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Tip # 7 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

 Make Courtesy, Kindness And Compassionate Action The Primary Form Of Interaction


Set an example and establish a culture that emphasizes, supports, rewards and encourages courtesy, kindness and compassionate action as the primary form of interaction in the company. Laud those whose good work and gracious attitude show this kind of leadership. Let your staff see you demonstrating this in your daily interactions. 

Tip #5…How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Prinicples

Enroll Them In Your Vision


Let your employees help your vision manifest by enrolling them in it. Help them understand where you want to take the company and then guide them in seeing how they can play a role in its ultimate success. They need to grasp how they can benefit as the company grows and expands, and that they are part of a greater whole. Make them feel a vital part of the company’s growth and future.

Tip #1 from How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Create the vision

Create the vision of the company that you desire to have. It should be derived from or exist in concert with your personal passion and dreams for this business, because your personal passion and joy pave the way for your future success. If this is your life purpose, and you are clear on this, and you are following your heart, you are creating the powerful positive waves of energy that lead to success.


You can even commit this vision to paper in the form of your business plan, or simply a description of what you desire to create. Establish not just the monetary, structure and sales goals, but the company culture as well, and the ways you will motivate and lead. Make a complete picture and invest it with all your passionate emotions of seeing it come to fruition. How would you feel once the company is thriving–just as you created it in your mind? Let this be the guiding framework throughout the life of the company, but allow for new visions to expand it as you grow. 


Use this same process on individual projects, specific tasks and resolving the challenges that face you as you grow and lead the company.

Tip #8 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Teach Clarity


The Universe delivers that which is understands with clarity. Ambiguity causes diffused energy instead of directed energy, and thus limited or no action results. So be clear in your vision and desires, and ensure that your staff members understand the importance of clarity. They may not have all the solutions to a problem initially, but if they are clear on what outcome they want, the solution will present itself.  

Shifting from Disappointment


This year has been a difficult one for many. With the economy contracting, everyone is touched by disappointment in some way…whether it is the loss of a home, loss of a job, loss of freedom, loss of security, loss of peace of mind, loss of a dream or loss of someone you loved who could not cope.


We each go into our lives having such high hopes for love, abundance and joy, and many times we can indeed experience those for long periods of time. But what’s really difficult for most is to reach a certain level of success and then see it slip away. That’s what has been so debilitating for many this past year. And whether it has been because of our own poor choices of mortgaging our future on credits cards and houses that we cannot truly afford, or whether we have done everything right and watched our 401K disappear – it is heart wrenching to deal with the sense of loss.


But wallowing in the disappointment only creates a negative energy vortex that continues the downward spiral. Yes, if you must, allow yourself a short period of time to grieve for what was. This is actually a good step in processing the emotions. But do not stay there and do not allow this to fester into anger, resentment, envy or bitterness.


You must begin shifting away from disappointment so you can begin co-creating either a recovery to better times or a new vision of what your life can be. Let go of what was. Whatever is ahead will be different—and maybe even better. Accepting that change is inevitable is the first step to creating that shift, rather than resenting change or holding to the past.  


Now what positive goal can you focus upon? What vision can you create that will help to readjust your attitude and your vibration? What vibration can you begin emitting that will be a match for where you want to head?


Chose a specific emotion or thought to consciously vibrate. Is it love? Is it joy? Is it fun? Is it beauty? Is it gratitude? Is it the enrichment of nature? Is it a closer connection to Source? When you are in disappointment, you want to keep it simple. Give yourself uncomplicated and simple goals. Choose one of these. Get up each day thinking about this. Take breaks during the day to focus on it. Check in at dinner time. Breathe it in. Just breathe. Go to sleep holding these thoughts and dreams.


Be on Negative Energy Watch. Wear a rubber band and snap it when you have a negative thought or reflect on your disappointment from the recent past. Laugh at yourself and then get up and get a glass of water. Wash your negative energy down with a long slow drink. See your new positive energy filling up your tank.


Spend time with positive people. If you find yourself with other folks who are bemoaning their lives, either encourage a change by suggesting everyone shift their attention to something better, or change the company you keep.


Do activities that bring laughter and fun. These don’t have to be costly. Ride bikes, roller skate, go to or rent movies, sing, dance, exercise, play board games, play poker with fun-loving people (for chips, not money!), read uplifting books or romances, call a friend long distance using free weekend minutes, go visit someone you love and haven’t seen in a long time who lives in a nearby town, plot your future conquests of the heart, play with children you adore, take your dog on a hike, watch your kitty with a ball of yarn.  


Just remember that belief that you will experience what you choose to envision is a key component for allowing it to happen.  So truly believe that great days are coming!


Now, if that disappointment flutters back in, shoo it away with a litany of gratitude. Maybe your portfolio is down and you’re scraping to pay medical bills, but your daughter is about to graduate college, you have the most amazing touch with decorating on a budget, the neighbors are letting you take all the plums off their trees that you could possibly want, your boyfriend has happily re-discovered his talent on the guitar and serenades you…


You get the idea. Life is not money. Life is life…find what is good about it and create more of it by appreciating what you do have. See the silver lining and not the grey cloud.   


Vibrate away the disappointment. Vibrate the joy and abundance that you are already and that you live on a daily basis. More will come. Shift Happens.

Sweet Dreams

Conscious Creation Tip

Sweet Dreams


Turn of the Tonight Show! Tune out the News! Close up the laptop and stop chatting with your Facebook Friends. When you go to bed tonight, you have a new assignment. Set an intention! Or even a few intentions. Let the Universe work on your wish while you are getting Thirty Winks. There is power in setting an intention at night. It works on your subconscious and helps create shifts in consciousness and awareness. As you slip into alpha state it makes it easier for your wavelengths to get in sync with the Universe. That will speed up your manifesting ability. So state your wishes for yourself personally (how you’d like to change) and for what you desire to come forth. Sweet, sweet dreams!

How Old Will You Be When…

How Old Will You Be When….


Every year as I go around instructing people in the Art of Conscious Creation, or in my every day personal interactions, I hear people lament that they are getting older and they have not followed their dreams. And the older they get, the more fearful they are that they will never do whatever it is that ignites their passion. Time is slipping away and they haven’t even started toward their heartfelt goal.


And when I hear these sad refrains, I tell them a favorite story. Many years ago, I read an item in Dear Abby’s column. A woman in her 60s wrote to Dear Abby saying that she had always wanted to go to Law School and she was torn over whether she should even start at that age—she would be so much younger than the other students, she was nearly old enough to collect social security, etc. “Should I do it, I’ll be 64 when I graduate?” she implored the columnist. Dear Abby’s response was classic. “But of course you should do it. How old would you be in four years IF YOU DIDN’T DO IT?”


The answer always made me laugh. We’ll be the same age if we don’t follow our hearts, but we’ll be a lot less fulfilled!


So what are you denying yourself because you might be too old, too tired, too different from everyone else, too embarrassed, too ashamed, too foolish, too busy, too fearful or too “poor?”


What are you yearning to do that you haven’t?

·         Complete a degree in school?

·         Go back for advanced training in some skill?

·         Start a treasured hobby?

·         Learn a skill passed on from your parent or grandparent?

·         Take cooking classes?

·         Have Lasik surgery so you can get rid of your glasses?

·         Rescue a puppy or kitten and taken it into your home?

·         Start your own business?

·         Begin a marshal arts class?

·         Sign up for an online dating service?

·         Start training for a marathon?

·         Take flying lessons?

·         Have a baby?

·         Write a book? Start a speaking career?

·         Travel around the world, around the country? See the National Parks?

·         Ask out someone that you’ve always admired from afar?

·         Study a foreign language?

·         Do a night of Stand Up Comedy?

·         Sail around the



·         Drop everything and try your hand at an acting career?

·         Move out of the house?

·         Become a teacher?

·         Plant a garden and grow your own vegetables?

·         Have a fling with an old flame who is single again?

·         Change career so that you are serving others?

·         Give yourself a week at a health spa, away from the kids?

·         Buy a ticket to the World Series, an NBA Final, the Super Bowl or the Masters?

·         Take up painting, or dance, or yoga, or playing a music instrument?

·         Or any other passion that has eluded you…


If you recognize yourself in any of these questions, than you should begin seriously thinking about the value of your time on this planet. Denial is a misuse of your spiritual capital. Go and be what you truly desire to be. You are denying your destiny.


Begin using your skills of Conscious Creation to manifest whatever it is you need to move forward with a plan to embrace your desire…Consciously Create the time, the resources, the opportunity, the mentor or the courage to move forth. But mostly focus on the goal – what you want to be doing — and let the Universe fill in the “how.” And take action. Step out, sign up, start moving. After all, how old will you be IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW YOUR HEART!   

Initiate Your Conscious Creation Log

Conscious Creation Tip


Initiate Your Conscious Creation Log

The beginning of the year is a perfect time to start your Conscious Creation log! Begin recording those desires that you are choosing the manifest. Jot each one down as you complete your visioning process, or as you simply think of it, including the date. Then check off each of the ones that come true, and also specify that date. You’ll have a way of looking back to see how effectively and how quickly you are manifesting. The more success you have the more excited you will be at the results and the more deliberate you will become in setting your future course.

Conscious Creation

What if Money Were No Object and You Had All of the Time in the World—What Would You Do in 2009?

As you begin to embark on an exciting new year, I’d like to encourage you to breath in the possibilities! Now is the time to release any of the pain and struggle from 2008, unhook yourself from fears related to the economy and your financial status. Let go of problems with family and relationships. Forgive yourself for judging yourself and finding yourself falling short of who you want to be. Release and breathe!

You have a great opportunity to start anew as we usher in the 2009. Let’s wipe the slate clean and ask the wonderful question: What if money were no object and you had all the time in the world? What would your 2009 look like?

Why should we do this exercise? Because it’s the perfect way to start visioning and Consciously Creating your near term future—and maybe long term. So what would be in your plans if you could do anything you want with your time and energy?

Here’s what I would do if my bank account overflowed with cash, my financial future was set and all of my debts and bills were paid: I would be out leading people in major United World Healing Vision-In events to set the course for the world’s future. I would continue to travel all over the world teaching The Art of Conscious Creation in seminars, speeches and lectures. As I travel I would be taking stunning photos for my Lapin Gallery photo website, and sharing this wonderful experience with my incredible lover and friend who has come into my life. I’d be enjoying the fantastic success of my latest three books, while at the same time I’d be taking plenty of time to rest and relax in nature, read, exercise, do yoga and live in the moment. Furthermore, I would be giving my time, leadership skills and money to worthy causes, organizations and individuals– helping people of little means and opportunity live more empowered, directed, abundant and prosperous live.

Now what would your life look like?

  • Consider where you would live.
  • Whom you would be with?
  • How you would spend your time—both leisure time and constructive time?
  • Would you still work and if so, what would you be doing?
  • What causes you would take up and how that would manifest?
  • What would you want to learn or teach?
  • What creative endeavor or outlet would you pursue?
  • What recreational experience would you like to have?
  • What would you want to travel to see or do?
  • What do you want more of in your life?
  • What would your relationship be like?
  • What would be different about your relationship with your family?
  • What kinds of friends would be in your life?
  • How would you manifest greater health and vitality?
  • What spiritual or meditative practices would you adopt or do more often?
  • What would you do to increase your personal frequency, be more positive and release negative vibrations such as fear?

I suggest that you take some time before New Year’s eve and consider these questions. Because they can create a blueprint for next year. Now, not everything is likely to come to pass unless perhaps you immediately win the lottery, but you are putting your “wish list” into the cosmic Santa and that allows him to get the elves working on it. Some elements may begin to manifest or being evolving in the direction you desire. However, if you don’t do this, you are at the whim of whatever unconscious frequencies you are transmitting and who knows what will turn up in your life in 2009!

Take this time and put these very important thoughts on paper, and then look back one year from now and see how many of them have started to come to fruition!

My dear friend: May you Consciously Create Everything You Desire and Yearn For in 2009!