Earth’s Cheerleader

Isn’t it odd how you may think you know the direction your life will take and then find that you end up somewhere else entirely? I always thought I was going to wind down into semi-retirement after a very successful public relations career. But now I find myself taking on a much bigger role that I ever foresaw–as Earth’s Cheerleader!

I never, ever considered trying out for the cheerleading squad when I was in high school. Standing in front of a bunch of people, screaming until my throat was sore, and gyrating with a squad of girls and guys never appealed to me.

However little that role interested me, today I’m thrust into the role of Earth’s Cheerleader.  And I’m not looking to unify only a grandstand filled with fans. I want to unify most of the earth’s population! Nope, no small goals for me!

This all started a couple years back as I soul-searched for my purpose on Earth. I’ve used my professional media relations skills for many years to launch TV networks and shows, introduce businesses, drive millions of people to events, and initiate worldwide pop culture phenomena. All along, however, I felt my skills were meant for something bigger. One day, with a flash of insight I still perceive as divine intervention, I realized my purpose on this planet was to bring together millions in simultaneous, synchronized visions to heal the planet.   

So, I wrote The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World (Elevate Publishing, October 2007) and started the non-profit organization United World Healing ( United World Healing strives to harness the conscious intent of people to create a healthy, compassionate globe.

How does this work? Quantum physics has already demonstrated how our thoughts tangibly impact reality.  Therefore it is reasonable to believe that what we focus on, we manifest and attract. If we turn our efforts to envisioning the world in which we wish to live; with time, effort and shared visions the planet will transform to match our desires.

The whole Universe — both the things we can and can’t see — is made up of a huge, intertwined web of energy. Because our thoughts and emotions are vibrations of energy, they can literally dictate reality.  Positive thoughts like gratitude, love and benevolence have positive impacts. Negative thoughts like anger, guilt, fear and hate generate similar consequences in the world.  United World Healing wants to reinvigorate the Earth’s energy bank with positive energy produced by high vibration frequency visions that will create a better planet for everyone. When we focus the intent of individuals and groups, we raise the global frequency as a whole and can change the world!

This fall, my United World Healing colleagues and I will conduct the organization’s first ‘Vision-In’ — an online and live event that brings people together from around the globe for the purpose of generating synchronized visions to heal Earth. ‘Vision-Ins’ will tackle matters such as: world starvation, world peace, spiritual awareness, conscious living, a return to basic values, restoration of climatic balance, wise and compassionate leadership, worldwide abundance, world health, business ethics and morality, harmony for all living things, and much more!  Our first worldwide, online ”Vision-In” is slated for Friday, November 9; but United World Healing also offers daily emailed visions as of October 1. 

Some may say this is all a bit Pollyannaish, but I disagree wholeheartedly. The term “tipping point” describes what happens when a force or movement grows to a stage where it changes or submerges its counterpoint. Enough people in the world begin Consciously Creating the planet we want and we’ll overcome negative forces.  If we unite as one, we can change our current world rife with greed, war and hunger. United, we can instill compassion, love, cooperation, kindness and abundance upon our world for days to come.

Really, what do you have to lose by thinking and acting positively?  Join me and my colleagues at United World Healing in this effort. Join the team and become one of Earth’s Cheerleaders, rooting on everyone to join in unified visions for a new and better planet. Go Earth!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on


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