The Blame Game

If you find yourself blaming someone else for anything, stop immediately! Remember that you are responsible for what happens in your life whether you are aware of it or not. Look first at what you might have done to create the situation or failed to do to allow the situation. Then look at how you can use this as a teaching opportunity with the other person or people, rather than assigning blame. Lastly, if the other party regularly fails to live up to his or her responsibilities after having been presented with an opportunity to change, look at ways to release this person, rather than blaming him or her. It’s within your hands to adjust, change or release.


“Everything that happens in your life is moving you in the direction of your goals.”—Bob Proctor

The Power of Commitment

Most of us are a paralyzed at the fear of making change, of letting go of what we know, of taking a risk. It is the nature of our ego to hang onto to what’s familiar…what we can be sure of. Why let go of a sure thing for something far less sure? And when we reach the precipice that requires us to jump, we fall back, afraid of that unknown future. Noted motivational coach and speaker David Nagle calls this The Terror Barrier.


Now you can waffle all you want. And just not decide. It’s OK to assuage yourself with a life lived in fear, complacency or downright misery. Whether it’s only one aspect of your life –relationship, career, addiction, personal development, etc.– or all of it. And you can feel alone and stuck.


Or you can MAKE A COMMITMENT and watch the magic happen! 


Here’s where the ride gets fun! The Universe Rewards Commitment. Once you make a Commitment, all of the doors will open in your favor–in sequence! You may not know exactly how you’re going to get where you’ve planned to go, but once you make The Commitment, you will be guided to the next step. And then the next. And the next one after that.


It’s like that scene in just about every Indiana Jones or jungle adventure you’ve seen in the movies. The hero arrives at the chasm with no means across, and some wizened character says, “Trust—Just take the first step.” And sure enough, a hanging bridge appears just as the hero’s foot steps forward and with each step, more of the bridge appears.


That’s the Power of Commitment. I’ll bet that if you look back on your life, you can see this Universal Law in action. When you were passionate about something and you made the Commitment to move forward, all of a sudden the doors started to fly open, people you needed showed up, synchronicities appeared, everything just fell into place.


So what Commitment are you avoiding? Is it a big one or a little one? Does it involve habit change, career change, financial investment, home change, relationship change, releasing a co-dependent person from your life, addressing an addiction, or avoiding confronting a health challenge, for example.


So here’s a good exercise to start getting you comfortable with the idea of Commitment. Write your Commitment at the top of a page of paper. Then make a list of pros and cons. Make sure to add on the “cons” such things as: “I’m unhappy. I’m afraid. I can live with what I’m making even though it’s poorly paying and I hate my job. I don’t feel well, but if I have the operation, I could be worse.”


Then on the pros, write the upside: “I am so happy. I feel free. I have more money. My kids are benefiting because I feel radiant and can give them more of my time. I’m loving life. I have a great new home that I love. I’m living addiction-free. I don’t have to worry any more now that I’ve had the operation.”…. you get the picture.


Most of us focus on the risks, but hopefully this exercise reminds you of the extraordinary upside—and how could you miss when the whole Universe is lining up to help you once you Make The Commitment! 


So stop waffling! Engage the Power of Commitment to create your dream and free yourself to move forward!


Just remember however, that once you reach the next level, you will likely again find yourself at a crossroads. You can fall back to fear, or Commitment and trust again because you know the exhilaration of succeeding through Commitment. Take that first step!


Conscious Creation Tip

Air Out Your House


Our homes are often places of stuck energy. Now as the better weather approaches, spring is an ideal time to throw open the doors and windows and start airing out your house. This isn’t just about fresh air; it’s about circulating the energy and releasing the negative vibrations that have been closed in during the winter. Burn a bit of sage to “smudge” as a means to further purify and cleanse the energy. Toss out something old and unwanted. Open up to new, clean, high- frequency vibrations!   

Where is Your Sanctuary?

Life is tough. Especially now when finances are strained for many and job security is non-existent. The pressures of securing a steady stream of income, holding onto a home, fulfilling family responsibilities, taking care of commitments and just dealing with the pressures of daily living are oftentimes overwhelming.


Each of us can feel alone, harried, and frazzled. We feel resentful, angry, bitter, exhausted, moody, irritated, and lost. Our soul cries out for relief, for Sanctuary!  Where is your Sanctuary?  


Most of us cannot take the time or may not have the resource to run off to an ashram in India for two months like Elizabeth Gilbert did in Eat, Pray, Love. We have to find our own Sanctuary closer to home.


So where do run to rest, recover and connect to God and your higher self…the place where you can just breath and feel safe?


Where is Your Sanctuary?


· A quiet place in your home where no one will bother you, where you can meditate and just become peaceful?


· A yoga, qigong, tai-chi class?


· Outside in nature–a special little area where you can sit, or a place you can walk?


· A house of worship or spiritual center?


· By the ocean listening to the soothing waves. In the mountains surrounded by the all pines. In a meadow blooming with flowers?


· In a place that offers quiet meditative music?


· A spiritual retreat guided by a spiritual leader, yogi or other wise person?


· With animals that lighten and delight your heart?


· In the garden?


· On the table at your masseuse’s?


· At a Day Spa?


· In the bathtub, surrounded by candles and quiet music?


· Inside You…wherever you are!  


Create time for and a regular place of Sanctuary where you can go when life just gets overwhelming, or to simply distress before it gets that way. You can do this alone or with a friend who shares your need for quiet relaxed communion with yourself, your higher self and the Universe. Perhaps you can mark certain days on the calendar just for self-Sanctuary, perhaps every other Sunday!


But make sure you commit to do this self-Sanctuary before stress effects your mental and physical health. 


May you find peace, joy and deliverance from anguish and stress in your place of self-Sanctuary!

Notes from Jackie:

I recently had a new family visiting my home…a mother duck and her 12 ducklings! They were born in my backyard and have taken up residence until such time as the ducklings are ready to fly. I noticed them when the entire family went swimming in my pool. I was entranced with these little fuzz balls, all following mom and then trying to branch out on their own. But mom didn’t coddle them. She would leap up on the concrete ledge and then leave her fledglings to hop again and again until they were strong enough to gain the ledge themselves. It reminded me of us humans and how we try and try again until we can finally reach that place of growth…how we strive to be better human beings, learning our lessons and pushing ourselves until we have made a significant shift. What a pleasure to be able to shelter this little family of wildlife and to remember that we are just another of God’s wondrous creatures! 



Manifest Message

If we practice present-moment awareness, then the imaginary obstacles – which are more than 90 percent of the obstacles – disappear.  The remaining obstacles can be transformed into opportunities through one -pointed intention.  This means holding our attention to the intended outcome with such unbending purpose that we refuse to allow obstacles to consume our attention, or to dissipate the focused quality of our attention. This is the power of focused intention and detachment simultaneously.

by, Deepak Chopra "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"


For more wisdom from "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" please visit, where this book is available.

Conscious Creation Tip

Bathing and Manifesting


OK guys…this one is for us girls! One of the best ways to open yourself up for manifesting is to treat yourself to a wonderful bath with essential oils and candles, both tools of soul enrichment. Settle in for a nice long hot bath where you set an intention as you slide beneath the surface, and then spend the rest of the time dreaming about the future you desire to have, the solution to a problem, or of expanding your heart to embrace more joy, love and peace. Happy soaking! 

No Kvetching Allowed Here!


A couple of years ago, one of my close friends, a woman I mentored for many years, sent me a plaque for my kitchen wall that she knew I would appreciate. It says “No Kvetching Allowed Here!”  Kvetching is a wonderfully expressive word in Yiddish (the Jewish cultural language) that means COMPLAINING. Doesn’t the word “Kvetch” even sound like a whiney complaint? 


You can be a Kvetch (a complainer) or you can Kvetch (the act of complaining or kvetching). Noun or verb, it doesn’t matter which—it means you’re an emotional drain on yourself and everyone else around you!


Complaining—or kvetching—is an habitual glass-half-empty approach to life. And complainers aren’t content to stew in their own misery, unhappiness with the world around them, and all the people they judge to fall short. They feel compelled to share it with the world! But does everyone else want to hear it? Not likely. I remember, when people would ask my grandfather how he was, he would say: “Fine! What’s the use of complaining? No one wants to hear it anyway.”   


Whether a Kvetch wants to build support to justify his or her point of view, just desires to feel “heard,” or wants to make someone else bend to their will, it’s a dead-end tactic. The noisy wheel seldom really does get the grease. Whining and complaining usually achieves just the opposite tack, it stymies real change because people don’t like or want to accommodate a person who is an unpleasant annoyance. “You get more bees with honey” is a far better strategy than “being a noisy wheel.” 


And worse, the negative energy continues a pattern of unconsciously attracting more of what the Kvetch doesn’t want. Remember, you attract that on which you focus your attention!


Most of us are not even aware of our own Kvetching. We’re just commenting on things we don’t like. And we may even surround ourselves with other Kvetchs for comfort. Kvetches tend to reinforce each other’s negative views on life.


But what if you made your sphere of influence—your home, your work, your social environment—a Kvetch-Free Zone? How might your life change?


· You’ll be happier, no longer weighed down by all those negative words and thoughts

· You’ll raise your personal frequency and may begin manifesting more positive experiences

· You’ll have more upbeat, positive friends

· Your family and friends will notice a new lightness in you and may even follow suit

· People will more likely do what you recommend or suggest since you aren’t being critical

· You’ll become a more endearing and lovable person that creates light wherever you go!


How do you break yourself of the Kvetching habit?


· When someone asks you how you are—tell them all the good things and skip the bad!


· Start a little daily journal and write down every complaint or negative comment that comes out of your mouth. (OOPs, was that me! Did I say that?) This will be illuminating because you’ll realize how much of your daily conversation is complaining!


· Punish yourself for every complaint. Put a dollar in a jar for charity or give another dollar tip to the next waiter or waitress that serves you.

· Make a pact with someone you love (a spouse, sibling, parent, close friend) to have them gently point out when you are complaining again.


· Note when other people are Kvetching, but don’t correct them and don’t commiserate. It’s your little wake-up call making you aware that this is what you sound like. 


· Post signs in your home “No Kvetching Allowed Here” wherever you spend time talking to others—near the phone, on your computer, on your mirror where you start your day, in the kitchen when you are making dinner for your family, spouse or significant other. You can substitute the word “Whining” if you choose.


· Set an intention to stop complaining, and ask your guides and angels to tap you on the shoulder before you say something negative, so that you can reframe your thought. You then have a choice to either say nothing at all or to say it differently.


So I encourage you to break the habit of Kvetching before it costs you friends, a job, clients, a relationship, or a peaceful, joyful and prosperous life! You can become a Kveller instead—someone who Kvells or speaks effusively about how wonderful things are!

Manifest Books

The most successful people think big, not limiting themselves or their associates to their ideas and opinions.  If you desire to be free of a lot of limited thoughts and petty opinions, begin to think big.  Concentrate on financial independence and you will "lose" the petty thinkers along the way.  You will also cultivate enduring, satisfying friends who will help you up the ladder of success.

by Catherine Ponder  “Dynamic Laws of Prosperity”


For more wisdom from the “Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” please visit, where this book is available.

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