10 Tips for Spending the Holidays with Relatives
You know, unlike a lot of people I know, I had really great parents.
They are both gone now, and they certainly had their faults, but I’d
have taken them over anyone else’s folks. So each year during the holidays
I’m reminded by my friends how crazy their relatives make them–whether
it’s mom who can never be pleased or cousin Dave who’s an embarrassing
drunk. So this year, I put together a fun little guide based on some
principles in my book, called "How NOT to Let Your Relatives Ring Your
Holiday Bell." You can get it at this address:
It’ll be in the LASplash.com gift guide and its been excerpted for a
hot new online magazine called NoNiche. It was also featured on the
front page of DivineCaroline.com. Feel free to pass it along to your
friends when you hear them uncap the "holiday whine."