Tag Archives for " conscious creation "

Jackie Lapin offers Transformational Business Consulting

Transformational Business Consulting to Move Your Business Forward and Gain Marketing Insights

Businesses, Books & Media

Today, with rapid changes occurring in business, one of the most valued services is strategic consultation. To survive, today one must have a business, service, product, book or type of media that connects to the marketplace in a very tactile way–it must reach the consumer where he or she lives, works, plays or interacts via the web. It should appeal to the head and the heart.  Furthermore, it has to have media appeal and wherever possible, adhere to new standards of environmental sustainability, global consciousness and social responsibility. 


In Other Words, It Must be Transformational! 


Jackie Lapin can help you achieve that transformation. She consults and advises on:

  • Creative Vision and Intentions
  • Goal Setting and Objectives
  • Defining the Market
  • Positioning
  • Website Design and Creation
  • Logo Design or Re-design
  • Brand


  • Product Launches
  • Marketing and Publicity Strategies 
  • New Media Strategies
  • Marketing Resources and Partners
  • Conscious Business Strategies and Connecting to the Conscious Marketplace 
  • Book Development Strategies and Internet Marketing

Elevate your business success through Jackie Lapin’s Transformational Business Consultations. Among her specialties are guiding an author in taking a book to market, revitalizing a brand, developing a strategic marketing campaign, taking advantage of today’s Internet opportunities, penetrating the Consciousness marketplace or supervising the development of a website.

Here is a rapid path to success and wealth building! 


"Jackie Lapin changed my life. We spent two hours talking and as a result she helped me repackage myself as a Business Development specialist. She helped me see my skills in an entirely new way and it opened incredible new doors for me in the way of business opportunities, clients and income." –-Kelley O'Hara, Business Development


“After a 45 minute conversation with Jackie about two books I am currently writing, I finally had a tangible direction and at least half a dozen strategic ideas that I can wrap my head around. Jackie’s no-nonsense approach and marketing experience gave me a focus and approach that I know will yield incredible results. Completing the two projects and diving into the book proposals doesn’t seem nearly as daunting. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Can’t wait to finish my first set of action steps and finally see myself moving forward!”--Anita Pathik Law, author, The Power of Our Way; A Path to a Collective Consciousness

Jackie Lapin has acted as my catalyst on several occasions, most particularly when I started my own business, helping me make the transition from the corporate world. Jackie is smart, creative and focused. Instead of taking control, she helps me find my own answers so I can resolve my challenges." —Roberta Cohen, Marketing Strategist


Click here for more information and consulting fees: http://www.theartofconsciouscreation.com/conscious-creation-coaching.html

What if Money Were No Object and You Had All of the Time in the World—What Would You Do in 2009?


As you begin to embark on an exciting new year, I’d like to encourage you to breath in the possibilities! Now is the time to release any of the pain and struggle from 2008, unhook yourself from fears related to the economy and your financial status. Let go of problems with family and relationships. Forgive yourself for judging yourself and finding yourself falling short of who you want to be. Release and breathe!


You have a great opportunity to start anew as we usher in the 2009. Let’s wipe the slate clean and ask the wonderful question: What if money were no object and you had all the time in the world? What would your 2009 look like?


Why should we do this exercise? Because it’s the perfect way to start visioning and Consciously Creating your near term future—and maybe long term. So what would be in your plans if you could do anything you want with your time and energy?


Here’s what I would do if my bank account overflowed with cash, my financial future was set and all of my debts and bills were paid: I would be out leading people in major United World Healing Vision-In events to set the course for the world’s future. I would continue to travel all over the world teaching The Art of Conscious Creation in seminars, speeches and lectures. As I travel I would be taking stunning photos for my Lapin Gallery photo website, and sharing this wonderful experience with my incredible lover and friend who has come into my life. I’d be enjoying the fantastic success of my latest three books, while at the same time I’d be taking plenty of time to rest and relax in nature, read, exercise, do yoga and live in the moment. Furthermore, I would be giving my time, leadership skills and money to worthy causes, organizations and individuals– helping people of little means and opportunity live more empowered, directed, abundant and prosperous live.


Now what would your life look like?


  • Consider where you would live.
  • Whom you would be with?
  • How you would spend your time—both leisure time and constructive time?
  • Would you still work and if so, what would you be doing?
  • What causes you would take up and how that would manifest?
  • What would you want to learn or teach?
  • What creative endeavor or outlet would you pursue?
  • What recreational experience would you like to have?
  • What would you want to travel to see or do?
  • What do you want more of in your life?
  • What would your relationship be like?
  • What would be different about your relationship with your family?
  • What kinds of friends would be in your life?
  • How would you manifest greater health and vitality?
  • What spiritual or meditative practices would you adopt or do more often?
  • What would you do to increase your personal frequency, be more positive and release negative vibrations such as fear?


I suggest that you take some time before New Year’s eve and consider these questions. Because they can create a blueprint for next year. Now, not everything is likely to come to pass unless perhaps you immediately win the lottery, but you are putting your “wish list” into the cosmic Santa and that allows him to get the elves working on it. Some elements may begin to manifest or being evolving in the direction you desire. However, if you don’t do this, you are at the whim of whatever unconscious frequencies you are transmitting and who knows what will turn up in your life in 2009!


Take this time and put these very important thoughts on paper, and then look back one year from now and see how many of them have started to come to fruition!


My dear friend: May you Consciously Create Everything You Desire and Yearn For in 2009!    


Say Goodbye to 2008 and Embrace the Energy of 2009

Congratulate yourself! You have nearly completed another wonderful year of life! How fantastic! So now let’s rejoice for the grace of being allowed to walk and breathe on this planet for all of 2008. Whatever hardships that you endured during the year, it’s time to let the memory and the energy from them go. Whatever illnesses or aches and pains, bless them and thank them for the information they offered you about what you are harboring in your body. Now let go.  Whatever low frequency vibrations and emotions that you held onto this year—grief, guilt, fear, self-recrimination, anger, despondency, jealousy, disapproval of others, pessimism, impatience, doubt, blame, revenge, intolerance, shame, victimization—release them. It’s time. Open the door for love, compassion, self-love, acceptance, confidence, empowerment and Universal trust to enter your life and predominate in 2009. Choose what you want to be your “operating principles” for the coming year. And then jump wholeheartedly with joy and faith and intention into the New Year. May your 2009 be everything you Consciously Create it to be!


Thank you for making this incredible journey with me this past year!

Holiday Rituals


The holidays are a great time to begin new Conscious Creation rituals that will hitch a ride on the wonderful goodwill of the season. Consider holiday tree where everyone in the family places a special card with a short vision of something they would like to manifest in the new year! Or place in a stocking a wish for someone else, so that you are “giving” a wish of Conscious Creation—for someone who might be ill or someone who needs “light” in their life. Do a ”pay-it-forward” holiday practice where each person must do a good deed for someone else. Make a Conscious Creation with every Hannukah candle that is lit..one for you and the next one for someone you know! Allow this festive time to be an incubator for Conscious Creation visions and wishes that can manifest in the next year.

Happy Holiday! The Spirit of Joy.

This is a week of great emotions. Make them joyful! On Saturday night Hanukah began and of course Christmas is tomorrow, with New Year's only a week away. It's a time when we spend time with family and friends. For most of us that time is wonderfully enjoyable, but then there are those irritating people whose attitude might bring you down or put a damper on the party. Be the uplifting force! Make sure your love and joy are a counterpoint. Be a leader and inspiring force wherever you go. Don't let the economy and people's financial woes set the tone for this holiday season. Turn everyone's attention to blessings and gratitude! 

But this is also an emotional time for people who don't have a lot of family and friends around them. I encourage you to get out and connect with others. Volunteer your time, be of service to those less fortunate, help wherever you can, visit someone who is alone. This will restore your joy when you see how you touch others! 

Remember that the joy you vibrate today will create joy for you in the future!

So I wish you great joy on this holiday week! May it grow exponentially from this special moment!  

5 Tips on How to Not Let Your Relatives Ring Your Holiday Bell

Are you one of those people who dread the holidays? Last minute shopping, decorating disasters, difficult people to buy for, demanding kids—and most of all the run-ins with relatives!


If you're anticipating a rerun of previous years where your relatives made you crazy and your holidays were filled with headaches, then you are sure to experience that again this year. Because the energy you put into dreading and anticipating will pave the way for more of the same. The energy—also known as the vibration—that you project in the world will manifest the reality you imagined.


However, you can begin to change all that just with your thoughts. You can use  “personal frequency management” and visualization to manifest a truly happy holiday and keep the joy in the holiday season. By Consciously Creating your day–juggling work, shopping, cooking, tree trimming, kids, the management of those pesky relatives etc–you can have the kind of holiday season you desire effortlessly and without hiccup.


Here are five tips for creating “Relative Harmony” for the Holidays:


  1. Throw Out the Love Net

Well before they show up at your door, when you begin planning your holiday, send your “love net”—your high vibration loving energy–out to your relatives—and keep doing it throughout the holiday season. Feel love toward them even in the most trying times. Know that love is patience and understanding. Plenty of loving energy can head off, diffuse and transmute negative energy emanating from your relations. Ask for an unending supply of loving energy to pass into you from the Universe and through you to your family members.


  1. Visualize

Take some quiet time each day and visualize just how wonderful your time with your relatives will be. In your mind, see them helping you instead of criticizing, offering support, staying out of the way, picking up after themselves, volunteering instead of demanding, loving the gifts you have picked for them, finding ways to make your time together joyful and loving. Relish the emotions of these wonderful reunions. Thank the Universe in advance for granting this incredible camaraderie, goodwill, grace and warmth.  Then go ahead and visualize the rest of your day going smoothly, too!


  1. Stay in Your




      Whatever happens, do not allow your relations to pull you into the low frequency range of anger, frustration, bitterness or regret.  Stay in your high frequency states of love, contentment, joy, compassion and generosity –play music and tune out negativity, focus on those who appreciate what you are offering, do something creative that serves your soul. If you are being bombarded by negative energy—excuse yourself and go do something yummy just for you—take in a movie, go for a walk, play with your puppy, give yourself a bubble bath, shoot some hoops.


  1. Redirect Them into Helping you in a Good Way

If you know that they are likely to be under foot, in your way or just over-helpful in the wrong ways, have a list in advance of things you would like them to do to help you in a “good way.”  They’ll feel good about being able to help, and making you pleased, and you will manifest goodwill on all planes.


  1. Give Santa Those “Hot Buttons” and Let Him Take Them Back to the North Pole

      You can do all of the above four things, but if you allow your relatives to push those “Hot Buttons,” you’ll be back where you started. Make a conscious decision that you are giving those Hot Buttons to Santa—as your gift to yourself. Release those previous memories of pain and angst with your relations and start fresh. If they start down the old path, surprise them and don’t engage! Let go of the mind-chatter in your head that gets you crazy and allows them to get your goat. Just decide NOT to go there. Instead just keep telling yourself, you deserve joy, peace, goodwill and good, kindly relatives at the holidays! And they just might turn out to be what you imagined!


Actor Bill Cosby once said “I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Please yourself during this holiday season and you will truly have a Happy Holiday!

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday and I have decided to spend it with some of my wonderful friends. But since a birthday is a lovely right of passage, I have elected to enjoy it surrounded by other women who are traveling the conscious path! How fun to be with people who share my passion for conscious creation, intention and living a life aware of one's relationship to the Universe!

I am also blessed to have a wonderful brother who always remembers to call and wish me happy birthday in whatever amusing and fun way he can conceive. Thank you Willie for being the greatest brother!

Moreover, a birthday is a great reason to step back and realize how fortunate you are. I am truly grateful for all the incredible blessings in my life! And love all of you who continue to shower me with your friendship, love, support and gratitude! 🙂

Jackie Lapin Launches 2009 Personal Coaching Programs

You know me as the consummate teacher of Conscious Creation, bringing my unique skills and perspective to aiding people in finding a new path to their own joy and success.


If you are ready to take charge of your life in 2009, break through all the barriers holding you back, and create the life of joy , love, abundance, success and inner peace that you want, let me be your Conscious Creation and Law of Attraction coach!


Here's what my clients are saying:

  • Jackie’s 30 years in business as a highly successful marketing strategist, coupled with her innate wisdom and knowledge of the Universal energy principles is applied to sorting out  personal energy roadblocks and developing both practical and visionary strategies for manifesting a personally and professionally satisfying future.

“Jackie Lapin in her wisdom and experience had the knowledge and innate intuition to spot my dilemma and directed me out of the maze and pointed me to my north. Everyone has a north– it's the direction and the destination we all try to reach personally, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Jackie is the guide—she knows the direction." Lisa Tenner–Marketing Promotional Consultant, Event Pro of the Year for 2007

“I just wanted to thank you for a powerful session yesterday.  I am going to take what you told me and do the exercises on clarity this weekend. I am really grateful for connecting with you and I feel very empowered about myself emotionally and for my business.  You are a powerful woman with amazing gifts!“ —Heather Picken, Self Improvement Coach and Intuitive Specialist

“I feel a tremendous relief after months …I feel much more capable in my business when you give examples of realistic landmarks and actions without pressure. Meeting you has been a pivotal step forward in my life. — David Chen, Internet Entrepreneur

Personal Coaching to Gain Clarity, Raise Your Frequency and Live the Life You Choose

Make an appointment and submit a Life Survey that provides background history and perspective. I assess what is working in your life and what is not. The first in-person or phone appointment is a two-hour session in which the Life Survey is reviewed and explored to evaluate where your energy is blocked and to begin laying out a plan for your transformation so that you may manifest your dreams. Clients are given specific "practical recommendations" and "energy tactics" to put into practice and they receive periodic encouraging email to ensure progress.


Group Coaching

Share the coaching experience with other blossoming Conscious Creators. I will offer guidance on specific topics and then open the call to her weekly participants. Ask questions, discuss your energy blocks, learn from others and share your victories. Participate in six 1.5- Hour Interactive Coaching Calls Beginning in January

            Topics will include:

    • Leaving fear in your rear view mirror
    • Tapping your inner flow for outer wealth
    • Facing up to challenges and challenging people
    • Unblocking your love stream
    • Joyously living your authentic self
    • Overcoming self-sabotage

Click here for more information and coaching fees: http://www.theartofconsciouscreation.com/conscious-creation-coaching.html

Manifest Books Open and Looking for for Affiliates!

If you are committed to educating other people about their infinite power to Consciously Create a rich, happy and abundant life–and you'd like to make a little extra abundance for yourself, then sign up to be an affiilate of ManifestBooks.com. I'm proud to say that we have created an affiliate program for anyone who would like to put Manifestbooks.com on their website or distribute on their ezine (maybe even post to their social networking page!) You will earn 10% of any sales on the 400 books and products on the site.

Among the titles are those by by best-selling authors Dr. Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, Shakti Gawain, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Vitale, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Lynne McTaggart and more. Here you will also find many of the classics in prosperity living — Earnest Holmes (365 Days to Richer Living), Neville (Neville Reader), Christian Larson (The Pathway of Roses) and Florence Scovel Shinn (The Game of Life).

The products will be easy to find for your friends and colleagues—either by category (books, CDs or DVDs) or by topic: Manifesting –including Law of Attraction, Conscious Living, Creating Global Transformation, Meditation and Intuition, Healing, Conscious Relaxation, Love & Relationships, Abundance and Prosperity, Conscious Business, Science of Conscious Creation, Parents & Children, Spoken Word Recordings (includes Guided Meditations) Music CDs and more. The children’s section offers books that enhance children’s understanding of their power to co-create their world, along with books for parents on how to raise a consciously aware child.

To sign up as an affiliate, go to www.Manifestbooks.com and click on the blue bar at the top where it offers you the affiliate sign up.

“Choosing” Our Future

As each of us takes on the mantle of Conscious Creator, we begin to become aware of the thoughts we have let overtake us, the emotions that have previously ruled us and the words we use to imprison us. As newly-birthed Conscious Creators, we learn that we can indeed counter these powerful negative forces by consciously willing ourselves to think, feel and speak differently, to raise our personal frequency through choice.


And in raising our frequency, we vibrate the positive energies that create greater harmony and ease in our lives, influence others in positive ways, and provide a smooth, easy, speedy path for manifesting what is in our hearts.


And so we might find ourselves reframing our thoughts and words into far more positive statements of possibility, opportunity, faith and confidence. Indeed we often may find affirmations a valuable tool in making these changes, by saying such vital and impactful words as “I am….” This is a compelling practice that truly helps shift our world view, and allows us to grow into who we want to become. Instead of focusing on the negative, we now also go about our daily lives with great intentions of positive declarations, instead of focusing on the negative. We often say we “will” do something, or we “want” to take action.


But while these are all very important positive and valid steps toward becoming a Conscious Creator and Master Manifestor, there is one word choice that is even more powerful—because it implies a conscious will…and that is to say “I choose to…”


By saying these simple three words “I choose to…,”  you are telling the Universe that you are taking responsibility for your actions, that you are deliberating going down this path and you are signaling to the Universe that you desire to attract its help in reaching the preferred outcome.


For example, here are the kinds of statements that are powerful incentives for the Universe to help you achieve what you have selected:

·         “I choose to” open my heart, be more compassionate and look at everyone else with the knowledge that we are one.

·         “I choose to” to be more abundant in my giving and my receiving.

·         “I choose to” be open to receive love, support, compliments, joy, respect and wisdom.

·         “I choose to” be healthier and more disciplined in my self-care.

·         “I choose to” be more confident and willing to speak up for what I need in my job and in my relationships, but to do this with grace and consideration for others.

·         “I choose to” release my fears and trust the Universe.

·         “I choose to” make wiser choices about the people with whom I spend my time.

·         “I choose to” eat only those foods today that are nutritional and valuable to my body, and in my highest good.

·         “I choose to” to love and respect myself today.

·         “I choose to” to express my emotions in a healthy and appropriate manner, so that they free me from imprisonment.

·         “I choose to” to have a positive and healthy relationship with my parents and to forgive them for their unconscious actions.

·         “I choose to” to be a powerful attractant for abundance, and to show the Universe I am worthy of its gifts.

·         “I choose to” be more patient with my children today, regardless of how they behave and what I am doing at the time.

·         Etc…


See how much more power these words produce? You are standing tall and proud when you make a choice that is right for you. Proclaim that choice! And when you do, two things happen, you are consciously aware that you have made a commitment that you must now live up to, and the Universe sees the seriousness of your intent and supports you. 


Choose to choose! Show the Universe that you are truly conscious of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Let your choice be your ticket to a life of your design.