I Ate Fire and You Can Too!

I just came back from a seminar and did the impossible.  When I first saw Marshall Sylver do this on stage with a woman at one of the leading motivational speaking conferences, I said to myself, "I’ll never put that torch in MY mouth…I’m too afraid!"  Yes, indeed I was allowing my negative thoughts and fears to hold sway.

But all I can tell you is that at the end of the weekend of Marshall Sylver’s Turning Point Seminar, I willingly put that flaming torch in my mouth and I have the photo to prove it!  Sylver is an amazing speaker, coach and motivator.  He is incredibly high energy, but very caring, too.  He loves helping people.  If you look him up on his website www.Sylver.com, you’ll discover that he is one of the world’s leading hypnotists (he would tell you he IS the world’s leading hypnotist) and for many years a Las Vegas headliner.  But he uses hypnosis in the most creative ways to teach people to overcome their limitations.  And he gives them the tool of self-hypnosis to reach beyond their limiting beliefs. Sylver’s mission is to make us all million and billionaires!  His own rags to riches story is astounding—from living in poverty with his mother supporting nine kids, to allowing drugs to destroy his early 20s, to rising up to great wealth once he learned how to Consciously Create his life.

Marshall makes sure that you not only leave with a renewed sense of your own power (and how to ‘mind-trigger’ your own self confidence), but he gives you real world practical wisdom on wealth building, being persuasive and powerful in business, inspiring cooperation instantly from others, living life passionately, getting rid of emotional baggage, transforming personal relations (the seven characteristics of successful relationships!) and so much more.  This incredible two-day Turning Point Seminar teaches how to use rapid transformation and subconscious reprogramming to turn fear into power!  And that’s how I ended up eating fire…

Since this was such a wonderful breakthrough for me, I asked Marshall if I could share it with you.  This jam-packed weekend seminar (9 am to 7 pm each night) is normally $3,000.  We agreed that I could offer it to the first eight people who email me for only $1,250, with $250 of it going to United World Healing, my non-profit foundation for visionary world healing! (Isn’t that gracious of him?)

This is just for the folks on my newsletter list!  And here’s the bonus — we all like bonuses, don’t we???  I can also get the following items for you for FR*EE: Marshall’s Passion, Profit and Power audio series, The Secrets of Persuasion & Influence Program, The Self Hypnosis Training video, How to Hypnotize Others video, Power Programming Live! video, I Am Permanently Slender Kit and I Am a Non-Smoker Kit.  He sells these items alone for $1,000.

Later this month, Marshall Sylver will be hosting a live conference call during which he will discuss his life changing Turning Point Seminar.

Below are the details for any of you who would like to join in on this LIVE toll-free call.

DATE: May 28th, 2008 at 6:00pm PST
PHONE: (218) 339-4300
PASSCODE: 118721#

So enough of the commercial!  It’s just great to share something that I personally got a lot out of.  And it was fun!  It was just worth the price of admission when he began coaching the men in the audience how to really make their wives, lovers and girlfriends feel loved, romanced and appreciated…rather than withholding.  There were some amazing breakthroughs.  I thought we were going to see a few couples get engaged—or married–on the spot!

So if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please take a look at Marshall Sylver’s website and then email me at Jackie@TheArtOfConsciousCreation.com as soon as you can!  His last events have been in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando and New York.  He adds new locations all the time.  I’m happy to answer questions about Turning Point by email as well.  I’m holding the eight certificates here!  I hope one has your name on it!


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