Category Archives for "Conscious Creation Tips"

Supportive Listening

Conscious Creation Tip


Supportive Listening


Don’t you just want to jump in and fix someone’s life when you see them doing things you don’t agree with? It’s so easy just to tell them what they should do. Especially children, spouses and people you are close to. When you live in close proximity to someone, you feel as if they are almost an extension of you, and you are more likely to be critical. Because by fixing them, you fix part of your life. But the problem simply is you can’t fix their life. And if you push your ideas, you will only find resistance and pushback. Try listening and encouraging instead. Ask questions. Let that person talk. Show you support him or her regardless of whether you agree with the path that person is taking. Show confidence that he or she will ultimately make decisions that will lead to maturity and success. And in your mind, Consciously Create a happy and fulfilled person, giving that individual the space to grow and thrive, whatever path she or he follows. You’ll be surprised at how this will change the relationship for the better and erase the tension and strain for both of you.

Are You Ready for a Shakeup?


Too often we find ourselves in a rut. We do the same things day in and day out. We eat the same foods. We think the same way. Our frequency just slides lower and lower as we feel stuck. I love the quote from Albert Einstein that says “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.” So what’s the best way to break out of a rut? Do something radical and different! This doesn’t mean you should change everything in your life, but just do ONE thing different. And keep doing it differently until you sense a change of energy. One shift can lead to other shifts. Remember, everything is connected. And before you know it, you’re moving forward again with excitement and enthusiasm. You’re out of the rut!  

Give Yourself a Time Out!

Conscious Creation Tip

Give Yourself a Time Out!


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, there are times when the stress level gets to you…You become cranky, moody, demanding, tearful, angry, frustrated. Now before you do something rash and you let your frequency come crashing down, take a time out! Just like parents send their children to their room, do something to create a break from whatever is stressing you. Go outside for a few minutes; have a soda, juice or frozen coffee drink; take a mini nap; do a few exercises; start a quiet meditation with a mantra (“I am at peace and all is well.”); call someone who brings a smile to your face, write an email to someone you love; go buy a book; light a candle and set an intention; listen to your heartbeat, sing a few bars of your favorite song, catch a few tunes on your iPod. Give yourself 20 minutes before you get back in the game!

Initiate Your Conscious Creation Log

Conscious Creation Tip


Initiate Your Conscious Creation Log

The beginning of the year is a perfect time to start your Conscious Creation log! Begin recording those desires that you are choosing the manifest. Jot each one down as you complete your visioning process, or as you simply think of it, including the date. Then check off each of the ones that come true, and also specify that date. You’ll have a way of looking back to see how effectively and how quickly you are manifesting. The more success you have the more excited you will be at the results and the more deliberate you will become in setting your future course.

Speed Dial the Universe by Jeanna Gabellini

We just added something very fun and useful to the inventory. It’s “Speed Dial the Universe” by my friend Jeanna Gabellini, a leading Laws of Attraction expert. This very cute little spiral bound notebook is a daily Manifesting Journal which is the perfect aid for Consciously Creating Your Day.

Each day you record your thoughts in each of its categories, starting with “Today (date) I appreciate….” You then record what the dominant feeling you want to have that day. Then you list the six most important tasks you have for that day, setting an intention to achieve them and letting go of lesser ones that might drain your focus. That category ends with this phrase” Everything else I desire is being delegated to the Universe. Thank you, Universe for handling the following for me:” Hand over all the rest. Then she includes this wonderful section called “My Wild Hair Intention…Wouldn’t it be awesome today if….” The next category gives you the opportunity to create the perfect vision for that day…”One of my desires has manifested in the most perfect way. It unfolded like this…”


Lastly, you would fill out a section that allows you to state “the most important thing for me to focus on today is…” and here is where you declare your intentions for your focus and attention. After a brief affirmation about how you, the Universe and your higher spirit are working together to support you, you affix your signature. This great tool lets you create wonderful vision, focus and manifesting habits that can sustain you for a lifetime.   

Conscious Creation Tip

Speed Dial the Universe by Jeanna Gabellini

We just added something very fun and useful to the inventory. It’s “Speed Dial the Universe” by my friend Jeanna Gabellini, a leading Laws of Attraction expert. This very cute little spiral bound notebook is a daily Manifesting Journal which is the perfect aid for Consciously Creating Your Day. Each day you record your thoughts in each of its categories, starting with “Today (date) I appreciate….” You then record what the dominant feeling you want to have that day. Then you list the six most important tasks you have for that day, setting an intention to achieve them and letting go of lesser ones that might drain your focus. That category ends with this phrase” Everything else I desire is being delegated to the Universe. Thank you, Universe for handling the following for me:” Hand over all the rest. Then she includes this wonderful section called “My Wild Hair Intention…Wouldn’t it be awesome today if….” The next category gives you the opportunity to create the perfect vision for that day…”One of my desires has manifested in the most perfect way. It unfolded like this…” Lastly, you would fill out a section that allows you to state “the most important thing for me to focus on today is…” and here is where you declare your intentions for your focus and attention. After a brief affirmation about how you, the Universe and your higher spirit are working together to support you, you affix your signature. This great tool lets you create wonderful vision, focus and manifesting habits that can sustain you for a lifetime.       

Conscious Creation Tip

Meditation –Sending and Receiving

Most people think of meditation as a no-thought process where you blank your mind or recite a mantra (remember the funny Ellen DeGeneres commercial?). But for most of us meditation is really our quiet time to communicate with the Universe—both sending and receiving! I like to divide my meditation time in two parts. The first is for me to express my requests to the Universe (or God, however you interpret The Source.) Some would consider this praying. For me, it’s my time to visualize and Consciously Co-Create in dialogue with the unlimited power that surrounds and supports me. Here’s where I make my requests, express my desires, state what I wish to evolve into, invite the gifts and grace that will allow me to grow, ask for answers to my questions. Now the second part is where I clear my mind with the specific goal to receive. I set an intention to receive knowledge and wisdom, love and peace. I ask the Universe to tell me what it wants me to know during this open and quiet time. And I let my blood pressure drop as I step away from my mind and into my heart, knowing that all is well. Now you could recite a mantra, focus on your breathe, be mindful of your body organs or do other practices that keep you routed in the present, but just opening yourself up to receive and staying clear to do that is also a simple and effective form of meditation.

Conscious Creation Tip

Attracting the Friends You Want

As you begin traveling a more conscious and high frequency path, you may discover that many of the friends you had previously no longer seem right in your life—or they may not feel comfortable with the changes you are making. Particularly negative people can consistently pull you back into old habits, they can just lower your mood or irritate you. If you decide to spend less time with them, you may create a void in your life, which may in turn lead to a sense of loneliness. So here’s an important idea…Consciously create the kind of new friends that you DO want! It’s something that I did. I asked the Universe to present me with new like-minded, high frequency friends. And now my cup runneth over with amazing, loving, supportive, giving, caring, grateful, kind people who are all focused on making their immediate world and the bigger world at large better for their presence. And it happened within just a couple of months from the point of my asking for it! I feel truly blessed that my request—my conscious intention– was made manifest in such incredible richness. Do try it yourself!

Conscious Creation Tip


Burning candles are a wonderful way to support your spiritual unfolding. There are many reasons you might want to burn candles, not just for atmosphere. Candles represent light–your inner illumination and the Universe’ power of illumination—knowledge, wisdom, connection, expansion. Candles are energy. They help to create a powerful vibration that resonates in concert with the Universe’s frequency. When you light a candle with intention, it is like sending a message to the cosmic post office. You are delivering it priority mail. You’re taking advantage of the candle’s energy transmission to hitch a ride with your intention. Concentrating on the candle allows you to focus your intention, to give it greater opportunity to manifest. You can light candles for others, as people have done throughout history, or you can light candles to support your desire to manifest. To make it even more powerful, we actually have candles in stock at that are designated to support specific intentions including: Abundance, Compassion,  Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Good Health, Harmony,  Healing,  Joy,  Love,  Money,  Motivation,  Peace,  Positive Energy,  Problem Solving, Wisdom and even Manifest-A-Miracle.  The ingredients and scents are a vibrational match to your intention! Whether you use these or any other, hold each candle in your hands and invest it with your intention and desire before burning it.

Holiday Rituals


The holidays are a great time to begin new Conscious Creation rituals that will hitch a ride on the wonderful goodwill of the season. Consider holiday tree where everyone in the family places a special card with a short vision of something they would like to manifest in the new year! Or place in a stocking a wish for someone else, so that you are “giving” a wish of Conscious Creation—for someone who might be ill or someone who needs “light” in their life. Do a ”pay-it-forward” holiday practice where each person must do a good deed for someone else. Make a Conscious Creation with every Hannukah candle that is for you and the next one for someone you know! Allow this festive time to be an incubator for Conscious Creation visions and wishes that can manifest in the next year.