Conscious Creation Tip

Letting Go of Negative Energy Objects

Do you have items sitting around your home from old relationships that are painful reminders of the past? How about gifts from relatives you dislike? Or maybe items that you bought a long time ago but no longer fit in your life? It’s time to release them to someone else. Take a walk around your home and let your energy tell you what no longer serves you. If you get a negative feeling about something, or you think “oh that’s ugly and I’m only keeping it because my sister gave it to me,” it’s time for it to go! Give away anything that makes you feel unhappy, is a reminder of previous unhappiness, no longer fits within the realm of being life enhancing or beautiful, or is a no longer useful…allow someone else to love it. Leave room in your home only for those objects that inspire you and support your high frequency vibrations.

Frequency Matching

Frequency Matching

As we look to manifest and Consciously Create our lives, we have begun to understand the power of raising our frequency, and carefully and fully crafting our vision. But one of the most important –and forgotten—elements of attracting and manifesting our desires is the concept of FREQUENCY MATCHING.

We know that energy attracts or repels. The fastest and most effective way to bring something to you is to match the energy of the thing that you want to attract.

For example, if you desire to become wealthy, you must project the energy of wealth and prosperity. If you want to attract love, you must project the energy of love, acceptance and compassion. If you desire to experience companionship with supportive new friends, than be a supportive and caring friend.

In order to bring it to you—whatever it is—you must already be emitting that energy, in some either tangible, thoughtful or emotional way.

Thus doesn’t mean that you must already be wealthy. It isn’t just that the wealthy get wealthier, although that is certainly likely if they exude joy and gratitude over their prosperity. It’s more about how you FEEL!  If you are a person of little means, but you feel wealthy in spirit, love and whatever you DO have, than you can attract greater means. So here are ways you can Frequency Match:


  • Action—Perform actions that put you in the situation where you would experience what you are trying to attract. Dress up and go dining in Beverly Hills, or fly first class on a short flight, but one where you get pampered. Put on your best work out clothes, and go work out where the well-to-do work out if you want to feel moneyed. If you want to have more fun, do kid’s things—finger paint, build sandcastles, ride bicycles. Be like what you want to become.  


  • Thinking/Imagination—Use your mental energy to create visions and scenarios where you are experiencing that which you want to attract. Imagine the money tree inside of you that continually replenishes each $1000 bill you pluck from it. Imagine putting thousands of dollars into a bank account from a new investment that pays a monthly dividend. Make choices about your life based on the assumption of having money.  Be grateful for the money you have and remember that all your other money is just waiting for you to call it forth!. Think wealthy to become wealthy.


  • Emotions—Feel as though someone wonderful loves you and wants to lavish you with their affection. Feel lovable and worthy. Feel loving toward everyone you meet –strangers, friends, family, animals. Feel passionate about your art or your singing or your dancing and translate that passion into your sensuality. Just send out love from every pore—be a love machine. Feel love to attract love.

Your job—if you choose to take it (remember Mission Impossible?) is to match your frequency with whatever you desire to draw in.

So sit down and make a list of the top three things you wish to experience. Then create a corresponding action, thought and emotional expression for each one of those desires. Now go out and live it! Rev up those vibrations so that you can become a frequency broadcaster like no other! Call forth your future by energizing it and Matching Your Frequency!


Note from Jackie

I was recently reading Catherine Ponder’s terrific treatise on The Dynamic Law of Prosperity and two pieces of wisdom jumped out at me. Ponder, a minister and New Thought Leader, is one of the great Conscious Creation teachers of the last 50 years. This book has always been one of her best sellers. In it she says: “Watch your thoughts when you are handling your money, because your money is attached through your mind to the one source of all substance and all money.”


Now that’s a really interesting concept…yes, we know that our money comes from the Source, but to realize that it is a two-way street puts a very different perspective on how we treat the funds that we do have. If you are handling your money carelessly, or are resentful when paying it out, or feel depressed because there isn’t more, that goes straight back up the wire! It’s like a telegram or email to the Universe! I know this will make me much more aware of what I’m thinking, especially when I’m handling my funds!


Now Ponder also proposes: “With every financial transaction that presents itself to you, multiply it by ten, giving thanks that ten times that much is coming to you for your private use.” So for every $10, give thanks that $100 more is already on its way. I think this is a wonderful practice and gets you in to that important habit of envisioning it already being yours and experiencing gratitude for it. I’m hopping on this one right away, too. I hope you can find it valuable, as well!


Wishing prosperity with love and light,




“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out in to the world, miracles happen.”—Henry David Thoreau

Book Review

Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance by Ellen Peterson


This is a wonderful basic primer in Conscious Creation and Manifesting. A fun read, it combines all of the basic wisdom and tools of manifesting into one easy guidebook, with lots of pithy short reminders of the steps to true abundance and joy. This is a great book for the beginner or someone new to the concept of personal responsibility for life and wealth creation. Well written and easily accessible…sort of manifesting 101. A useful tool to have in your manifesting library.


You can find this book at

Conscious Creation Tip



As you grow spiritually, do you speak and then realize that you said something very counter to your new spiritual believes—something that just might manifest an unpleasant or unwanted experience? Does this happen when you are even thinking things that could manifest unhappily for you. When don’t despair…Many highly advanced spiritual beings (and some far less advanced!) use a very simple phrase to undo the damage.  They say –or think–these words: Cancel/Cancelled! And then restate their desire or their thought in a more positive framework. It tells the Universe that you’re taking responsibility and to disregard the errant statement or phrase—Please Universe, listen to the next one and act on that instead!

Watering Seedlings

Today is Earth Day! The time when we honor and rededicate ourselves to caring for our planet. And it is also Spring when farmers and gardeners traditionally plant seeds in our glorious Earth that will grow and ripen in the summer and fall.


But planting seeds is a metaphor for renewal–starting anew or creating something that never was before. And once you plant those seeds, you must water the seedlings and shower them with loving care.


So this is an excellent time to look at your own life and decide what seeds you will plant for your future and the future of the planet, and how you will water, protect and nurture them.


We can each waste our time precious time looking behind at what we did, what was done to us and how we got where we are –continuing to let the past limit us. Or we can stop that indulgent behavior and instead put our energies toward planting positive new seeds that will ripen and enrich our lives in the years to come. So what is it going to be for you? Stunted growth or rampant growth?


Here are some of the areas you can start planting and watering seeds:


  • Committing to educational enhancement—returning to school, signing up for re-training programs, attending seminars, going for an advanced degree, subscribing to online courses…


  • Committing to professional evolution—evaluate if this is the right career path and if not, begin making plans and taking actions toward something that would bring you greater satisfaction, research new options, look for new opportunities, create your own job and pitch it to a boss or a new company, start your own business, explore improving your resume and interviewing skills… 


  • Committing to personal growth—buying books or ecourses, getting a coach or mentor, joining a coaching group that meets by phone, securing an accountability buddy, embarking on a self-development program with a spouse or loved one, starting a mastermind group…


  • Committing to relationship growth—going to counseling with your spouse or significant other, attending family counseling, carving out more time for your relationship, listening more to your partner, taking a course in couples communication, attending an anger management course, developing strategies to keep the romance alive… If single, joining a singles activity group, signing up for an online dating program … 


  • Committing to spiritual growth—join a spiritual community in your area, begin a personal spiritual practice of meditation and self-reflection, get a spiritual mentor who will help you find your own path, sign up for a yoga program or other physically-based spiritual practice, read books that can help you understand your relationship to the divine…


  • Committing to become a better parent or better caregiver to your aging parents—practice more patience, learn new coping techniques, find new resources that provide assistance, align with others who have the background and experience to offer suggestions, read magazines and books that open your eyes to new ideas…


  • Committing to greater self-care and self-love—Getting more exercise, eating better and healthier, pampering yourself, discovering ways to honor and love yourself, working with experts to overcome low-self esteem and self-disregard, practicing affirmations and more conscious self love and acceptance…


  • Committing to greater health management– Taking care of all the doctor/dentist appointments and annual screenings you love to delay (mammogram, colonoscopy, etc), getting more exercise, eating better and healthier, finding out what you’re deficient in and taking ALL of your vitamins and supplements everyday, keep looking until you find doctors or practitioners you like, explore alternative healthcare and modalities, rest when you are not well instead of working through it… 


  • Committing to greater fiscal management—Reduce your credit card load, establish and keep to a budget, rectify your check book or get someone to do it for you, prepare your taxes in advance instead of the last minute, get professional help to resolve fiscal problems before they become legal and IRS problems, negotiate payments with your creditors and keep to that payment schedule, say NO when someone wants to go to the mall (i.e. avoid temptation)… 


  • Committing to create greater balance in your life—Cutting back on your work time, starting a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, spending more time at a hobby you love, committing time to be of service in the community, spending more time with family, taking at least one vacation a year and some weekends away, carving out time for reading and relaxing, scheduling exercise time in your calendar so it doesn’t slip away…   


  • Commitment to the planet—Recycling more—not just paper—but plastics, batteries and other results of man’s production; using less energy and water; finding ways to reduce your carbon footprint; choosing Earth-sensitive products; supporting Earth-conscious corporations and causes; reducing paper waste, including contacting direct marketers to stop sending mailers and catalogues; refusing paper and plastic bags at stores; supporting organic growers; growing your own vegetables and fruits…  


These are just some of the possible seeds that you can choose to plant and water in your personal garden. Now is a excellent plan to decide where you want to focus your attention so that your efforts will result in beautiful blooms and ripe results over the next year. So on our wonderful Earth Day, plant your seeds, pour a little water and give those seeds a lot of your love!


May you reap joy, love, prosperity, health and peace of mind when these seeds mature! 

Notes from Jackie

I was musing today about how much I love clear, beautiful windy days. The sky looks crystal clear and the greenery looks brighter, everything smells fresh, and there is no haze to obscure the horizon. I feel especially vibrant and alive! And then I hear my friends complain how they hate the wind—it makes their allergies go crazy, all the leaves fly around, the wind makes them feel edgy and– of course, in Southern California, there is the risk of wildfires. Isn’t it amazing how the same experience effects people so differently! The wind makes me feel happy. For others, it makes them feel uncomfortable. This shows how we each respond to the same stimulus in our own ways. Let’s not make the mistake of being myopic and assuming that others share ours views and viewpoints. Let’s be empathetic, conscious, aware and respectful of others—rather than expect them to be like us. It is the diversity that makes life interesting!




Book Review

Eliminating Stress, Finding Inner Peace by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.


Brian Weiss is a brilliant physician and hypnotherapist who is best known for regressing his patients for therapeutic reasons, only to find them regressing back into previous lives (Many Lives, Many Masters) where their problems began. That revelation led him to become a powerful spokesman for the continuation of our consciousness and searcher for ways to let our spirits live the free and independent lives we were intended. With this small book, Halpern explores how stress takes us away from our inner stability and peace and how we can get back to it. Best of all, it has a remarkable CD in the back of the book that uses hypnosis to helps you to release all the stress in your life and relax into a peaceful, joyful state. This book is worth the price if only for this powerful CD!  


You can find this book at

Conscious Creation Tip

Bathing and Manifesting


OK guys…this one is for us girls! One of the best ways to open yourself up for manifesting is to treat yourself to a wonderful bath with essential oils and candles, both tools of soul enrichment. Settle in for a nice long hot bath where you set an intention as you slide beneath the surface, and then spend the rest of the time dreaming about the future you desire to have, the solution to a problem, or of expanding your heart to embrace more joy, love and peace. Happy soaking! 

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