Author Archives: jackie

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Attraction Mastery Series Registration Re-Opened! 

What if you could literally attract and create the exact life that you want?  What would that mean to you? 

It’s absolutely possible and my good friend and business associate Jeffrey

Jeffrey is going to show you how to do it in his exclusive teleseminar series called Attraction Mastery.  The series started last week, but you can still catch up with the replay recordings.  Plus, there are three live calls left with Hale Dwoskin, Marci Shimoff and Dr. Joe Vitale (all bestselling authors and star teachers from the smash-hit movie, The Secret). 

I wholeheartedly endorse Jeffrey’s products.  In fact, here’s what I wrote about his Law of Attraction Action Pack program (which, amazingly, he’s actually he’s including in the registration for this teleseminar!):

"The Law of Attraction Action Pack is a terrific tool for any manifestor!  With its workbook, CDs and DVDs, it provides a multi-sensory approach to building great Conscious Creation habits, getting people into the practice of putting the Law of Attraction to work for them. It’s easy to apply and fun to do. I love Jeffrey Howard’s mastermind music as a background for guided meditation; it’s soothing and powerfully hypnotic.

==> http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=2304562

In this content-rich 5-week telecourse, Jeff is sharing with you every detail, every aspect of the Law of Attraction he knows and show you exactly how to create a fool-proof system for creating the life and relationships you want, and all the material things you can imagine. But he goes much farther and much deeper than that, inspiring you to reach for your highest goals and dreams AND ACHIEVE THEM! 

==> http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=2304562

And there’s even more…Jeff is so committed to teaching this system clearly and getting into the deepest secrets of "the secret" and the law of attraction, he is including a huge bonus…in fact, he is going to include for you his Law of Attraction ACTION PACK for immediate download. That’s worth more than the cost of the teleseminar series by itself and there’s a whole lot more…

==> Here’s the link to register for this life-changing teleseminar series:

You won’t want to miss this…you’re getting over $2,000 in value for the price of registratio

Quote for the Week

"Your vision will become clear
Only when you look into your heart…
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens."

Carl Gustav Jung

Book Review “Your Destiny Switch” by Peggy McColl

Peggy McColl is one of the most energetic, clear thinking women in the self-help genre. She was a single mom, struggling to keep her family afloat when she fell in love with a house that she wanted to make her own.  It was a house that was put up for a lottery, sold to someone else and still ended up in her hands, despite her having no idea where the resources would come from. 

Peggy became a consummate conscious creator and in "Your Destiny Switch" she goes deeply into the wisdom of mastering your emotions, the lessons she learned as she was growing her very successful book marketing business and setting the course for her future success.  This book, which reached the New York Times bestseller list, is a valuable edition to anyone’s library who is seeking more practical information on learning how to switch your emotions and raise your frequency, so that you can become a more effective manifestor.

You can get this book at www.ManifestBooks.com.

In the News

Jackie has been interviewed on:

• Internet Radio — Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, hosted by Marla Frees.  Available on www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland and www.marlafrees.com.

• Radio — The Donna Seebo Show.  Available on www.delphiinternational.com.

Jackie has been featured in:

• Creations Magazine – http://www.creationsmagazine.com/articles/C118/Lapin.html
• No Niche Virtual Magazine –  http://www.networkabundance.com/catalog/item/5223295/5619056.htm

Conscious Creation Stories

My name is Crystal O.  I own a new business that assists casinos in their marketing efforts to poker players.  I also play poker – mostly small stakes here and there, as well as the occasional high stakes tournament.    Between the business and the poker, I contribute a modest amount to the family income.  Yet, my husband and I still struggle financially to raise our family.  So, after reading Jackie Lapin’s book “The Art of Conscious Creation” I was committed to using her techniques to help our finances.

Every February the bill arrives for my daughter’s school tuition and every February my husband and I struggle to pay it.  This year was no exception.  Coincidentally, every February the local casino hosts one of its biggest poker tournaments of the year.  This year I had only two choices — either come up with the money to pay for her tuition or place her in public school, which I was determined not to do.  Now, even though I play poker I do not consider myself a gambler.  To put my newfound techniques to the test would be a true challenge. But, I was determined to create the money I needed.

As I handed over the money for the tournament entry fee I felt a profound sense of guilt and shame.  After losing the first hand I played, my instinct was to play ultra-conservative and pray that good cards would come to me.  Doubt began to overwhelm me.  I felt weak and scattered.  Then, I remembered the techniques on creation.  I remembered that doubt is the killer of dreams; that it was up to me to pull myself out of this state.  The words, “Play as though your life depends on it” snapped into my mind.

“Play as though my life depends on it!”

"Yes", I thought.  That’s it!  I began to pretend that every decision I made in that game was a life decision.  I said it over and over, letting it sink into my psyche.  Suddenly I felt light, strong, and very alert — as though a lion was stalking me and I was walking through dark woods.  My hearing and sight became more acute.  The adrenaline was flowing and I felt alive.  I won the very next hand I picked up!  I started to feel confident.  It was then that the good cards began to flow my way.  With every hand I won, my faith was renewed.  I repeated the mantra that my life depended on each decision.  Soon I found myself sitting at the final table expecting to win each hand I played and I Did!

That night I walked away with third place and over $10,000, the exact amount I needed to pay my daughter’s tuition.  It wasn’t magic or luck.  It was hard work to keep my mind focused on the correct outcome.  It was a chore not to doubt, not to feel guilty, to concentrate on feeling good and positive about every decision.  But I did it and I’m much more confident now that I have the tools I can use to create.

5 Things You Can Do to Help Refuel The Earth’s Energy Tank

Does the news of war, terrorists and global warming get you down? Do you find it appalling how humans treat one another? Are you troubled by the huge number of people experiencing homelessness, poverty and hunger? Feel like you’re helpless to change any of this?

The world today is a product of negative human energy overflowing the Earth’s Energy Tank. This Tank, continually replenished with energy from our thoughts and emotions, creates our reality. Quantum physics is revealing that our emotions and thoughts influence the future. When we produce anger, jealousy, fear and other negative frequencies within the Universe, we pollute the Earth Energy Tank. But when we engage in love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion, we add clean fuel to the mix and become positive Conscious Creators. 

You may say, “I’m not a thief, murderer or terrorist; so how have I contributed to this state of affairs?”  The answer is this: By allowing yourself to unconsciously produce negative thoughts on these issues you’ve accidentally poisoned the Earth’s Energy Tank. But here is what you can do to turn the tide.

• First, become conscious of your emotions, thoughts and actions; and consider where they fit on the Frequency Yardstick.  Do you produce high frequency energy associated with love and compassion, or are you generating low frequency energy created by worry, fear and anger?

• Second, actively change your emotions, thoughts and actions to be more positive. Correct in mid-course if you catch yourself slipping down the Frequency Yardstick.

• Third, begin counteracting trauma in the world by taking positive actions –help others, be kind, teach others, be grateful, and get involved in activities that create change.

• Fourth, begin visioning the world as we wish it to be—peaceful, abundant, and free of crime, hunger and disease. Spend time in quiet thought or meditation sending these compelling visions of a healthy world to the Earth’s Energy Tank.  Set aside time daily to Consciously Create your existence.  And each time you see negative energy being created, take a moment to counter that with alternative transformative energy transmissions.

• Finally, participate with others, such as the members of United World Healing (www.unitedworldhealing.org), in synchronized group visions that boost the power of your energy thoughts. United World Healing’s mission is to harness the conscious intent of people and organizations to synergistically create a compassionate, healthy world.    

Let’s use our hearts and minds to cleanse the Earth Energy Tank and produce an exciting new reality.  It only takes us becoming Conscious Creators!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at www.theartofconsciouscreation.com to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on  www.unitedworldhealing.org

Conscious Creation Tip

Walking Conscious Creation.  While sitting, being quiet and meditating are the traditional ways to get into the Conscious Creation mode, I find that walking is also a very conducive way to start the energy flowing.  First, you are outside in nature, deeply breathing fresh air already!  Your body is getting energized just by your movement.  You feel good because you are doing something nice for your health. 

What a perfect setting for Consciously Creating…you’re already flowing positive energy!  Then just begin directing your thoughts inward to your heart.  Find what you most want to manifest.  And start visualizing while you walk and feel great about it with every positive step you are taking into the future!  But just make sure that while you are visualizing, you don’t walk into a fire hydrant or a tree! 🙂

You Can Stay Positive In A Down Market!

This is a time when people are worried about their financial future, both for themselves and for the companies that they either own or contribute their skills to. 

If you are an entrepreneur, corporate leader, or someone who plays an important role in a business, these times are especially trying because of the responsibility you feel for others.  But you are also a key to keeping the flow of abundance open, and restoring people’s confidence in the future. 

If you take “right actions” to keep your company’s energy directed toward conscious business practices, provide visionary leadership and actively focus on the positive (instead of the negative) aspects of everything, you can be a force for guiding your company, your employees and the world at large back to experiencing balance, abundance and prosperity.  You are the person who can create and direct the united flow of energy toward manifesting and consciously creating the future.

In this newsletter and the following one, I will discuss Being Upbeat in a Down Market: 12 Conscious Actions to Restore Abundance—Guidelines for the Business Man or Woman.  Here are the first six ways that you can help jump start our path back to greater prosperity:

1.    Live the concept of unlimited abundance in your personal and professional life.
Discard the concept of competition.  Competition results from separation from the source of all wealth and is a construct of “lack.”  Embrace your competition, share the vision and celebrate their success, as well as your own.  Abundance for all drives the worldwide economic engine.  Take actions that show your confidence in the fact that unlimited abundance is headed your way, and is earmarked for your future…and the future of the world.

2.    Refuse to engage in the fear that has possessed the news media, Wall Street and the consumer.
Especially Wall Street is driven by the energies of fear and euphoria.  There is no balance or reality on Wall Street.  Keep your energies focused on recovery and a vision of restored economic health—both within your company and around the world.  Remember that economic cycles are just that.  And this one can turn around as quickly as it has gone south.  Point your compass due north.  With more people focusing on recovery than fear of recession, we can change course more quickly.  Remember the economy always comes back.

3.    Globalization works both ways.
We can allow our negative fears and money woes to drag down the rest of the world, or we can jointly uplift the entire globe.  Let’s lift the planet together.  Work toward economic health on all continents, not just here in the U.S.  This is a not a time to get nationalistic and provincial.  We can find partners around the world who will help bring the U.S. back into balance if we seek their success as well.  See the world’s nations and people working together to generate abundance and where you can, do your part to foster that.

4.    Lead with vigor and vision…and trust.
Show your staff, your clients and customers that you believe in the bounty that this world affords, and that you have faith in the Universe and in the future to create the opportunities for a better life, a better nation and a better world.  Show that you have already embraced that robust future.  Spend money where it will create more opportunity.

5.    Take conscious action to start prosperity flowing forth in your immediate world or around the globe.
Become an ‘Actionary” (as described in The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World).  Even if you can’t give raises to your staff, find other ways to make their lives easier and more satisfying (extra vacation time, small merit awards, secure interns to take some of the clerical support).  What you must avoid is taking away employee benefits because this feeds into the fear of “lack.”  Also give your time to community, charitable or international efforts to create a better, more abundant life for others.  That will boomerang back and help you and your employees.  Encourage your employees to do the same.  This also serves to get their focus off their own woes and onto the wavelengths of giving and gratitude, energy that can produce positive results on many levels.

6.    Put the Law of Attraction to work in your company’s behalf.
Make sure that your company is operating on a high frequency with positive focus, acts and values—and make correction where it is not.  If you are operating on a high frequency, you are resonating with the Universe’s vibration and you should attract clients, customers and employees that are in alignment with your firm and its highest good.

Quote for the Week

“We have to move from the joy of getting to the joy of giving.”
— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Indian Spiritual Leader

Book Review “The Game of Life an How to Play It”, by Florence Scovel Shinn

This little 95-page book is a gem of spiritual wisdom!  One of the very first prosperity manuals (along with Wallace Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich) this book, first published in 1925, is an easy reading and folksy guidebook on living a spiritually and financially rewarding life.  Shinn, who was an ‘intuitive’ and teacher, understood these principles and relates anecdotes from her counseling practice, using her clients as examples.  While you may find the language and gender choices a bit quaint, the book is entertaining and truly worthwhile as she cuts through the chaff with very deliberate and succinct wisdom:   

• “Fear is misdirected energy and must be redirected or transmuted into Faith.”
• “Follow the path of love and all things are added, for God is love and God is supply; follow the path of selfishness and greed and the supply vanishes or man is separated from it.
• “Man picks up a live-wire whenever he criticizes or condemns and may expect a shock.”
The Game of Life and How to Play It is also available in an audio version and there are also Life Choice or Divination cards.

You can get this book at www.ManifestBooks.com.

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