Category Archives for "Conscious Creation"

A Dialogue Between You and Your Money

I know this sounds strange, but it’s time you started talking to your money. If you are feeling strapped by the economy, than you need to develop an up-close-and-personal relationship with your money.  And when I say “your money,” that may be money already in your bank or dollars that are on the way and you have yet to deposit in your account.

So let’s start a dialogue between you and your money.

What would you like to say to it? How do you want to make it feel? Do you appreciate it? Do you enjoy it? Do you love it? Are you grateful for the things it’s helping you do—pay your bills, get a manicure, give gifts to your children, pay for the car repair, buy dinner with your best friend? It’s fantastic, isn’t it? It’s just a tangible method to track the exchange of services and energy between people, but it’s just so GREEN! Green represents abundance, harmony, rebirth and growth! Money lets you celebrate the success of your work life.  It enables lots of forms of joyful entertainment. It provides enriching food.

So talk to it. Romance it. Love it. Just like you would a puppy or a kitten.

What do imagine it would like to say to you? I love being able to service you? I love being YOUR money and letting you pass me along to someone else to help make their life better. I love making you feel good when you see lots of dollars fill up your bank account. Please spend me smartly and save me for a rainy day. It’s just so fun to bring joy, happiness and prosperity to you!

Now what would you say to the money that has yet to arrive? I’m so looking forward to your arrival. Thank you for helping me to grow and prosper. I promise to use you for my personal growth, for making wise choices and for helping others. You’re a blessing on the way, since I know that you’ll help me pay down my mortgage quicker, and will get into a great place financially. It will be so fun to have you by my side when I go to buy my new car, and get the wood and tools to build my son’s treehouse. Now I can take care of that treatment I need to get into peak health! Oh and wonder of wonders! I can take that trip to


regardless of how the dollar is faring against the euro. I am so thankful for your arrival!

Fun, isn’t this! It’s a unique to Consciously Create your future wealth employing joy, fun and imagination, instead of intense focus on changing the future. This is a light-filled joyous celebration of your wealth today and a celebration of wealth to come.   

So what other imagination tools can you devise to attract money and keep it coming?

Try these:

·         The Money Tree. Imagine you have a money tree in your tummy. (I actually pulled a picture from the Internet of a money tree and put it on the wall in front of my desk as a reminder.) Imagine it growing inside of you and each time you need some money, you plug some of its $$$ leaves. And watch, they grow back! There’s an unlimited supply!

·         Magnetize Your Aura. Imagine your aura in brilliant colors all around you. Set the intention to magnetize it. Zap! Now you are a money magnet and money is coming from all over to stick to you! Pluck one from your crown chakra. Oh there’s another one I can grab right off my ankle. Those dollars are just arriving from all over the Universe!

·         Your Genii in a Bottle. Go find a funky old lantern or bottle, something antique-y and fun. Imagine this is the bottle in which your Genii lives and he (or she!) is there to grant your money wishes. See your Genii bringing you that money whenever you want or need it. But make sure to feed your Genii lots of love and gratitude to keep him feeling special about your relationship. He’ll keep trying to please you as long as he feels appreciated.    

·         Your Magic Box. Find a beautiful box that evokes lovely thoughts whenever you open it. Each night go over, open it up and put in your imaginary savings. Keep piling in dollars—and oh and then, put in the real thing! (Now that’s an idea!) 

·         The Emerald Gem. This one has always been a powerful one for me and when my business was in trouble many years ago, this imagery helped turn my life around. Go outside in the sunshine. Imagine a stunning deep rich green emerald in the sky above you. See beams of emerald green light shining down on you, knowing that this light represents abundance, prosperity, safety. Let it warm your shoulders and caress your body. Feel financially taken care of and blessed by the rich green Universal gemstone.  

So the minute you start feeling poor, turn your mind to one of these lovely fantasies or talk to your money. I have no doubt you’ll start to see a change in your fortunes.

How Do You Handle Stress?

How Do You Handle Stress?


Stress. In today’s world, this is not easy to avoid. Unless you are a yogi, Buddhist monk or Hindu holy man, you probably are suffering the effects. Stress takes its toll on our health, our mental stability/resilience/acuity, our eating habits, our fitness, our sleep, our attitudes, our outlook, our patience and our families and partners. Stress comes from financial concerns, jobs, home life, relationships, parental responsibilities, time limitations and what we expect of ourselves.


And here’s the thing…it’s all in our heads! It’s not physical. There’s no giant boulder sitting on your shoulders. Stress is completed manufactured in our minds. If we choose not to indulge in stress, it doesn’t exist! I do know people who just let everything roll off their backs. They go blithely through life, trusting that everything will turn out fine and choosing not to bother themselves over what other people say and do to pressure them. Most of these people are a lot happier than the average stressed-out person! And certainly spiritual monks, who have divested themselves of most worldly possessions, have managed to find the path leading toward nirvana.


But if you are not quite as spiritually evolved as those euphoric spirits who found ways to totally eliminate stress from their lives, there are ways to at least mitigate it in yours. How do you handle stress today?


Do you complain to everyone else around; snap at people; suffer from insomnia; cope with stress-induced physical ailments; bury yourself in more work to avoid what’s happening at home; sleep to escape; drink, do drugs or overeat or become depressed? 

Think about it. What behaviors do you have that are your response to stress? Make a list.


Now let’s look at better ways to cope. To start providing more constructive, spiritually enhancing methods to respond to stress.


·         Ask the Universe to take some of the load. Make a list of all the things for which you feel responsible or that you must do. Then carve out the biggest, more important ones for yourself. Put the rest on a separate list that you ask the Universe to begin handling for you. Then let go of your worry over those items.


·         Meditate or have “quiet time” everyday. Find a time of day when you can carve out 20 minutes and just go inside, let go of everything else and just say, “I am at peace.” See radiant blue light flooding your body from above, and going into each cell. Blue is calming and peaceful. This little oasis should open up a more soothing spiritual space in your mind and your heart.


·         Exercise. But you probably already know this is great stress relief and good for your spiritual body as well. Try to make time at least three times a week.


·         Recover your sleep. Ask yourself “Is this really worth losing sleep over?” It probably isn’t. First set an intention to go to sleep and to release your concerns to the Universe. And if that doesn’t work, try a bit of self hypnosis. Count down from 5, telling each part of your body to relax from the feet to your head. Then say, “As soon as I exit this hypnotic state, I am going deeply, easily and quickly to sleep.” Repeat this three times. Then count from 1 back up to 5, and close your eyes.   


·         Curb self-destructive behavior. Whenever you have an urge to do something addictive, sing! Or do something ridiculous that makes you laugh. Tell a joke. Take a happiness time-out. Smell a rose. Watch the squirrels climb the trees.

Go for a short walk. Play with your puppy.


·         Don’t deny yourself vacations and time off. Make sure you take AT LEAST two weeks a year, even if it is scattered over long weekends. You must get a break from unrelieved pressure and responsibilities. Take your birthday off and go celebrate! This is spiritual survival!


·         Organize your life. Life becomes more frantic and stressful when you can’t find things easily, when your house is a mess, when your desk is a disaster area. Neatness lends itself to calmness…a feeling of not needing control because all is in order.  


·         Find someone to give comfort. You don’t have to be alone. Find someone with compassion who will listen and be sympathetic. That person may not have the answers, but just listening will make you feel better. You can be that person’s confession-buddy, too.


·         Be compassionate with yourself! When you are being kind to yourself, it’s easier to be kind to others. If you are being self critical and putting pressure on yourself to live up to unreal expectations, you will likely treat others unkindly. Of if your superiors are pressuring you to perform, you might just take it out on your co-workers or your spouse. Recognize that you are doing the very best that you can and be happy with your contribution. Your company/boss/business doesn’t own your soul. You are just loaning the company some of your workday hours.


·         Stop worrying! Fretting never made anything better. If you have a sudden brainstorm that solves a problem or lifts a concern, offer it and move on. Don’t obsess. Don’t distress. Have confidence that you’ll be guided to know the answer or have the solution when you need it. Or maybe it isn’t even your problem to solve!


So in closing, create a beautiful domed shield around you of golden light and let the stress bounce right off. Your soul needs that buffer. You have a choice of whether to allow your ego to keep you in a stressed-out state, or let your heart put you in a blissed-out state. Which would you prefer?

Your Energy Body

Your Energy Body

Excerpted from The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World 


A person’s energy body has three major interconnecting elements. One is the overall aura or capsule of energy that surrounds the body, most often in an oval shape extending 24 to 36 inches outward from the surface of the body. The second is represented by the channels of energy flow connecting the seven main energy vortexes or chakras that regulate energy coming into and going out of the energy body. These seven chakras reside on the same linear alignment as the body’s primary energy meridian, through the center of the body, energetically paralleling the structure and function of the spinal cord to the physical body. Doctors of Oriental Medicine were among the first to recognize the extensive energy pathways, using them for the treatment of illness through acupuncture.  The third is the connection with the Universe through the chakra system of energy exchange. 


The seven chakras each correspond with key aspects of our terrestrial and spiritual lives, and the frequency of energy that we hold in them indicates how well we are advancing in our consciousness. As our frequency rises, we clear emotional roadblocks, heal illnesses, and generally become happier, more self-actuated beings.


The first or “root” chakra is located at the bottom of our torso or tailbone and is generally seen to have a red color. This chakra is associated with physical survival and our physical connection to the Earth and its energy.  Socially and emotionally, it is related to matters that have to do with how we relate to the external world–family, cultural heritage, community and the world at large. The energy here involves issues of safety, acceptance by society and our place in the world.


The second chakra is located near the sexual organs, between the pubic bone and the navel, and is generally seen to be orange. This chakra is associated with matters related to sex, money, work, creativity, power, vital energy, control and morality. The energy here involves issues of sexuality, our relationship to money and the flow of your inspiration.  It is our creative center.


The third chakra is called the emotional center and is located in the solar plexus region, above the stomach and just below the ribs. It is generally seen to have a pink or yellow color. This chakra is the center of emotion and desire, and is associated with self-esteem and how you perceive yourself in relationship to others. The energy here involves matters of self-confidence, self-respect, emotional vulnerability to others, sense of honor, fear and ego.   


The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and is generally seen to be green. This is the chakra which is a link between the upper and lower charkas.  It enables feelings of interconnectedness with all things and therefore enables compassion. This chakra is associated with love and forgiveness. The energy here involves matters of love and acceptance, hope, empathy, kindness and commitment. On the other hand, this is also the center of hatred, selfishness, anger, grief, bitterness and resentment when it is out of balance.


The fifth chakra is in the throat and is generally seen to be blue. This chakra is associated with how we express ourselves and communicate, and, as such, it is associated with sound and its creative expressions. This chakra deals with our strength of will, and the energy here involves following one’s passion, voicing our feelings and opinions in the world, standing up for oneself, criticizing and judging ourselves and others, and our ability to influence others. This is also the seat of our addictions.  


The sixth chakra is the site of intuition and insight, of which the intellect is one expression.  This chakra is located on the forehead just above the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. It is often called the “third eye” and is seen to have a gold or indigo color.  Besides intuition and insight, intelligence and wisdom, this chakra is associated with sight beyond the five senses, clarity and soul force.  The energy here involves intellectual and Universal truth, ability to grasp the lessons in life, including the purpose and meaning of our emotions, learning to trust intuition and the information available to us, willingness to entertain the opinions of others, questing for greater knowledge and education.


The seventh chakra at the top of the head is the spiritual center or “crown” chakra, often visualized as the “thousand petalled lotus,” as it is known in Buddhism. It is generally seen to be white or violet. This chakra is associated with all matters of the spirit. The energy here involves our chakra and its connection to the non-physical universe. This is the primary portal for energy entering our chakra system.  It is associated with man’s connection with and faith in the Universe, our values and ethics, our selflessness and our desire to help others.


Aura readers report each of these chakras appears like a pinwheel or whirling vortex of energy, extending out from a funnel-like core. These funnels are essentially senders and receivers of energy, pulling energy out of the Universe according to our conscious or unconscious will. Energy can be transported between the chakras up and down the midline (meridian) that connects them.  Each of the chakras is associated with a series of organs, and dysfunction or energy obstruction in a chakra can presage illness in the corresponding organ.  These chakras and their corresponding organs can harbor old memories, including those from past lives, essentially packets of energy-information stuck from long ago, which are one of the main sources of blockages to a free flow of life force energy.  This is why massage and therapeutic touch can cause the replay of old memories. These memories get repressed and trapped because of their overwhelming emotional charge. Some people actually experience moments of clarity from a past life through touch therapy. Other people may not consciously remember a past life, but the emotional residue from a previous existence can also clog up the energetic works, lodging in the energy body until released.


One method of releasing emotional charges from old memories and past lives is to call forth the memory, examine and lovingly allow it to go. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help in the process.  Or alternatively, the belief that enables the memory’s existence can be located, released and replaced with a positive belief or thought that generates a positive reality.


The healthy aura, which is the extended energetic body around each individual, generally has a mix of iridescent colors that reflect the person’s vibrant mental, physical and energetic state.  However, colors in the chakras and the aura change depending on the thoughts, memories and emotional charges that are held within. Color represents wavelength or frequency of the thought held in that portion of the energy body. Thus, if the person is depressed or angry or driven by fear, the energy visible in the aura will be gray or black, and may be incoherent or diffused and muddy in appearance. Uplifting positive high frequency thoughts create luminous colors, oftentimes topped by a brilliant gold, and the aura in that area is generally very coherent and clear. Pink is the color of love and in fact, researcher UCLA researcher Dr. Valerie Hunt reported measuring energy frequencies emitted from subjects registering feelings of love as being in the pink range—as she interpreted, blending the vitality of red and the white of higher consciousness.


In consciously managing one’s energy, the auras and the chakras can be a very valuable starting place. Throughout this book, we explore the art of Conscious Creation and the ability to use our imagination to make real what is not yet visible to us. This is the same principle. In working with one’s energy, you must use your mind to imagine the energetic system and to give it commands. You are directing energy through your will.  What you can envision, you can make reality.


For example, if you wish to replenish your energy supply, imagine a golden cord extending from your root chakra at your tailbone down into the Earth. See a golden ball of swirling energy at the end of the cord. Call up the energy from that cord into your body. Now see a similar golden ball above your head and run a cord up to that illuminated light. Allow that light to come down and mix with the other light. You have now performed an act called “grounding,” which keeps balance in your energetic system.


Here are a few other examples of how one can use consciously creative imagery to help manage energy flow in the energetic body:


  • Let’s say you want to open your channel to the Universe. See a large cone extending upward from your crown chakra opening to receive information from the Universe, and intend that flow.


  • If you want to open your heart to the world, well then, see your heart opening and sending pink light out far and wide.    


  • If you want to release anger, pack up those negative wavelengths into a neat tidy balloon, shove the balloon out of your aura, shoot it to the far horizon, into the wisdom of the Universe, and watch it just explode into tiny harmless pieces.


  • If you want more balance in your life, allow the lovely green color of balance and harmony to wash over you like a waterfall, starting at your crown chakra and working its way down.


  • If you want to start healing a particular part of your body, assemble those molecules of healing high frequency light and send them off to mend the energetic blockage. Really feel the radiance of that energy at work in the area.


Energy management of the aura and chakras can actually be enjoyable and fun. There are a number of guidebooks on the chakras and the aura that can be exceedingly helpful in this process including Karla McLaren’s Your Aura and Your Chakras, The Owner’s Manual; Caroline Myss’s Anatomy of the Spirit; Barbara Y. Martin’s Change Your Aura, Change Your Life. However, if you begin actively practicing energy management, don’t underestimate its power to change your life and prepare to enjoy the benefits of your work.

Conscious Creation

What if Money Were No Object and You Had All of the Time in the World—What Would You Do in 2009?

As you begin to embark on an exciting new year, I’d like to encourage you to breath in the possibilities! Now is the time to release any of the pain and struggle from 2008, unhook yourself from fears related to the economy and your financial status. Let go of problems with family and relationships. Forgive yourself for judging yourself and finding yourself falling short of who you want to be. Release and breathe!

You have a great opportunity to start anew as we usher in the 2009. Let’s wipe the slate clean and ask the wonderful question: What if money were no object and you had all the time in the world? What would your 2009 look like?

Why should we do this exercise? Because it’s the perfect way to start visioning and Consciously Creating your near term future—and maybe long term. So what would be in your plans if you could do anything you want with your time and energy?

Here’s what I would do if my bank account overflowed with cash, my financial future was set and all of my debts and bills were paid: I would be out leading people in major United World Healing Vision-In events to set the course for the world’s future. I would continue to travel all over the world teaching The Art of Conscious Creation in seminars, speeches and lectures. As I travel I would be taking stunning photos for my Lapin Gallery photo website, and sharing this wonderful experience with my incredible lover and friend who has come into my life. I’d be enjoying the fantastic success of my latest three books, while at the same time I’d be taking plenty of time to rest and relax in nature, read, exercise, do yoga and live in the moment. Furthermore, I would be giving my time, leadership skills and money to worthy causes, organizations and individuals– helping people of little means and opportunity live more empowered, directed, abundant and prosperous live.

Now what would your life look like?

  • Consider where you would live.
  • Whom you would be with?
  • How you would spend your time—both leisure time and constructive time?
  • Would you still work and if so, what would you be doing?
  • What causes you would take up and how that would manifest?
  • What would you want to learn or teach?
  • What creative endeavor or outlet would you pursue?
  • What recreational experience would you like to have?
  • What would you want to travel to see or do?
  • What do you want more of in your life?
  • What would your relationship be like?
  • What would be different about your relationship with your family?
  • What kinds of friends would be in your life?
  • How would you manifest greater health and vitality?
  • What spiritual or meditative practices would you adopt or do more often?
  • What would you do to increase your personal frequency, be more positive and release negative vibrations such as fear?

I suggest that you take some time before New Year’s eve and consider these questions. Because they can create a blueprint for next year. Now, not everything is likely to come to pass unless perhaps you immediately win the lottery, but you are putting your “wish list” into the cosmic Santa and that allows him to get the elves working on it. Some elements may begin to manifest or being evolving in the direction you desire. However, if you don’t do this, you are at the whim of whatever unconscious frequencies you are transmitting and who knows what will turn up in your life in 2009!

Take this time and put these very important thoughts on paper, and then look back one year from now and see how many of them have started to come to fruition!

My dear friend: May you Consciously Create Everything You Desire and Yearn For in 2009!    

Who among your friends and family are an inspiration to you?

Who among your friends and family are an inspiration to you? When I’m feeling that I’m insignificant, I like to look around and take inspiration from people I know that make a difference with big and little gestures. Here are some of the experiences that have helped me grow:


   *My grandmother was a Polish immigrant who sought to locate her relations in the refugee camps after the holocaust, but instead found 10,000 survivors without food or clothes. So she set about supplying the entire camp with used clothing, canned food and everything else she could get donated from friends and family.  

   *My former love made a habit of compassionately giving a few dollars to street people outside of supermarkets who just needed a meal.

   *My bookkeeper and dear friend Ann came and stayed with me or delivered food after my back surgery, regardless of whatever else was going on her life.


These acts have inspired me to step up to the plate and “pass it on.” Who do you know that you can emulate, and can inspire you to be a shining example to someone else?

Amazing Daily Emailed Manifesting Tips

Manifest Messenger

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The Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success

The Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success:

Vision+Initiative+Faith in Self+Faith in Universe=Your Desired Outcome


Someone recently asked me why I know that I will be successful when I undertake something and the answer popped into my head so clearly that it astonished me. My response to him was because of four key factors:


            –I could envision the project in advance and see how I wanted it to unfold. I saw it succeeding as I perceived it

            –I was willing to put in the effort that was required to bring it to fruition

            –I have faith in my intelligence, my intention to do something of value, my commitment to achieve it, my good judgment that this filled a need

            –I have faith in the Universe, its willingness to respond to my desires and bring me what is in my highest good


So how can I put that simply for you? 

Vision+Initiative+Faith in Yourself+Faith in the Universe=Your Desired Outcome


I call this the Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success. If you are practicing each of these when you embark on a new endeavor, you will succeed. I have spent my life creating successful businesses, forming alliances, doing non-profit work, etc by operating with these four elements as part of my day-to-day mindset. Let’s look at each of them a bit closer.


Vision: If you conceive a vision of something you want to start, you must have a passion for it—or else why do it? So you already begin with the high vibration energies of “birth” and “passion.” This gives any idea or project a great jump start. But as you visualize it, you also place your focus on it. And as we know about the Universal Laws, what you focus upon is what you will manifest. By creating the high frequency image in your mind and investing it with your emotion, you are generating that “express mail package to the Cosmic Post Office.”  


Initiative: When I first mentioned this equation to my friend, I used the term “hard work.” But then, I took that back and rephrased it. Why work hard? That’s absolutely not a necessity in the Universe that I am experiencing today. I can work smart. I can work with commitment. I can work with enthusiasm and passion. What I was trying to say was that I was willing to put in the initiative and the effort to make the project successful…but I can do that without “working hard!” There is no reason to make anything “hard,” when we can work effective and still work easily.


Faith in Self: This is a big one! People who believe in themselves tend to be very successful at whatever they endeavor. Each of us has great gifts, but to allow them to flower fully, you must appreciate and honor them with your belief. This is where you must actually take for granted how talented and smart you are—because the minute you start doubting, that’s when you allow failure to creep in. Now we are each evolving spiritually at different rates, so you may feel confident professionally, but have lower self esteem in your personal self-view. Where you feel confident is where you will likely see your success. So start taking stock of your assets and being grateful for them. These are your beacons that shine on the path to your success. Count up your past great achievements—don’t overlook them. Build your faith in yourself so you can use this as a springboard to future successes. Where are your skills—in your intellect, your creativity, your problem solving ability, your facility with people, your skill with numbers, your diplomacy, your persistence? Keep your faith in yourself and you will be well rewarded.


Faith in the Universe: If you start from a premise that you are supported and that the Universe is just waiting to assist you in your success, you cannot fail. By demonstrating your faith, you are enabling the Universe to line up all the elements in your favor, unblocked by your own doubt, fear or feeling of separation from The Source. What this also does is tell the Universe that you are open to guidance. If there is a flaw in your plan, the Universe will let you know and either will tweak it on its own, or steer you in a different direction. This high frequency energy is a powerful ally that streamlines the path to success.


So this Conscious Creation Equation for Manifesting Success is very simple and unencumbered. You don’t need to make it any more complicated than this if you want to ensure the success of your endeavors—in whatever aspect of your life they may manifest. Do the Math—Then Toast to Your Achievement!    

10 Ways to Celebrate Yourself and Your Achievements

When was the last time you patted yourself on the back?

I know, we are always told that it’s not polite to laud yourself, that you should be humble. But there’s a problem with that philosophy. It conveniently lets you overlook your own contributions to the world, and reinforces that your value is insignificant. Nothing could be farther from the truth. EVERYTHING you do is significant—to yourself, to others around you and to the world at large. And when you perform acts or tasks that are particularly outstanding, important, inspired, creative, kind, or expanding beyond your previous expertise or experience, you deserve to be recognized. Whether that recognition is from outside of yourself or simply inside, it is imperative to acknowledge your success and growth.

If you are like me, you often rush through your day looking ahead at the tasks on your “to do” list or the things you must accomplish by the end of the week. You are focused on the future and you have skipped over what you might just have done. I have been very fortunate to have been in a coaching program with the elegant visionary personal growth leader Barbara DeAngelis, who reminded me that I seldom stop and applaud myself for all of the things I accomplish. I’m always thinking about what’s next…and in so doing, I minimize what I HAVE achieved. This is focusing on LACK. I look at my book sales and think, “What am I not doing, where have I not marketed my book?”  instead of  “Look how far we’ve come in sales and how many people we are influencing to change their lives!”  Or I think “I’m not reaching enough people to deliver my message of Conscious Creation,” instead of saying, “Wow, now I have a fantastic video of myself speaking to an audience on the website, I have a speech I love, a powerpoint presentation, a speaker’s packet, a flyer promoting my speaking engagements and I’m poised to take off as a professional speaker!”

Do you do this, too? Minimize your achievements while you narrow your focus to what you haven’t YET done?

If we want to raise our personal frequency, there’s no better way than recognizing our own personal achievements, relaxing into our success, and feeling good about what we’ve accomplished before setting off on the next quest!

So we have to STOP, breathe and pat ourselves on the back. This is abundance in action. This is compassion for ourselves and gratitude for our own gifts.

You must shift how you look at your own life and mine it for the myriad successes you forget to celebrate.

Therefore to make you consciously OWN your own wonderful achievements, start a list of 10 Achievements You Should Celebrate and then 10 Ways to Celebrate Them!  

To create your list of achievements, look at everything you do in your life—don’t minimize simple tasks that you take for granted. But pick the ones that are the greatest stretch for you, the ones that required effort, intellect, creativity, perseverance, love or inspiration. 

Then periodically make sure that you stop and practice self –appreciation with one of the following 10 celebrations –or others that you might create. 

  1. Give your self a minimum of 15 minutes of reverent silence and gleeful pride! (It’s OK to be proud as long as you are not gloating over others!)
  2. Share with your dearest friends, your lover or your family your joy over your victories and achievements. They will assuredly mirror back to you wonderful happiness for you and encouragement. Of course, thank them for their support of you.
  3. Write a letter to yourself extolling your achievements, your talents and your special abilities that enabled you to be successful. Be grateful to yourself, as well as the Universe! 
  4. Light a candle and bask in its flame. Light incense and drink in the scent of your success. Enjoy the sunset with a nice glass of wine.
  5. Take a long luxurious bubble bath and think about what you’ve achieved. (Alternate, jump in the Jacuzzi or spa and indulge yourself with a long soak.)
  6. Spend part of the day outdoors in nature renewing your appreciation for yourself, reinforced and blessed by the flowers, the animals and the positive energy of the sun.
  7. Take a day off and once an hour remember why you’ve earned that day.
  8. Make or go out for a nice dinner and invite someone you want to celebrate with.
  9. Get a massage or go to the day spa, so you can treat your body and your mind with pampering love!
  10. Keep a journal of your achievements and look it over weekly, monthly and again on New Year’s Eve Day.  Toast to your achievements at year’s end, along with some special friends. Toast to theirs, too!

So now I toast to you…and please email me any other ways that you celebrate your success. I want to hear what you are personally doing to pause and recognize how wonderful and unique you are—and what a gift you are to this world!

Conscious Creation in the Workplace


How often do you find yourself wishing your work environment was better, that your boss was more respectful, that your colleagues weren’t so cliquish or irresponsible, that the people you supervise were more committed and responsive to your direction? Do you sometimes think about quitting and moving on?


Before you do that, let’s explore how you can apply Conscious Creation to the situation and see if you can transform your work environment. First review the three actions that constitute Conscious Creation:


·         Raising Your Personal Frequency—eliminating all negative vibrations of fear, anger, anxiety, jealousy, etc and instead disseminating wavelengths of patience, acceptance, love, gratitude and joy. This will enable you to manifest faster and with greater potency.

·         Creating the Vision of what you desire to occur, and then feel it in your imagination with the powerful emotions you would be experiencing when this vision manifests.

·         Being an “Actionary–taking action to demonstrate to the Universe that you are willing to back up your request, thereby putting in motion those extra “brownie points” that the Universe affords those who show their commitment through deed.


When transforming the workplace, the first thing you must do is look at what you are emitting. If you are allowing your anger, frustration and anxiety to dominate your presence than you are contributing to the environment you are experiencing. Once you neutralize the negativity factor, by choosing instead to vibrate in the high range, you will start to see a change. Never go into work dreading the day, anticipating problems or feeling overwhelmed at the workload on your desk. This energy will set the tone for what you receive that day. Make sure you start your day with a positive, optimistic, joyful attitude of exuberance…think to yourself: “What great adventure or wonderful thing will I experience today?” 


Now that you’ve started shifting your behavior, let’s look at what you can do to reshape your environment. 


Let’s consider these five scenarios:


Your boss, clients and others higher on the food chain: If you are feeling disrespected, unappreciated or unacknowledged, than there are several things you can do. The first is to act toward your supervisors in the kind of way you wish to be treated…show them great respect, wonderful appreciation and acknowledgment for what they do for you. Let the positive energy flow from you first. You brighten their day, since the s…t rolls downhill and they are feeling the pressure, too. Secondly, begin to visualize–with the emotional component–the type of interactions you want to have, the specific acts of regard and respect that you would like to see offered to you. Feel lifted, respected, recognized, happy since you’ve been spoken to with encouragement, instead of commanded to do something.   


Now if you anticipate that there is a matter ahead that could be unpleasant or you’re interacting with someone who often mistreats you, start by putting yourself in a cocoon of love. Allow that love to permeate every cell in your body. This is your transformative armor. Now, before you meet, in your imagination extend your “love net” out from your body over that person. See him or her transformed with love, compassion, regard and kindness. Then project movies in your mind of all the great things that will occur in your meeting and the type of positive interactions you seek. Allow your high frequency energy to set the tone. You can use this technique with any of the people you encounter professionally.   


Group dynamics: The first and foremost thing that you can do is walk into a meeting with a genuine smile and your welcoming warmth. This should immediately have some effect on the low vibration people in the room! Make sure that all of your comments come out of a high vibration space—you can bring up potential downsides, but do it in a constructive way. Monitor your words to ensure that whatever you are contributing, raises the frequency in the room. If you are the leader, than you may want to see if you can start out the meeting by asking everyone what they would like to achieve and then formulate a short image or “guided meditation” of what you’d like to accomplish given everyone’s input. That Consciously Creates a positive intention for the resolution and achievement of outcome.


Co-workers: Every company has its gossips, people who blame others, individuals who fail to pull their weight, etc. The first thing to remember is that you are responsible for how you respond or react – and you actually don’t need to do either. You can simply stay in your high frequency state, and don’t allow others to make you angry, annoyed or disgusted. Focus on your own path, responsibility and personal satisfaction. However, if their work impacts yours, then you should use your power of positive vibration and visualization to start changing the dynamic. Once you’ve done that, use a strategy of high vibration, positive word-choice communication to propose new solutions to your interactions. Go into meditation and ask for guidance on what and how you should suggest those new solutions. You’ll receive great answers as long as you are vibrating with positive intentions! 


People You Supervise: Lead by example. Use your high vibration attitude and communications as a bellweather for your staff. Make your staff conscious of their own vibrations. Set up contests to eliminate negative communications. Reward those who make the most progress and show the most regard for others. Or simply compliment those who demonstrate high vibration leadership. Encourage your staff to set their own intentions for their achievements and their behaviors, using Conscious Creation and visualization. When you have staff whose work or actions need guidance, direction or correction, first toss your love net, set an intention for a positive result, visualize what you want to see happen (with emotion—i.e.see yourself enthusiastically congratulating that person for making the change)  and then begin the dialogue with high frequency communication techniques.   


Physical Environment: Some of the things that cause dissonance the most are space limitations, lack of window or uplifting light, or dingy or unkempt upkeep.


With space limitations, create a radiance around you that you feel extends well beyond your cubicle or desk. Let your positive vibration energy extend outward. Open your space to a feeling of expansion, knowing that your support and freedom comes from the entire reaches of the Universe, not just your little office space and immediately adjacent co-workers. Make your space your own. Bring joyful things or put fun screen savers on your computer. Let your personality shine! Own your space with loving energy!


With the issue of limited natural light, make sure you leave the building at least once everyday to get that wonderful “hit” of natural energy from the outdoors and sun…then bring your sunshine back into your space. If you can have a say in the lighting, install or ask your employers to install full spectrum lighting because this elevates vibration and mood.  Give yourself a short meditation when you feel you need it, so that you can replenish your “light from inside.”


Now when it comes to the upkeep of the office, you can choose not to leave it to your bosses if they have neglected the situation. You can be the force for upliftment for everyone in the office! Volunteer to head up a crew on a Friday to clean files, repaint the office, create order…whatever will create pride and positive energy in the office. Ask the boss to pay for lunch for everyone who participates, and encourage your boss to join the crew. Turn it into a fun project to which everyone plans and contributes. Let it be a team-building venture. With your cleanup effort, set a group intention to open up a stream of positive energy that allows goodwill to flow and greater success and prosperity for the whole company.


Employ your wonderful abilities in Conscious Creation in your workplace and you will see a transformation in yourself and everyone around you!

Finding Freedom from Guilt: The Forgotten Frequency


Oftentimes when we think of negative frequencies that keep us mired in unhappy, unsatisfying lives, we point to fear, anger, hatred, revenge and jealousy—strong powerful emotions. But there is one negative frequency that is just as poisoning which most people forget about because its one we inflict on ourselves….and that is guilt.


Guilt is defined in the dictionary as a feeling of responsibility, remorse or regret for some offense, crime, wrong, etc.—“whether real or imagined.”


Guilt seems benign. Nobody need know about it, but you. You can hide it well. You can bury it. You can even be unaware that you have it. Guilt is insidious. It makes you feel worthless and unworthy. It may prevent you from playing the role you are destined to play in the world because you’re afraid of “being found out.”  Guilt allows others to manipulate and enslave you. It certainly stymies your ability to be a Conscious Creator, keeping you mired in low frequency vibrations, rather than the positive high frequencies that allow you to manifest effectively and to lead a happier, struggle-free life of your own direction.


Guilt could be for what you “aren’t.” It could be for what you did or didn’t do. It could be over your complicity in someone else’s downfall. It might be for not speaking up on behalf of someone else—or for yourself. It could be for your failure to please another—your boss, your spouse, your children, your parents. It could be over lies told, promises broken or integrity shattered. Maybe you feel guilty for errors made in judgment, relationships that you torpedoed, people you let go out of your life that you now regret. Or perhaps you just feel guilty for not being a better person, one who judges not and loves unconditionally.


Whatever reasons that you have to justify feeling guilty, they are illusory, unnecessary and unproductive. You don’t need to spend your life punishing yourself for acts you felt were wrong–  real or perceived. By holding onto guilt you cannot live fully –it’s like being truncated, held down or tethered. You cannot fly if you are still anchored to the earth. When you release guilt and open yourself for forgiveness and renewal, and allow the Universe to salve your wounds, you can begin to sprout wings. You can move forward in freedom and create positive new experiences that are unburdened by guilt and remorse.



  Here are nine steps you can take to release guilt and elevate your spirit:


  1. Look at the issue with objective eyes. Is this really your problem? Is it real or imagined? Is this truly your responsibility? Put it in perspective…is this really worth worrying about? If you were to look back in a year…would anybody really care?  


  1. Examine what fear this guilt masks. What do you fear you will lose? If you look at the  worst case scenario, it’s probably not half as bad as your imagination manufactures. What really can be taken from you if you value and believe in yourself?


  1. If the guilt is caused by something that might be healed or changed, step up and try to correct the situation or apologize. Look for a middle ground or solution. Your overtures may be accepted and they may not, but you have taken the right step to try to resolve it.


  1. Then you must forgive yourself. This is the most essential step in the process. It’s OK to acknowledge errors or mistakes made in the past, but if you set a new course through your intentions and actions, you deserve forgiveness from yourself. And of course the Universe will demonstrate forgiveness once you have shown love and respect for yourself.


  1. Let go of the past. Don’t hold onto the negative vibrations or negative memories. Experience the emotion, wrap it up in a shiny balloon and imagine it being lifted out of sight into the galaxy where it is transmuted. And then deliberately and intentionally release the burden of guilt…imagine taking off the yoke and walking away unbowed.


  1. Build new bridges and create a new pattern of behavior. When you consciously change your behavior to live with integrity in your actions and relationships, you generate new karmic energy. Present the authentic “new you” as you go forward in life and create new relationships…don’t mourn the old ones, just see them as a learning experience. 


  1. Make wise choices so you won’t have a reason to feel guilty. Use your best judgment going forward. Look at the long term consequences of your actions, weigh all the considerations before committing yourself. This doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect, but it does mean that your “right action” has set an intention for a course that is healthy for you, others and the world. You have created a situation where you know you’ve done your very best.      


  1. Vigilantly watch for signs of guilt and take steps to eradicate it. Zap guilt like you would an annoying knat. If you feel it coming on, look back and go through the steps above.


  1. Release and live free of guilt. Give yourself a break! You deserve to live guilt-free. Make an intention to never return to the yoke of guilt. Focus on the life ahead and living it with joy and freedom.