It’s easier than I think…

Someone I know just gave me this wonderful piece of advice: If you are at all intimidated by something ahead, or worried about it being difficult or problematic, say this to yourself consistently: It’s Easier Then I Think! Stay in this thought and energy as you embark on the project and you may indeed find that it is Easier Then You Think! 

Inspiring Inspiration

AHHHH…Sweet Inspiration! Remember that song from the 1960s? Inspiration is indeed sweet. It’s the wellspring of our hearts, the gateway to our unique and fulfilling future. It is the manner in which we create what is distinctly unique about ourselves.

So here are some important questions to ask yourself: 

  • What inspires you?
  • How do you inspire yourself?
  • Where does your inspiration originate?
  • How can you inspire more inspiration in your life?
  • Where can you apply it?
  • What can it do for you?

 Inspiration is the great problem solver. It is where the ideas come from to change and correct our lives when they aren’t working. It’s the artistic expression when our souls are yearning to communicate or release our emotions and extol our love of beauty. It’s that connection to the Universe that brings forth newness—something breakthrough and amazing! It’s you co-creating with the Universe.

Where can you see Inspiration at work in your life?


  • Business – Inspiration can lead you to start a new business, revitalize an old one, create more appealing advertising and marketing tools, invent new products, develop unique new marketing niches, create new ways to motivate staff,  mold a new job that’s just right for you, develop a speaking platform that is different from all others, find new distribution options, develop creative breakthroughs in positioning your product or business, communicate in new ways with your clientele and reignite their interest. 


  • Relationships—Inspiration can be the key to returning the romance to your partnership and be the door-opener for more creativity in designing your relationship. It can lead you to new places to find a relationship partner. It can allow you to reinvent yourself so that you are attracting a different kind of partner, one that is more connected to your Higher Self. It can create positive news ways to communicate more effectively and with greater love.  


  • Home—Inspiration can put you in the perfect house for you. It can enable you to create the ideal environment—indoor and outside. It can lead you to the right place for your personal sanctuary and what needs to be there for you to allow your soul to settle in comfortably. It can allow you to imbue your home with your light and your character so that guests recognize your home as a beautiful reflection of you.


  • Artistic Express—Inspiration enables you to create from deep within your heart and your soul connection. Whatever your spirit wants to celebrate, express or release can be seen through your artistic expression. Whether that is art, photography, dance, music, song, design or other forms of self-expression, artistic expression is an essential outlet for everyone.


  • Playtime/Hobbies—Inspiration can be seen in what you choose to collect, make, create, cook, grow, craft, assemble, build, participate in or where you choose to travel. Your playtime is your childlike inspiration manifest in your adult life.


Inspiration is an imperative for a healthy life. Each of us needs both the influence of it in our daily existence and the expression of it.


So how does one inspire more inspiration?


  • Put aside time for it. Make time each week to allow for you to tap into your creative connection. However you are inspired.
  • Meditate or quiet your mind so that you are open to the inspiration that comes to you when the noise is screened out.
  • Listen to music that stirs your soul.
  • Go places that give you creative inspiration from other art forms—art galleries, design studios, car shows, boutiques and stores with unique merchandise, festivals and fairs, museums, other artists studios
  • Find a place in nature that inspires you. The ocean, a meadow, a forest, a waterfall, the desert, a flower garden, a butterfly sanctuary…
  • Surround yourself with pictures of beauty—from magazines, posters, photography, the web, digital slide shows, paintings, calendars, etc.
  • Change your home to be inspirational. Find the books, candles, images and other items that create the mood for you to call forth your creative side.
  • Go on a spiritual retreat or to a spiritual center of divinity such as the Self-Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades, CA, a place carefully designed for you to open yourself to Universal messages and connection.  
  • Help someone else on their creative endeavor (redecorating their home, for instance) which will give you ideas for your own life.
  • Collaborate with others on creative endeavors (for instance a mural or collage) because two or more people can inspire each other.
  • Find a teacher or mentor who will help you unlock your creativity.


Don’t overlook the role of inspiration in your life. And remember that as you are inspired, you inspire others! Let your inspirational light shine!

Note from Jackie

Everything has its place and every IN it’s place!

This is one of the most wonderful lessons I ever learned from my father who practiced it religiously. Living this piece of advice has been the key to my success in business (my sense of organization) and the key to managing a wonderful home. It has been the gateway to freedom from feeling out-of-control or claustrophobic. Whenever I use something I either immediately return it to its designated place or –if in the evening—I do it first thing next morning. (I’m a morning person so I have more energy then.) You won’t find clothes laying around my house, old newspapers and books scattered around, anything cluttering my tables or dishes in the sink. My neatness gives me spiritual freedom. My soul is expansive, because no guilt exists over what I should have done or should be doing. When I want something, it’s right where is should be. When a new document arrives at my office, it immediately gets attention and when completed, it goes in the appropriate file. (This goes for organizing the files on your computers, too!) Whew! It’s so freeing! Taking the extra minute to find the right place for an object or return something to its place is a moment well-lived. I don’t have to spend time later on cleaning up when I could be laying in the shade with a good book! 

So if this is not already your habit, I urge you to adopt it And enjoy its wonderful spiritual benefits as well as its spatial ones!

In love and light…



“The degree of difficulty in creating what we want lies within our belief about the difficulty or possibility of creating it.”—Pamala Oslie

Book Review

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

This is a classic of Consciousness literature, a novel that may or may not in fact be truthful, an autobiography of sorts by a man reflecting on his encounters with a mysterious mentor in a gas station in Berkeley CA during the time the author was a student and star gymnast at the University of California. This mystical journey, which was made into a popular feature film starring Nick Nolte as the wizened teacher, is a powerful revelation about the path to awareness and oneness. An engrossing and fun read, it informs while it entertains.

You can find this book at

Conscious Creation Tip

Clothes Swap

For the last 25 years, a group of women in Southern California have gotten together about every four months to Clothes Swap! This is a wonderful experience for any women who doesn’t have a lot of money, but just loves the chance to wear something new (to her at least!) on no budget. I’ve been privileged to have participated for the 12 or 14 years once or twice a year. I take all of my unwanted old clothes still in good condition (some that I may have only worn once or twice or no longer fit me) and dump them into the giant communal pile. Then throughout the evening we take turns acting like Jay Leno or David Letterman, cracking jokes about the items–and holding them up for the bidding. The first person who claims an item, gets it unless she already has a large pile and the second bidder has very small one. People take back-up claims in case the item doesn’t fit the person who claimed it. At the end of the night we take our piles to the mirror to try the clothes on, and if they don’t fit we pass them to the second bidder, or put them in the bag to go to the women’s shelter. This way, we discover new treasures that bolster our closet and our self-esteem and everyone comes out a winner! So why not try this with your girlfriends? Your clothes will get a second life, you might get some lovely items, your friends will go away happen, and even the women at your local shelter will benefit! Happy clothes swapping!  

Power Pronouncements

Power Pronouncements

So many of us live in a place of hesitancy about our lives. We’re not exactly sure we are who we want to be. We’re not really clear on what we want or where we want to go. We’re not convinced we really deserve what we desire. We might be beaten up by childhood experiences or failed relationship so we are afraid to go boldly into the world. We often do the shuffle and the two step so that we don’t have to really make a stand. That might be risky and terrifying. People might figure out we’re a fraud!

Aha! But let me clue you in….Hesitancy is a curse. Remember: He who hesitates is lost! Being neither here nor there means that you are not fully alive. You’re in a state of limbo that doesn’t allow you to grow. To grow means that you must throw off the fear and the reluctance, and actually take a stand!

Even if you are not yet sure of where you are headed or what you have to do to advance or who you yet want to be, you can begin to grow by declaring what you know to be true and what you want to be true!  These are called POWER PRONOUNCEMENTS! And they are like affirmations on steroids!

It’s time you shed your cloak and come out into the light. Declare yourself!  













Getting the idea? Sit down and make a list of the Power Pronouncements that resonate with you and address the areas that you do indeed feel “weak” or “unfulfilled.” These are the areas that need shoring up! Break these declarations down into each of these five categories based on what you aspire to be, do and experience.

Now here’s the thing once you do that.

Step One is to say these into the mirror or yell them out loud in your backyard. Step Two is to declare them boldly and courageously to a friend, a spouse or a partner. Yes, this means you have to abandon your anonymity and really risk embarrassing yourself! But here’s the good part, by stating these things before others and God, you are more than halfway committed to believing them and making them come true! You’re increasing the odds that you can in fact manifest what you have stated! Begin believing that you are what you declare.

Step Three …Now when you’ve practiced and gained your confidence, you are truly ready to reveal your new and powerful self: GO SAY THESE POWER PRONOUNCEMENTS TO A CROWD! 

You can do it…You really are who you declare yourself to be…or you are at last on the way there! 

Note from Jackie

I am a collector and organizer by nature. When I find something I like, I have a tendency to go a bit overboard. J My most recent collection is of pretty, colorful suncatchers; they hang from about every eave on my house! I currently also collect unique roses, crystal animals and mineral spheres. All of these bring me joy.

But probably the most valuable collection I have is the collection of wisdom that I have been amassing from the spiritual self-help books that I have been reading over the past four years. Each time I read something that rings true for me personally— something that I need to remember for my growth–I highlight it in yellow and when I complete the book, transfer it to a compilation on my computer. This list is such a wealth of gifts! I periodically re-read the list to brush up on ways that I can live a more conscious and directed life. Here are all the tips that I find most useful and vital all in one place. It’s like sorting through the grains of sand and picking out the truest gems that resonate with me, setting them aside just for my use. I can then open up my treasure chest occasionally and appreciate my riches. I hope that this suggestion is one that can allow you to hold onto and focus on the wisdom most useful for you, too!   

In light and love,



“Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as a biscuit. It makes as little difference to spirit what we demand.” — Frances Larimer Warner

Book Review

Excuses Begone! How to Change Self-Defeating Thinking Habits by Dr. Wayne Dyer 

Dyer has done it again! A very solid book that walks you through all of the ways we undermine our commitment to change—and then how to systematically undermine our excuses! He creates a roadmap that leads out of the abyss, and onto a solid path for change. Using his method of applying specific questions to any excuse, he shows you how to release the old habituated ways of thinking and set the new parameters in their place. No more explaining, justifying and equivocating. This book gives you the tools to leave it all behind and step boldly forward into self-commitment.

You can find this book at

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