You Can Stay Positive In A Down Market!

This is a time when people are worried about their financial future, both for themselves and for the companies that they either own or contribute their skills to. 

If you are an entrepreneur, corporate leader, or someone who plays an important role in a business, these times are especially trying because of the responsibility you feel for others.  But you are also a key to keeping the flow of abundance open, and restoring people’s confidence in the future. 

If you take “right actions” to keep your company’s energy directed toward conscious business practices, provide visionary leadership and actively focus on the positive (instead of the negative) aspects of everything, you can be a force for guiding your company, your employees and the world at large back to experiencing balance, abundance and prosperity.  You are the person who can create and direct the united flow of energy toward manifesting and consciously creating the future.

In this newsletter and the following one, I will discuss Being Upbeat in a Down Market: 12 Conscious Actions to Restore Abundance—Guidelines for the Business Man or Woman.  Here are the first six ways that you can help jump start our path back to greater prosperity:

1.    Live the concept of unlimited abundance in your personal and professional life.
Discard the concept of competition.  Competition results from separation from the source of all wealth and is a construct of “lack.”  Embrace your competition, share the vision and celebrate their success, as well as your own.  Abundance for all drives the worldwide economic engine.  Take actions that show your confidence in the fact that unlimited abundance is headed your way, and is earmarked for your future…and the future of the world.

2.    Refuse to engage in the fear that has possessed the news media, Wall Street and the consumer.
Especially Wall Street is driven by the energies of fear and euphoria.  There is no balance or reality on Wall Street.  Keep your energies focused on recovery and a vision of restored economic health—both within your company and around the world.  Remember that economic cycles are just that.  And this one can turn around as quickly as it has gone south.  Point your compass due north.  With more people focusing on recovery than fear of recession, we can change course more quickly.  Remember the economy always comes back.

3.    Globalization works both ways.
We can allow our negative fears and money woes to drag down the rest of the world, or we can jointly uplift the entire globe.  Let’s lift the planet together.  Work toward economic health on all continents, not just here in the U.S.  This is a not a time to get nationalistic and provincial.  We can find partners around the world who will help bring the U.S. back into balance if we seek their success as well.  See the world’s nations and people working together to generate abundance and where you can, do your part to foster that.

4.    Lead with vigor and vision…and trust.
Show your staff, your clients and customers that you believe in the bounty that this world affords, and that you have faith in the Universe and in the future to create the opportunities for a better life, a better nation and a better world.  Show that you have already embraced that robust future.  Spend money where it will create more opportunity.

5.    Take conscious action to start prosperity flowing forth in your immediate world or around the globe.
Become an ‘Actionary” (as described in The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World).  Even if you can’t give raises to your staff, find other ways to make their lives easier and more satisfying (extra vacation time, small merit awards, secure interns to take some of the clerical support).  What you must avoid is taking away employee benefits because this feeds into the fear of “lack.”  Also give your time to community, charitable or international efforts to create a better, more abundant life for others.  That will boomerang back and help you and your employees.  Encourage your employees to do the same.  This also serves to get their focus off their own woes and onto the wavelengths of giving and gratitude, energy that can produce positive results on many levels.

6.    Put the Law of Attraction to work in your company’s behalf.
Make sure that your company is operating on a high frequency with positive focus, acts and values—and make correction where it is not.  If you are operating on a high frequency, you are resonating with the Universe’s vibration and you should attract clients, customers and employees that are in alignment with your firm and its highest good.


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