Category Archives for "Conscious Creation"

Feature Article

I have good news for you: You weren’t put on this Earth to be miserable!  That’s something I’ve been telling people for most of my life — something that I just knew innately.  But as I was researching my book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, my strongly held beliefs were reinforced.

Every great spiritual leader of the New Age — from Wayne Dyer to Jerry and Esther Hicks, to just about anyone you can pick — says that we come here in a state of joy and then proceed to muck it up. Our souls are blissful things — looking to love, live deliciously and enjoy.  Furthermore, the Universe is set up to give us all that we desire, to “download” to us goodwill, happiness and peace.

So why do we persist in wallowing in misery and suffering?  Because we can’t believe our good fortune and we question it, question and doubt ourselves, refuse to trust, allow our egos to get in the way of our good sense and spiritual knowledge, deny reality and truth, and ultimately let ourselves sink into negative thinking.  Then our negative thinking and focus on what’s wrong with our lives–through the law of attraction–attracts everything that will reinforce our unhappiness.

But I said there was good news at the beginning of the article…want some more?

We can choose not to be miserable.  We can Grab Life’s Joystick and Consciously Create happiness and bliss in our lives!  Quantum physics has now begun to validate that our thoughts and our emotions are energy and that they have the power to change our reality.  If we create positive, joyful thoughts and emotions, they will bring to us more happy and wonderful experiences, and create a far more peaceful and struggle-free life.

So how does one Grab Life’s Joystick?

1. Think positive thoughts.  When you feel a wave of negativity come over you, consciously rearrange the thought to something more optimistic and hopeful.  When you do that, be confident that your words are creating a positive, happy outcome.

2. Stop thinking less of yourself and think more of yourself.  Love yourself more.  Pat yourself on the back more.  Pamper yourself more.  Give yourself more of a break.  Focus on your strengths and not your failings.  Enjoy who you are.  Allow yourself to feel pride in whatever you have done.

3. Go out and help somebody else.  Nothing makes us feel better about life than that wonderful emotion we experience when we’ve given our time and effort to help someone else and their gratitude washes over us.

4. Spend time envisioning what you want in your life, how you want your life to be.  Whatever form that may take, put yourself in the image, as if it has already happened and just feel that joy and wonder and excitement of being there.  Feel it, taste it, smell it, observe the details.  This should hasten its arrival!

5. Make a list of everything you want to come your way.  Or cut pictures out of magazines of similar images.  Put these in a special box, with words on the cover that say: Thank you for granting these wonderful things to me.  Then trust that the Universe is working on bringing them to you.

6. Do one wonderful thing every day.  Indulge in a favorite book or ice cream cone.  Exercise until you feel the endorphins let loose!  Go hiking with friends.  Take your dog to the park.  Cuddle your children and read to them.  Etc.

7. Be nice to someone that needs it.  Or maybe lots of someones.  Put a smile on your face, and be the sunshine that lights up the room.  Give a nice word to a person who toils daily without much acknowledgement.

8. Go out in nature.  Feel that “aliveness” that comes from being outdoors, from sitting in the sun, walking on the beach, smelling flowers, resting under a tree, enjoying the brisk wind, playing at the park.  The mere act of soaking up nature’s positive energy should raise your own energy and personal outlook.

These are just a few ways that you can start living a joyful and happy life.  But it takes a commitment to begin Consciously Creating your own happiness.  You have to take responsibility for your own bliss. You must not look to anyone or anything to manifest it for you, clear the obstacles or magically make your life perfect.  You are the only one who can open the door and invite that joy into your life.  So go Grab Life’s Joystick!

Go Grab Life’s Joystick!

The 275 Roses in my yard are blooming in magnicience in every color and every combination you can imagine. The incredible abundance gives me a sense of renewal and joy!

It is a an amazing reminder of the Universe’s gift to us that each of our lives can flower and bloom at any time, but that spring is a time when remaking ourselves just seems to fit perfectly with our mood of
throwing off the mantle of winter and leaping into the light.

Correcting “Energy Habits” to Change Your Life

Everyone develops “energy habits” during their lives, which determines how we respond to the world. If it is a dark filter through which we view life, then we react to stimulus in a negative fashion. If, however, we view the world with trust, hope and optimism; we act on these positive emotions and will attract positive results. Changing your “energy habits” will change your life.

Do you know a complainer or person that erupts with little provocation? Are you subjected daily to someone always depressed who constantly focuses on the negative side of a situation or gossips without relent about others?

These negative energy habits have consequences:
• They attract to the sender negative relationships, ramifications, and a general state of poor health and unhappiness.
• Negative energy emissions poison the Earth’s Energy Bank, contributing to a world poverty, dread, loathing and strife.

Because emotions and thoughts are actual energy emissions, transmitting negative or positive energy imprints our future on the Universe. Today, quantum physics is proving that our emotions and thoughts have a powerful influence on the future. What we think is manifested, thus we are Consciously Creating.

It is essential to construct positive energy habits if you want a happy, healthy, empowering existence. More importantly, positive energy habits create a world of abundance, peace, compassion, love, and environmental balance that we all desire.

So how do we create positive energy habits?  Here are some suggestions:
• Be aware of instinctual thoughts and reactions, and how those thoughts and reactions will likely return to you. On a sheet of paper list all of your negative energy habits. Then go back and identify positive energy habits to replace the negative. Now make those positive energy habits your default trait.
• Note the energy habits of others. Emulate the positive ones and use the bad to remind yourself of how you don’t want to react.
• Catch yourself in the act of emitting energy, and then decide if that habit is one you want to continue. If positive, change to the new habit — and pat yourself on the back the first couple times you execute the new trait.  Be sure to also forgive yourself if you fall back occasionally to old ways.
• Diplomatically help others eradicate negative energy habits and institute positive ones.
• Notice how your positive energy habits impact others. Don’t be surprised if new, uplifting friends come along, and old chums are happier around you.

You’re on the path to manifesting a better future. Just think how your new way of thinking positively impacts the Universe, planet and all its inhabitants! Your new positive energy habits are like a balm on the world …a soothing ointment making everything better.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on


Conscious Living


He’s been teaching it around the world for 15 years, now in 15 countries on five continents.  It’s Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong, the profound expansion of traditional Qi Gong that he developed and refined in the early 1990s.  Qi Gong purifies the physical body, calms the emotional body, and opens the heart, elevating the spirit.  Master Li’s unique practice, which consists of eight special movements, adds to these results a direct connection of the soul to our origin.  It "restores us to our original Self," he says. 

Now he brings his teaching to Los Angeles for the first time with his "Awakening the Soul – Timeless And Universal Healing" workshop, May 9 through 11.

For more information about Master Li’s Los Angeles workshop, visit, or call 530-265-6600.

Upcoming Teleworkshop:  Power Up Your Life!  Consciously Create Love, Health & Wealth
• Are You Facing Challenges in Your Love Life?
• Are You Not Attracting the Kind of Money that You’d Like?
• Are You Not in Peak Health?
If so, you owe it to yourself to learn how you can Consciously Create Love, Health and Wealth.  Discover your ability to Power Up!  Learn the techniques to focusing your personal energy—your unlimited power–on locking in the reality you choose for yourself this year. 

We’ll be holding a life-changing 90-minute teleworkshop in the Spring.  CLICK HERE for details.  Sign up NOW and receive a $50 off coupon!

Feature Article

In the last newsletter we looked at the first six ways that can help you jump start greater prosperity for yourself, your company and for the world.  Here are the last six ways.

7.   See the world as an opportunity, not a hostile environment.  Where there is strife, find new ways to create relief.  Fill voids that provide services or goods to those who need it, or in new markets.  Think in terms of expansion, not contraction.

8.   Call for positive change.
Hold our leaders to the same standards.  Press them for positive action, not blame and finger pointing.  Support those who are taking positive action for change in our society and economy.

9.  Operate in a state of gratitude.
Be grateful for your talents, for your employees, for your co-workers, for your customers, for the relative health of your company, for living in a nation where individual freedom provides unlimited opportunity for growth, for the abundance that is yet to materialize in the future.  Show your gratitude, don’t just feel it.

10.  Pay it forward.
Do good deeds and make generous overtures to others, simply asking the recipients to pay it forward.  Create the energy that will heal and repair, and plant positive healthy seeds that will allow abundance to grow.

11.  And most importantly, hold the vision of abundance!
Create your company goals and written documents with a strong vision of success.  Work with your personnel to create visioning moments, seminars or gatherings that invoke the exciting, emotionally exalting feeling of success and abundance.  See the market climbing again.  Visualize people being able to get out from under the debt of their homes and mortgage companies helping people to reestablish home ownership.  Note how spending is once again flowing.  See businesses thriving instead of folding and jobs opening up.  Visualize money circulating responsibly.  See the world filled with peace, prosperity, abundance and economic opportunity for all.  See the world’s people cooperating in uncountable ways that generate goodwill, fair trade, conscious business, holistic value and prosperity.  See your powerful place in this vibrant, robust and satisfying planet.

12. Here are some simple affirmations that support these visions.
You might want to recite them regularly! 
• I am expanding in every way and every moment.
• I am a force for good in the world.
• Everything wonderful is a possibility in my life.
• I project positive energy into the world.
• I am transmuting all negative energy to positive energy.
• I am choosing to be optimistic and confident in the future, and happy.
• I welcome and work toward abundance for all.
• I am a powerful Conscious Creator who can help manifest abundance personally, professionally and for the good of the planet.
• I trust the Universe to always produce whatever is in my and my company’s highest good.
• I am grateful to myself and the Universe for allowing me to step fully into my ultimate potential.
• I am filled with a vision of mankind’s success at Consciously Creating a vital and vibrant future for our planet.
• I am filled with the knowledge of mankind’s power and ability to create a world of peace, joy, abundance and environmental sustainability.
• I know that everything is going to work out fine.

I’ll be hosting a special teleseminar on this vary topic later this month.  Stay tuned for details!

You Can Stay Positive In A Down Market! (Part 2)

As I write this newsletter, I am in Las Vegas!

There is no better testament to Conscious Creation than Las Vegas, a city rising from the desert from what was once a speck of dust.  But it’s not just the vast casinos rising on the strip that is inspiring, but the suburban city that is one of fastest growing in the nation.  Here people are living the American dream and even though there are cries of recession you would not see it in this vital, thriving community around the Las Vegas nucleus.  People are consciously creating their abundant future here.  They see the possibilities and refuse to allow doubt to blow in with this powerful Las Vegas evening breeze.

Stand strong in the wind, and hold toward to your abundant future!

Earth’s Cheerleader

Isn’t it odd how you may think you know the direction your life will take and then find that you end up somewhere else entirely? I always thought I was going to wind down into semi-retirement after a very successful public relations career. But now I find myself taking on a much bigger role that I ever foresaw–as Earth’s Cheerleader!

I never, ever considered trying out for the cheerleading squad when I was in high school. Standing in front of a bunch of people, screaming until my throat was sore, and gyrating with a squad of girls and guys never appealed to me.

However little that role interested me, today I’m thrust into the role of Earth’s Cheerleader.  And I’m not looking to unify only a grandstand filled with fans. I want to unify most of the earth’s population! Nope, no small goals for me!

This all started a couple years back as I soul-searched for my purpose on Earth. I’ve used my professional media relations skills for many years to launch TV networks and shows, introduce businesses, drive millions of people to events, and initiate worldwide pop culture phenomena. All along, however, I felt my skills were meant for something bigger. One day, with a flash of insight I still perceive as divine intervention, I realized my purpose on this planet was to bring together millions in simultaneous, synchronized visions to heal the planet.   

So, I wrote The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World (Elevate Publishing, October 2007) and started the non-profit organization United World Healing ( United World Healing strives to harness the conscious intent of people to create a healthy, compassionate globe.

How does this work? Quantum physics has already demonstrated how our thoughts tangibly impact reality.  Therefore it is reasonable to believe that what we focus on, we manifest and attract. If we turn our efforts to envisioning the world in which we wish to live; with time, effort and shared visions the planet will transform to match our desires.

The whole Universe — both the things we can and can’t see — is made up of a huge, intertwined web of energy. Because our thoughts and emotions are vibrations of energy, they can literally dictate reality.  Positive thoughts like gratitude, love and benevolence have positive impacts. Negative thoughts like anger, guilt, fear and hate generate similar consequences in the world.  United World Healing wants to reinvigorate the Earth’s energy bank with positive energy produced by high vibration frequency visions that will create a better planet for everyone. When we focus the intent of individuals and groups, we raise the global frequency as a whole and can change the world!

This fall, my United World Healing colleagues and I will conduct the organization’s first ‘Vision-In’ — an online and live event that brings people together from around the globe for the purpose of generating synchronized visions to heal Earth. ‘Vision-Ins’ will tackle matters such as: world starvation, world peace, spiritual awareness, conscious living, a return to basic values, restoration of climatic balance, wise and compassionate leadership, worldwide abundance, world health, business ethics and morality, harmony for all living things, and much more!  Our first worldwide, online ”Vision-In” is slated for Friday, November 9; but United World Healing also offers daily emailed visions as of October 1. 

Some may say this is all a bit Pollyannaish, but I disagree wholeheartedly. The term “tipping point” describes what happens when a force or movement grows to a stage where it changes or submerges its counterpoint. Enough people in the world begin Consciously Creating the planet we want and we’ll overcome negative forces.  If we unite as one, we can change our current world rife with greed, war and hunger. United, we can instill compassion, love, cooperation, kindness and abundance upon our world for days to come.

Really, what do you have to lose by thinking and acting positively?  Join me and my colleagues at United World Healing in this effort. Join the team and become one of Earth’s Cheerleaders, rooting on everyone to join in unified visions for a new and better planet. Go Earth!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on

5 Things You Can Do to Help Refuel The Earth’s Energy Tank

Does the news of war, terrorists and global warming get you down? Do you find it appalling how humans treat one another? Are you troubled by the huge number of people experiencing homelessness, poverty and hunger? Feel like you’re helpless to change any of this?

The world today is a product of negative human energy overflowing the Earth’s Energy Tank. This Tank, continually replenished with energy from our thoughts and emotions, creates our reality. Quantum physics is revealing that our emotions and thoughts influence the future. When we produce anger, jealousy, fear and other negative frequencies within the Universe, we pollute the Earth Energy Tank. But when we engage in love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion, we add clean fuel to the mix and become positive Conscious Creators. 

You may say, “I’m not a thief, murderer or terrorist; so how have I contributed to this state of affairs?”  The answer is this: By allowing yourself to unconsciously produce negative thoughts on these issues you’ve accidentally poisoned the Earth’s Energy Tank. But here is what you can do to turn the tide.

• First, become conscious of your emotions, thoughts and actions; and consider where they fit on the Frequency Yardstick.  Do you produce high frequency energy associated with love and compassion, or are you generating low frequency energy created by worry, fear and anger?

• Second, actively change your emotions, thoughts and actions to be more positive. Correct in mid-course if you catch yourself slipping down the Frequency Yardstick.

• Third, begin counteracting trauma in the world by taking positive actions –help others, be kind, teach others, be grateful, and get involved in activities that create change.

• Fourth, begin visioning the world as we wish it to be—peaceful, abundant, and free of crime, hunger and disease. Spend time in quiet thought or meditation sending these compelling visions of a healthy world to the Earth’s Energy Tank.  Set aside time daily to Consciously Create your existence.  And each time you see negative energy being created, take a moment to counter that with alternative transformative energy transmissions.

• Finally, participate with others, such as the members of United World Healing (, in synchronized group visions that boost the power of your energy thoughts. United World Healing’s mission is to harness the conscious intent of people and organizations to synergistically create a compassionate, healthy world.    

Let’s use our hearts and minds to cleanse the Earth Energy Tank and produce an exciting new reality.  It only takes us becoming Conscious Creators!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on

You Can Stay Positive In A Down Market!

This is a time when people are worried about their financial future, both for themselves and for the companies that they either own or contribute their skills to. 

If you are an entrepreneur, corporate leader, or someone who plays an important role in a business, these times are especially trying because of the responsibility you feel for others.  But you are also a key to keeping the flow of abundance open, and restoring people’s confidence in the future. 

If you take “right actions” to keep your company’s energy directed toward conscious business practices, provide visionary leadership and actively focus on the positive (instead of the negative) aspects of everything, you can be a force for guiding your company, your employees and the world at large back to experiencing balance, abundance and prosperity.  You are the person who can create and direct the united flow of energy toward manifesting and consciously creating the future.

In this newsletter and the following one, I will discuss Being Upbeat in a Down Market: 12 Conscious Actions to Restore Abundance—Guidelines for the Business Man or Woman.  Here are the first six ways that you can help jump start our path back to greater prosperity:

1.    Live the concept of unlimited abundance in your personal and professional life.
Discard the concept of competition.  Competition results from separation from the source of all wealth and is a construct of “lack.”  Embrace your competition, share the vision and celebrate their success, as well as your own.  Abundance for all drives the worldwide economic engine.  Take actions that show your confidence in the fact that unlimited abundance is headed your way, and is earmarked for your future…and the future of the world.

2.    Refuse to engage in the fear that has possessed the news media, Wall Street and the consumer.
Especially Wall Street is driven by the energies of fear and euphoria.  There is no balance or reality on Wall Street.  Keep your energies focused on recovery and a vision of restored economic health—both within your company and around the world.  Remember that economic cycles are just that.  And this one can turn around as quickly as it has gone south.  Point your compass due north.  With more people focusing on recovery than fear of recession, we can change course more quickly.  Remember the economy always comes back.

3.    Globalization works both ways.
We can allow our negative fears and money woes to drag down the rest of the world, or we can jointly uplift the entire globe.  Let’s lift the planet together.  Work toward economic health on all continents, not just here in the U.S.  This is a not a time to get nationalistic and provincial.  We can find partners around the world who will help bring the U.S. back into balance if we seek their success as well.  See the world’s nations and people working together to generate abundance and where you can, do your part to foster that.

4.    Lead with vigor and vision…and trust.
Show your staff, your clients and customers that you believe in the bounty that this world affords, and that you have faith in the Universe and in the future to create the opportunities for a better life, a better nation and a better world.  Show that you have already embraced that robust future.  Spend money where it will create more opportunity.

5.    Take conscious action to start prosperity flowing forth in your immediate world or around the globe.
Become an ‘Actionary” (as described in The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World).  Even if you can’t give raises to your staff, find other ways to make their lives easier and more satisfying (extra vacation time, small merit awards, secure interns to take some of the clerical support).  What you must avoid is taking away employee benefits because this feeds into the fear of “lack.”  Also give your time to community, charitable or international efforts to create a better, more abundant life for others.  That will boomerang back and help you and your employees.  Encourage your employees to do the same.  This also serves to get their focus off their own woes and onto the wavelengths of giving and gratitude, energy that can produce positive results on many levels.

6.    Put the Law of Attraction to work in your company’s behalf.
Make sure that your company is operating on a high frequency with positive focus, acts and values—and make correction where it is not.  If you are operating on a high frequency, you are resonating with the Universe’s vibration and you should attract clients, customers and employees that are in alignment with your firm and its highest good.

The 7 Things You Can Do to Grab Life’s Joystick: You Don’t Have to Be Miserable

Good news! You didn’t come into this life to be miserable! That’s something I’ve told people most of my life — something I knew innately. But while researching my book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, my beliefs were reinforced.

Great spiritual leaders of the New Age believe we arrive on Earth in a state of joy, and then proceed to screw it up. Our souls are blissful — looking to love and enjoy our lives and everything that we attract to us.  The Universe is constructed to confer to us all we desire; to “download” goodwill, happiness and peace upon us.

So why do so many people insist on wallowing in misery? It’s because they can’t believe their good fortune, refuse to trust, doubt themselves, let egos get in the way, deny reality, and ultimately sink into negative thinking. The Law of Attraction supports the reasoning that negative thoughts attract those things that reinforce unhappiness. 

We can choose to not be miserable! Just Grab Life’s Joystick and Consciously Create happiness and bliss! Quantum physics has validated the belief that thoughts and emotions are energies capable of changing reality. Create positive, joyful thoughts and emotions; you’ll bring to the world happy and wonderful experiences.

So how do you Grab Life’s Joystick? 
1.) Think positively. If a wave of negativity comes over you, consciously rearrange the thought to something optimistic and hopeful. When you do this, be confident that your words will generate a happy, positive outcome.

2.) List the things you want to come your way. Cut from magazines the pictures that emulate your desires. Put those photos in a special box, with words on the cover that state: “Thank you for granting me these wonderful things.” Then trust that the Universe is working to bring you these wishes. 

3.) Spend time envisioning what you want from life and how life should be. This scene you envision, put yourself in it.  Feel the real joy, wonderment and excitement of being there. Taste the scene, smell it, observe the details. This should hasten your vision’s arrival!

4.) Don’t think less of yourself. Love yourself, pat yourself on the back, and pamper yourself more. Focus on your strengths, not your shortcomings. Enjoy who you are. Allow yourself to be proud of what you’ve accomplished. 

5.) Do one thing wonderful each day. Indulge in a favorite book or ice cream cone. Exercise until the endorphins spring forth! Hike with friends or take your dog to a park. Cuddle your children and read to them. Etc ….

6.) Be nice and help someone — or someones — in need.  Lend a hand to somebody.  Put a smile on your face and light up a room. Give a kind word to a person who doesn’t receive a lot of recognition for their good work.

7.) Go into nature. Feel the energy that comes from being outdoors.  Swim in a lake, walk on a beach, rest under a tree, smell the daisies, feel the wind, roll in the grass. The act of sopping up nature’s positive energy always raises a person’s energy and outlook.    

These are just a few ways you can start living a cheery, fulfilled existence. It only takes the commitment to start Consciously Creating. Take responsibility for your own bliss!  Don’t look to anyone or anything to manifest joy for you. You can open the door and invite joy into your life. Grab Life’s Joystick!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on