The 7 Things You Can Do to Grab Life’s Joystick: You Don’t Have to Be Miserable

Good news! You didn’t come into this life to be miserable! That’s something I’ve told people most of my life — something I knew innately. But while researching my book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, my beliefs were reinforced.

Great spiritual leaders of the New Age believe we arrive on Earth in a state of joy, and then proceed to screw it up. Our souls are blissful — looking to love and enjoy our lives and everything that we attract to us.  The Universe is constructed to confer to us all we desire; to “download” goodwill, happiness and peace upon us.

So why do so many people insist on wallowing in misery? It’s because they can’t believe their good fortune, refuse to trust, doubt themselves, let egos get in the way, deny reality, and ultimately sink into negative thinking. The Law of Attraction supports the reasoning that negative thoughts attract those things that reinforce unhappiness. 

We can choose to not be miserable! Just Grab Life’s Joystick and Consciously Create happiness and bliss! Quantum physics has validated the belief that thoughts and emotions are energies capable of changing reality. Create positive, joyful thoughts and emotions; you’ll bring to the world happy and wonderful experiences.

So how do you Grab Life’s Joystick? 
1.) Think positively. If a wave of negativity comes over you, consciously rearrange the thought to something optimistic and hopeful. When you do this, be confident that your words will generate a happy, positive outcome.

2.) List the things you want to come your way. Cut from magazines the pictures that emulate your desires. Put those photos in a special box, with words on the cover that state: “Thank you for granting me these wonderful things.” Then trust that the Universe is working to bring you these wishes. 

3.) Spend time envisioning what you want from life and how life should be. This scene you envision, put yourself in it.  Feel the real joy, wonderment and excitement of being there. Taste the scene, smell it, observe the details. This should hasten your vision’s arrival!

4.) Don’t think less of yourself. Love yourself, pat yourself on the back, and pamper yourself more. Focus on your strengths, not your shortcomings. Enjoy who you are. Allow yourself to be proud of what you’ve accomplished. 

5.) Do one thing wonderful each day. Indulge in a favorite book or ice cream cone. Exercise until the endorphins spring forth! Hike with friends or take your dog to a park. Cuddle your children and read to them. Etc ….

6.) Be nice and help someone — or someones — in need.  Lend a hand to somebody.  Put a smile on your face and light up a room. Give a kind word to a person who doesn’t receive a lot of recognition for their good work.

7.) Go into nature. Feel the energy that comes from being outdoors.  Swim in a lake, walk on a beach, rest under a tree, smell the daisies, feel the wind, roll in the grass. The act of sopping up nature’s positive energy always raises a person’s energy and outlook.    

These are just a few ways you can start living a cheery, fulfilled existence. It only takes the commitment to start Consciously Creating. Take responsibility for your own bliss!  Don’t look to anyone or anything to manifest joy for you. You can open the door and invite joy into your life. Grab Life’s Joystick!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on


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