Category Archives for "Conscious Creation Tips"

Tip #8 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Teach Clarity


The Universe delivers that which is understands with clarity. Ambiguity causes diffused energy instead of directed energy, and thus limited or no action results. So be clear in your vision and desires, and ensure that your staff members understand the importance of clarity. They may not have all the solutions to a problem initially, but if they are clear on what outcome they want, the solution will present itself.  

Tip#2 …How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Resolve To Be An Exemplary Positive Conscious Creation Leader


If you become a positive, empowering, inspirational leader who subtly employs high-frequency thinking and Conscious Creation in the workplace, than your employees will begin to emulate you. Try this! You’ll see a change in them. Remember these immortal words of Gandhi: Be the change you want to see in the world.

The Second Ten Commandments

I recently came across this wonderful writing from Harvey Mackay, author of theNew York Times #1 bestsellers Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. And I felt it was so valuable, I felt compelled to share it from you.


The Second Ten Commandments

We all know about the original Ten Commandments, but have you ever heard of "The Second Ten Commandments"? These pearls of wisdom, sent to me by a friend, have been often attributed to Elodie Armstrong. I have taken the liberty of putting my spin on them:


I. Thou shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. You can't saw sawdust. A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work. People get so busy worrying about yesterday or tomorrow, they forget about today. And today is what you have to work with.


II. Thou shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass. Every crisis we face is multiplied when we act out of fear. Fear is a self-fulfilling emotion. When we fear something, we empower it. If we refuse to concede to our fear, there is nothing to fear.


III. Thou shall not cross bridges before you come to them, for no one yet has succeeded in accomplishing this. Solve the issues before you right now. Tomorrow's problems may not even be problems when tomorrow comes!


IV. Thou shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle one at a time anyway. In one of my favorite "Peanuts" comic strips, Linus says to Charlie Brown, "There's no problem too big we can't run away from it." I chuckle every time I think about it because it sounds like such a simple solution to a problem. Problem solving is not easy, so don't make it harder than it is.


V. Thou shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor bedfellows. Just remember that all your problems seem much worse in the middle of the night. If I wake up thinking of a problem, I tell myself that it will seem lighter in the morning and it always is.


VI. Thou shall not borrow other people's problems. They can better care for them than you can. I must confess that I have broken this commandment because I wanted to help someone out, without being asked, or I thought I was more equipped to handle a situation. But I wouldn't have to deal with the consequences, either.

365 Days of Goodness


I wanted to share a blog with you from Alli D. Seigel, a young woman I met recently who wanted to do something purposeful with her life. I believe what she has done is something that all of us can emulate. She shows that being compassionate and charitable do not have to require lots of money, thought, time or energy. Alli has created, setting out to do 365 Good Deeds in 365 Days.  These Good Deeds range from big things (such as giving blood, starting a good-deed program in a second grade class, making a small donation on behalf of her parent’s anniversary that will provide drinking water for a whole village) to smaller things (giving a stranger a smile and some kind words on the subway) and everything in between. Says Alli: “I have had such an amazing time with my good deeds so far, with very positive feedback. I really do feel that I am living out my true life's purpose.” I encourage you to check out 365 Days of Goodness, and to think about what you can take away from her experience.

Animal Magnetism

Animal Magnetism


Animals are a great source of inspiration in your Conscious Creation process. And they are a wonderful trigger for your visioning process. For example, if you see a hawk drifting over you, then envision yourself flying free, wafting over the air streams, nothing to hold you down. Give yourself the sensation of being totally uplifted and without worry. Breathe into it and let your emotions soar. Puppies and kittens are perfect to envision unconditional love and playfulness, traits that we all long to enhance in our lives. Bunnies (like the white cottontails we have here in the



) represent lovableness and curiosity. Butterflies should trigger the essence of graceful beauty. As you encounter creatures in the animal kingdom, allow them to inspire your visions of Conscious Creation to heighten the feelings and the traits you desire to instill in your life.

Who Can I Emulate?

Who Can I Emulate?


While each of us can focus with intention on the traits we wish to develop in ourselves, some people find it difficult to sort out who they want to evolve to be. For some individuals it may be easier to look at someone else and think “That’s how I want to be!” Whether that is a close friend, someone you see on the street, a person you see on TV news, a celebrity who gives generously to causes or a Mother Theresa, other people can be your touchstone. This is not to say that you should be jealous or envious, that you should wish to be them or that you should worship them. It is only to say that people who exhibit worthy traits can be your inspiration to begin Consciously Creating those traits in yourself.

It’s So Touching…

It’s So Touching…


Touching is a spiritual experience. Oftentimes people are too self conscious to touch others or let them touch you. Hugging is an occasional occurrence.  But touching is a powerful exercise in Conscious Creation. It allows you to pass your love, affection, admiration, gratitude and appreciate in a visceral way. The more you touch, the more you send waves of your positive frequency out into the world. And more will boomerang back to you. So hug your neighbor. Caress the shoulder of that elderly person in your life. Kiss the children you encounter. Hold hands with your best friend. And make love by touching the face of your lover. Touch is your energy’s forward guard.

Sweet Dreams

Conscious Creation Tip

Sweet Dreams


Turn of the Tonight Show! Tune out the News! Close up the laptop and stop chatting with your Facebook Friends. When you go to bed tonight, you have a new assignment. Set an intention! Or even a few intentions. Let the Universe work on your wish while you are getting Thirty Winks. There is power in setting an intention at night. It works on your subconscious and helps create shifts in consciousness and awareness. As you slip into alpha state it makes it easier for your wavelengths to get in sync with the Universe. That will speed up your manifesting ability. So state your wishes for yourself personally (how you’d like to change) and for what you desire to come forth. Sweet, sweet dreams!


Conscious Creation Tip




One the best ways to start re-programming yourself to be in a higher vibration state, and to release limiting fears and anxieties, is to engage in self-hypnosis. This relaxing practice enables you to bypass your conscious mind and your ego, and to change your beliefs. Some people find it easy to perform self-hypnosis (I use it to sleep) and others will need an external stimulus or direction. There are wonderful guided meditations available to address many personal challenges and limiting beliefs. I personally would be delighted to recommend the special programs created by my friend and colleague Anita Pathik Law, available at Anita has a wonderful, conforting and encouraging voice and I love doing consciousness work with her. You’ll find her downloads and CDs a great tool to start shifting your vibration.