spirit entrepreneurs and self-help experts connect with their next customers and clients worldwide. Go to for more information or to learn how to become a Village Member.

Word Count 523

The Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success

Someone recently asked me why I know that I will be successful when I undertake something, and the answer popped into my head so clearly that it astonished me. My response to him was, “Because of four key factors. . . ”

  • I can envision the project in advance and see how I want it to unfold. I see it succeeding as I perceive it;
  • I am willing to put in the effort that is required to bring it to fruition;
  • I have faith in my intelligence, my intention to do something of value, my commitment to achieve it, and my good judgment that this fills a need;
  • I have faith in the Universe and its willingness to respond to my desires and bring me what is in my highest good.

Or simply put:

Vision+Initiative+Faith in Self+Faith in Universe=Your Desired Outcome

I call this the Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success.

If you are practicing each of these concepts when you embark on a new endeavor, you will succeed. I have spent my life creating successful businesses, forming alliances, doing nonprofit work, and so on, by operating with these four elements as part of my day-to-day mindset. Let’s look at each of them a bit closer.


If you conceive a vision of something you want to start, you must have a passion for it—or else why do it? So you already begin with the high vibration energies of “birth” and “passion.” This gives any idea or project a great jumpstart.

But as you visualize it, you also place your focus on it. And as we know about the Universal Laws, what you focus upon is what you will manifest. By creating the high-frequency image in your mind and investing it with your emotion you are generating that “express mail package to the cosmic post office.”


When I first mentioned this equation to my friend, I used the term “hard work.” But then, I took that back and rephrased it. Why work hard? That’s absolutely not a necessity in the Universe that I am experiencing today. I can work smart. I can work with commitment. I can work with enthusiasm and passion. What I was trying to say was that I was willing to put in the initiative and the effort to make the project successful. But I can do that without “working hard!” There is no reason to make anything “hard,” when we can work effectively and still work easily.

Faith in Self

This is a big one! People who believe in themselves tend to be very successful in all their endeavors. Each of us has great gifts, but to allow them to flower fully, you must appreciate and honor them with your belief. This is where you must actually take for granted how talented and smart you are—because the minute you start doubting, that’s when you allow failure to creep in. Now we are each evolving spiritually at different rates, so you may feel confident professionally but have lower self-esteem in your personal self-view. Where you feel confident is where you will likely see your success. So start taking stock of your assets and being grateful for them. These are the beacons that shine on the path to your success.

Count up your past great achievements—don’t overlook them. Build faith in yourself so you can use this as a springboard to future successes. Where are your skills—in your intellect, your creativity, your problem solving ability, your facility with people, your skill with numbers, your diplomacy, or perhaps your persistence? Keep your faith in yourself and you will be well rewarded.

Faith in the Universe

If you start from a premise that you are supported and that the Universe is just waiting to assist you in your success, you cannot fail. By demonstrating your faith, you are enabling the Universe to line up all the elements in your favor, unblocked by your own doubt, fear, or feeling of separation from the Source. What this also does is tell the Universe that you are open to guidance.

If there is a flaw in your plan, the Universe will let you know; it will either tweak it on its own or steer you in a different direction. This high-frequency energy is a powerful ally that streamlines the path to success.

So this Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success is very simple and unencumbered. You don’t need to make it any more complicated than this if you want to ensure the success of your endeavors. Do the math—then toast your achievement!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Practical Conscious Creation. She is the bestselling author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World” and “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires.” Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation offers 70 articles with step-by-step actions to achieve greater empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. To learn how to become a better, faster manifestor, secure a free chapter of “Practical Conscious Creation” or receive Jackie Lapin’s daily manifesting tips, visit

Jackie Lapin is also the founder of, the Virtual Village that is the Marketplace, Directory and Information Resource for the fast-growing Consciousness and Transformational World. A place where mind/body/spirit entrepreneurs and self-help experts connect with their next customers and clients worldwide. Go to for more information or to learn how to become a Village Member.

Word Count 769