Category Archives for "Conscious Creation"

You Can Stay Positive! Let Me Show You How

My friend Mary Schnack of Sedona, AZ has created a co-op to assist entrepreneurial craftswomen in the third world with marketing their homemade products.  It’s called Up From The DustUp From The Dust brings beautiful handmade products to the U.S marketplace that help to support and economically empower women around the world.  The organization imports jewelry, bags, and home decor from women entrepreneurs in developing countries.  Mary says that Up From The Dust targets its sales to women in business so they can enjoy those unique products and help support their sisters in business worldwide.  If you are interested in supporting this wonderful venture, please go to

Power Up Your Life: Consciously Create Your 2008—Stepping Beyond The Law of Attraction

Wouldn’t life be better if you could just create a blueprint and everything would develop nearly as you envisioned in 2008?

You indeed have that power! So why not begin Consciously Create the year you want to have in 2008, rather than letting life unfold willy-nilly, with little structure, drawing in whatever elements happen to arrive. If you built a house that way, it would look something like a Rube Goldberg kinetic sculpture, rather than a house with four walls, a roof, an attractive and inviting design, and all the amenities that you need and want. Why take the chance on building your life with whatever happens to be sent your way—good and bad?

Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which holds that you energetically draw to you whatever frequency you are resonating, and whatever you are focusing on. If you are resonating low frequencies (anger, fear, mistrust, blame, victimization) you will attract negative consequences. If you are focusing on things you don’t want to have occur, than you will attract exactly what you don’t want. On the other hand, if you are resonating high frequencies (optimism, compassion, trust in the Universe) you will attract positive consequences. If you focus on what you desire to become reality, you will attract that into your life.

However, knowing how the Law of Attraction works is only one step in the process. In order to truly take charge of your future, you must begin pro-actively Consciously Creating Your Life—marshalling all of your intent, your energy, you creative visionary skills and your power of creation to manifest the future you choose to live–and there is no better time to do that than at the crest of a new year.

January/February/March are months when people create New Year’s resolutions and feel that they can start building afresh. But do they? Most people simply haul their old baggage—their old structures– into the next year. They may want something different, but they are manifesting much of the same because they have not changed their energetic component. Their forced-air heating system is still spewing out tainted air.

To really create a new life beginning in 2008, one must undertake a wholesale rebuilding, from the ground up and the most important component of that is energy, just like in a real home. But this energy is the positive vibrational energy that each of us resonates. In order to Power Up Your Life, you must monitor and transform negative thoughts, emotions and actions into positive ones, so that you are only vibrating from a positive state. You must be flowing positive energy in order to have control over what you are manifesting.  There are many ways to go about learning these techniques, but mastering them will open the door to establishing a blueprint that you can turn into reality.

Consciously Creating Your Life in 2008 means reinventing everything you desire in advance…leaving little to chance. Then giving yourself the time to design the house and empower its formation using your positive energy waves as the construction crew, and the Universe as supervising contractor.

So what do you want in your life for 2008:
• More money?
• More love?
• Better health?
• More vacation time, more travel?
• A better job, a better boss?
• More time, more personal freedom?
• More peace and serenity? Less stress?
• A better home, car or other belongings?
• More help to carrying your load at home, at the office?

Don’t leave it to chance. Hone your manifesting skills. Take charge of your future. Live the life of your dreams in 2008!


Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Learn the techniques to Power Up Your Life! Consciously Create Health, Wealth and Love in 2008 with Jackie Lapin’s Jan. 31 teleworkshop:

Sign up now to receive Jackie Lapin’s life-changing 48-page fr*ee ebook: Beyond The Law Of Attraction: How Conscious Creation Can Help You Create The Blueprint For Your Future, at

10 Tips for Using Love to Make Your Life Happier and Easier

Do you want a happier, easier life?  Surf the Love Vibration!

Is life a bit of a struggle?  Do you find yourself thwarted at work, unhappy at home, yearning for romance, feeling unappreciated?  Then love is your answer.  Not romantic love, but Universal love — the kind that opens the doors of infinite possibilities.

We live in a world where fear, anger, disappointment, jealousy, hopelessness and self-hate are the primary currency.  These are just some of the underlying negative emotions and thoughts that are most people’s default response to their experiences.  Such thoughts are limiting and destructive perceptions that simply permeate one’s world, and perpetuate misery and unhappiness.

The reason is that our thoughts and emotions are energy.  Quantum physics is proving that they have the power to influence and change our future.  What we think, we manifest.  We are Conscious Creators.  If we put out negative energy, we will attract more in return.  Negative energy throws up roadblocks in our life; it makes everything more difficult.

Consider for example the last time you had a disagreement with a co-worker.  Did you show your anger or disappointment?  What happened?  Did you create tension?  Did you get your way?  What was the cost?  What about the last fight you had with your lover or spouse?  Could your negative approach have made things worse?  If you do see yourself in these descriptions, then maybe you are ready to try Surfing the Love Vibration.

Love is the highest frequency energy in the Universe.  It is the positive energy that drives and powers the Universe.  When you raise your own personal frequency—the frequency of your thoughts and emotions—to match the Universe, you will be floating along in concert with the Universe instead of going against it.  In other words, you have the opportunity to grab your board and go Surfing the Love Vibration.

So how does one grab the wave?
• Whenever you are confronted with an unpleasant situation or conflict, send love as your advance guard.  Stop before you speak.  Instead imagine sending out pink light from your heart or throwing a net of love over the participants.
• Before you enter a situation you think might be confrontational, shower yourself in pink light.  Feel yourself being loved and embraced by the people you are soon to encounter.
• When you feel down, depressed, unworthy, unloved or unattractive — give yourself a love bath!  You are a fabulous human being, a part of the Universe’s essence.  Remember that you are loved and that you must love yourself.  By doing so, you will attract more love.
• Love those who you often forget to love.  This includes people such as mailmen, auto mechanics or store clerks who make your life easier and provide a service to you.
• Forgive and love difficult relatives, ornery neighbors, demanding bosses, forgetful boyfriends, nagging wives, bad waiters, clueless salesclerks, crabby seniors and anyone else that has been an annoyance in your life previously.  Love them ‘til they begin picking up your “vibe” and begin behaving differently!
• Choose love first when you must have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved ones—no matter what the topic.  Start from that framework — not anger, disappointment or need.  State what you are feeling and perceiving, and then ask what he/she feels about the matter and what is that person’s perception.  Don’t accuse or demand.  Seek compromise.
• Practice random acts of kindness.  Whether it’s for someone you know or someone you don’t, such acts of grace are a powerful message of love in the Universe.
• When you feel fear, seek its opposite.  Are you afraid of success or failure?  Are you afraid of trying something new?  Are you afraid to voice your feelings?  Whatever you fear can be transformed with love.  Give yourself love and permission.  Trust the Universe to help you, once you’ve administered that love.
• When in doubt, spout love!  Not sure what to do or how to handle something?  Just send out waves of love.  Direct them toward anyone that impacts you and your decision.  Direct them toward the desired outcome.  Direct them toward yourself.  Direct them toward the Universe.
• Love the World!  Love the Earth and its inhabitants—all living things.  Love the people who are courageous and conscious leaders.  Love the people that put their lives on the line to protect us (police, firefighters, servicemen and women, search & rescue).  Love the people who live a conscious life—and love those who don’t so that they may become conscious and caring.  Love the animals, sea creatures and insects that share our Earth.  Love the food and water that sustains us.  Love truth and integrity; and respect everyone so that they may become the social engine that drives the world forward.

Surf the Love Vibration!

I wanted to share with you something that I’m very proud to report.  My book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World is a finalist for the Visionary Awards, presented by the Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) at the International New Age Trade Show in late June.  COVR brings together the leading edge retailers and manufacturers in the Body/Mind/Spirit Marketplace.  I will be attending the International New Age Show and doing a book signing at the New Leaf and COVR Booths.  I’m happy to say that New Leaf is now distributing the book to the New Age and Body/Mind/Spirit Marketplace.  So please tell your friends!  Also look for the book on the cover of the Leading Edge Newsletter in your local bookstore.  The book was also a finalist this year for the prest! igious USA Book Awards.

Thanks for all your good wishes and support!

Are You One of the People Who Can Make Their Dreams Come True?

Some people just seem blessed. Everything they do turns into gold. Their lives are right out of the movies. Other people struggle with everything and never seem to move ahead—or they do at great personal sacrifice. Why is that? 

There are two types of people who make up this world — Conscious Creators and Unconscious Creators. The Conscious Creators are most often those people for whom much goes right and who can realize their dreams.

However, most folks fall into the second category. They can’t comprehend why it seems as if their life is falling apart, why their job stinks, and why they can’t attract a good lover, partner or spouse. They feel angry, depressed and victimized. Little do they know that they’ve actually created their own misery unconsciously!

On the other hand, Conscious Creators have a clear vision of their desires; understand that they can impact the future; trust that things will be OK; and always put forth kind, loving, positive energy no matter what happens. They also have the ability to manifest a better world benefiting the whole!

Q: What’s the Difference Between the Two?
A: Use of energy! Like the entire Universe, we are made of energy. Not only are our molecules energy, but so are our thoughts and emotions. Our energy packets can be charged positive or negative, and they resonate with the rest of the Universe. The Law of Attraction states that if you put out negative energy, you will attract the same back. Emit positive energy and you’ll gain back positive experiences.

Q: What are Negative and Positive Energy Habits
A: UnConscious Creators exhibit “negative energy habits.” They wallow in the past and fret the future. Control issues bubble about their insides, and they don’t trust anyone. They may have self-esteem issues, anger issues, and are unable to communicate emotions in a positive manner. Blame is heaped upon others, They dwell on things that go wrong, pay too much attention to critical voices in their heads, and heap blame upon others. They fear society will realize they are unworthy, which will keep them from getting “their slice” of the pie. They are curt, hurried, pushy, and must have the most “toys” at all costs. Everything and everyone is out to get them, including the Universe itself.  When things go wrong, they hang their head in shame because they obviously made a mistake. They rarely listen to their heart, choosing instead to exist entirely within their head and ego. All this negative energy paves their path and they simply don’t realize the damage they’re inflicting upon themselves and the world.

At the other end of the spectrum are Conscious Creators who exhibit “positive energy habits.” These are optimists who envision the things they want and take positive steps to make their wishes come to fruition.   It is trust that they have in the Universe to bring them what’s in their highest good. They always look at the bright side; and are thoughtful, loving, kind and straightforward with everyone. Frustrations are dealt with positively, not dwelled upon, and they move forward. Conscious Creators are likely to be enjoying the present rather than leveraging it for the future. They don’t blame others, don’t project fears upon others, listen to their heart and act on their soul’s goodness. These people have a sustained, healthy dialogue with the Universe, and recognize their positive energy opens amazing doors!

Q: Can Someone Choose to Be a Conscious Creator?
A: Yes! Just start changing how you think. Choose positive thoughts and banish negative ones. Decide to handle situations with a cool head rather than a hot one. Be more loving, kind and compassionate. Settle on attracting abundance, instead of repelling it. Begin envisioning the life you want and become that life.

Q: What Happens When I Become a Conscious Creator?
A: You transform your life and find more joy in: relationships and friendships; your outward appearance, good health, employment, business opportunities, leisure time, your surroundings, personal freedoms, your home life, the wealth you acquire. That, however, is only half of it. You can also find satisfaction in manifesting a better world as a whole, using your visionary skills and positive energy to clear a path to a better future for all living things on the planet.  It’s all just a choice away!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world.  Visit to for details on the next Worldwide "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on


Feature Article

Most of us just go about life each day feeling like wind chimes … sometimes we make lovely sweet music and sometimes we are buffeted by gale force winds, with wild dissonant sounds.  Often we feel at the mercy of fate, which is handing us some good days and some days that are filled with roadblocks, obstacles, annoyances and frustrations.  At the end of the day, we’re so tired from the challenges that we just collapse in a heap with little energy to enjoy our families, friends or quiet time at home.

But what if we could actually shape our day before it begins? 

How would life be if we could order our day, just like we order breakfast? 

Can I have some fast-and-easy approval on my report, along with my coffee today, miss?  I’ll take some pancakes with my on-time air flight!

“Dream on,” you say?  Well actually, yes, that’s exactly what you can do to make almost every day a “Dream Day.”  You must imagine your next 24 hours in advance.  It’s called Consciously Creating Your Day.

Conscious Creation is the act of aligning yourself with the Universe and setting intentions.  Science is proving that our thoughts and our emotions are energy and they have the ability to change our reality, to shape the future.  Because the entire Universe is a giant cosmic web of energy, when we “transmit” our thoughts and emotions into that web, it has a domino-affect elsewhere on this great connected mesh.  Furthermore, this energy of ours has polarity– it attracts and repels.

So on any given day, if your thoughts are negative because you’ve had a fight with your husband, or you feel guilty from eating a pint of ice cream the night before, you will begin your day by attracting all kinds of other unpleasant consequences.  It may start in the morning when you accidentally spill the coffee on your skirt, then continue when your computer malfunctions, and then end when you run out of gas on the way home, even though the gauge says “full.”  Have you ever noticed how bad days escalate?  This is evidence of “UnConscious Creation.”  Though you may not be aware of it, you are helping to manifest your own heartache and problems.

On the other hand, if you begin the day feeling joyful, happy to be alive, at one with the world, and excited about what you will do that day, it is likely that your day will continue to be a winner.  And even if you are faced with an obstacle, you will handle it with aplomb and it will disappear quickly.  You experience ease, speedy action on your desires, and effectiveness.  You are drawing to yourself experiences that support your own sense of goodwill.  This is like sailing with the wind, instead of against it.

So can you actually control having more good days?  Yes, you can!  You can begin to practice Conscious Creation.

Each day before you begin your workday or you embark on your tasks for that morning, you can do the following:

  • Create a special sanctuary, somewhere you can feel comfortable.  Turn off the cell phone and take the landline off the hook for a few minutes.
  • Get quiet and put yourself into a meditative or quiet state.  Close your eyes.
  • Breathe deeply several times.
  • Now imagine a golden cord of light from your tailbone into the Earth and another from the top of your head upward. Each of these cords is fed by a pool of beautiful golden energy that heals you, fuels you and imbues you with joy.
  • Allow the feeling of goodwill to flood into you.  Just feel your alignment with the Universe, as love, ease, comfort and happiness flow throughout every cell in your body.
  • Now begin to create a vision for your day.  What would you like to see happen?  How would it unfold?  Who would be there?  Shoe away any thoughts of the problems that could arise or the argument that is building up with your boss.  Instead see yourself spreading a net of compassion and care over him, working together collaboratively to resolve any outstanding issues.  Create beautiful mind pictures of the day you really want to experience—the perfect day!  Feel like you are there!  Experience all the fabulous emotions of that exceptional day—let those happy, joyful, satisfying emotions help draw it to you!
  • Say thanks to the Universe for ALREADY granting this dream day.  Put forth your gratitude.
  • Then let go!  Give the outcome over to the Universe and trust that it is looking after your highest good.
  • Slowly open your eyes and greet your day!

By Consciously Creating your day, you are increasing the odds that you will indeed have a felicitous experience.  This is not to say that you won’t encounter problems and obstacles.  But you will have reduced the number and the degree.  And more importantly, you would have put yourself into a calm and productive mindset to deal with the situation in a positive and effective way, instead of escalating the problem with negative energy that you dispense unconsciously.  Life will become more effortless, struggle-free, stress-free and enjoyable.  You’ll have energy left over at the end of the day to play, entertain friends, share experiences with your husband or interact with your children.

What is truly exciting about Conscious Creation is that it is so empowering.  You have the ability to shape and mold your own future–one day at a time.  What could be better than that?

Consciously Create Your Day

This week I had a note from a dear friend to say that she and her husband are retiring from their teaching jobs and moving from California to New Mexico.  It was a shock!  I had thought I had another year or
two before they retired to travel up to visit them only an hour away. 
But economics being what they are, the high school district offered them a great buy-out a year early and they took it.  And that made
me realize how much time I HAVEN’T spent with them when I could have…and now they will be going away. 

There are two positive aspects in this … I do have a few months in which I can go visit before they leave and now I have a place to visit in Las Cruces!  But this experience reminded me that our time with the people that illuminate our spirit is often on our back burner.  Make time for your dear friends a front-burner priority!  It’s a decision you’ll always be happy you made.

High Frequency Flyers: How to Raise Resonance and Attract Your Yearned For Future

Everyone loves the free flights that come from racking up frequent flyer miles. There is, however, another kind of rewards program that pays even bigger dividends — the High Frequency Flyer program.

According to science, we are all beings of energy. Our atoms and molecules vibrate at certain frequencies and generate waves of energy.  Quantum physics is revealing that our emotions and thoughts produce energy packets that have the ability to create or influence our future. Humans are beginning to understand that whatever we think is what we create. If we think certain types of thoughts, we are more likely to manifest — or Consciously Create — what we desire.

The Universe resonates on the highest of all frequencies, one that corresponds with love. Other high frequencies are: kindness, compassion, joy, forgiveness, courage, generosity, acceptance, understanding, patience, gratitude, peace, optimism, integrity and sincerity. Low frequencies are: hate, anger, envy, fear, frustration, pessimism, impatience, doubt, guilt, despair, dishonesty, revenge, selfishness, ingratitude, intolerance, sorrow, shame and prejudice. Humans, in general, resonate somewhere in the middle, flawed creatures that we are!

The higher we resonate, the faster we are to manifest dreams and desires because we’re transmitting on the Universe’s frequency. As such, we are more likely to attract the goodwill stored within the Universe’s energy reserves and speed the process of Conscious Creation.  Essentially, we are just going with the flow!

Dr. Valerie Hunt, professor of psychology and physiology at UCLA, revealed in studies that high frequency energies are emitted by individuals who have supreme moments of high consciousness during meditation. These people experienced an immense “knowing” of wisdom, a sense of oneness with the Universe, an infinite sense of love and peace. This is what many spiritual leaders of Eastern philosophies experience in their practices. But it is not required that you be a monk or yogi to draw from the Universal energy flow. Anyone can do it by practicing high frequency thinking and generating high frequency emotions.

Being aware of your low frequency thoughts, emotions and habits will allow you to start “rethinking your future.” Consciously turn off negative thoughts and replace them with positive. Rather than complaining about snarled traffic, think and believe the road is opening up ahead of you. Rather than being angry at a co-worker, send waves of love and have faith that your colleague will fix problems willingly.

Once mastered, this skill helps raise your frequency and assists you in Consciously Creating a brighter future. Previously, your low frequency traits manifested things that made life a struggle. Start sending high frequency energy to the Universe and watch a more fulfilling, happier, easier life unfold.

Become a High Frequency Flyer and reap the rewards of an energy-empowered, Consciously Created future.       

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on

I Ate Fire and You Can Too!

I just came back from a seminar and did the impossible.  When I first saw Marshall Sylver do this on stage with a woman at one of the leading motivational speaking conferences, I said to myself, "I’ll never put that torch in MY mouth…I’m too afraid!"  Yes, indeed I was allowing my negative thoughts and fears to hold sway.

But all I can tell you is that at the end of the weekend of Marshall Sylver’s Turning Point Seminar, I willingly put that flaming torch in my mouth and I have the photo to prove it!  Sylver is an amazing speaker, coach and motivator.  He is incredibly high energy, but very caring, too.  He loves helping people.  If you look him up on his website, you’ll discover that he is one of the world’s leading hypnotists (he would tell you he IS the world’s leading hypnotist) and for many years a Las Vegas headliner.  But he uses hypnosis in the most creative ways to teach people to overcome their limitations.  And he gives them the tool of self-hypnosis to reach beyond their limiting beliefs. Sylver’s mission is to make us all million and billionaires!  His own rags to riches story is astounding—from living in poverty with his mother supporting nine kids, to allowing drugs to destroy his early 20s, to rising up to great wealth once he learned how to Consciously Create his life.

Marshall makes sure that you not only leave with a renewed sense of your own power (and how to ‘mind-trigger’ your own self confidence), but he gives you real world practical wisdom on wealth building, being persuasive and powerful in business, inspiring cooperation instantly from others, living life passionately, getting rid of emotional baggage, transforming personal relations (the seven characteristics of successful relationships!) and so much more.  This incredible two-day Turning Point Seminar teaches how to use rapid transformation and subconscious reprogramming to turn fear into power!  And that’s how I ended up eating fire…

Since this was such a wonderful breakthrough for me, I asked Marshall if I could share it with you.  This jam-packed weekend seminar (9 am to 7 pm each night) is normally $3,000.  We agreed that I could offer it to the first eight people who email me for only $1,250, with $250 of it going to United World Healing, my non-profit foundation for visionary world healing! (Isn’t that gracious of him?)

This is just for the folks on my newsletter list!  And here’s the bonus — we all like bonuses, don’t we???  I can also get the following items for you for FR*EE: Marshall’s Passion, Profit and Power audio series, The Secrets of Persuasion & Influence Program, The Self Hypnosis Training video, How to Hypnotize Others video, Power Programming Live! video, I Am Permanently Slender Kit and I Am a Non-Smoker Kit.  He sells these items alone for $1,000.

Later this month, Marshall Sylver will be hosting a live conference call during which he will discuss his life changing Turning Point Seminar.

Below are the details for any of you who would like to join in on this LIVE toll-free call.

DATE: May 28th, 2008 at 6:00pm PST
PHONE: (218) 339-4300
PASSCODE: 118721#

So enough of the commercial!  It’s just great to share something that I personally got a lot out of.  And it was fun!  It was just worth the price of admission when he began coaching the men in the audience how to really make their wives, lovers and girlfriends feel loved, romanced and appreciated…rather than withholding.  There were some amazing breakthroughs.  I thought we were going to see a few couples get engaged—or married–on the spot!

So if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please take a look at Marshall Sylver’s website and then email me at as soon as you can!  His last events have been in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando and New York.  He adds new locations all the time.  I’m happy to answer questions about Turning Point by email as well.  I’m holding the eight certificates here!  I hope one has your name on it!

Attention Fans of Earth: Let’s Change the Planet!

It’s set!  November 9, 2007, will be the exact day we start Consciously Creating the world we desire. If you love the Earth—and I know you do—we must unite NOW to counteract violence, hatred, global warming and other catastrophic forces.

Our planet has an energetic consciousness that is alive. The Universe as a whole is constituted of energy, and we are a big part of it. All of us vibrate waves of energy, with the two most potent sources being our emotions and thoughts. Quantum physics has revealed that powerful frequencies from our thoughts and emotions can alter reality. Whatever we emit finds its way to Earth’s Energy Bank, which means both our negative and positive energies are deposited there.

Negative energies include: anger, jealousy, fear, impatience, pessimism, disappointment, frustration, worry, doubt, blame, revenge, guilt, insecurity, despair, dishonesty, selfishness, ingratitude, hatred, intolerance, sorrow, shame and prejudice.

Over the ages, humans have churned out negative frequencies that have found their way to Earth’s energetic force field, resulting in ill effects such as environmental disasters, tsunamis, wildlife extinctions and more. It follows that our negative energies in concert have caused human-made catastrophes such as war, genocide, crime, incivility, disease, etc.

There is good news, however.  We can transform these negatives by becoming Conscious Creators—and Conscious Crusaders.  Through enlightened visions and love we make ourselves transmitters of positive energy and begin to cast positive frequencies upon the Earth. Science has shown that positive frequencies do in fact transmute negative ones.

So how is this accomplished? Conscious Creation is the answer. When something is visualized in your mind, the Universe accepts this as energy. It doesn’t make a distinction between what you think and reality because they both are forms of energy. The Universe simply acts on thoughts to make them real and bring them to fruition.

So for us to generate the world we desire, we must picture it as we wish. See it, feel it, and experience it as tangible by reveling in the joy, contentment and excitement of that world. Emotions are “wave boosters” that project messages with force. Once envisioned, thank the Universe for having ALREADY put into motion the energies necessary to transform positive thoughts into reality.

Those that love and want to heal the Earth for a better tomorrow must make it their responsibility to engage in positive visions. There is a new global organization called United World Healing ( chartered to harness the conscious intent of people and organizations worldwide to create a healthy, more compassionate world. By drawing on the precise, unified, positive mind images of millions around the globe, United World Healing will magnify the power of those visions exponentially, making those energy waves vastly more capable of creating change.

The first worldwide United World Healing “Vision-In” will take place live online on Friday, November 9. (Check the website for your local time.) All you need to do is listen, imagine and feel! Join in and lend your inner power and energy to establish peace, joy, abundance, freedom, environmental balance and opportunity for all.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on