Attention Fans of Earth: Let’s Change the Planet!

It’s set!  November 9, 2007, will be the exact day we start Consciously Creating the world we desire. If you love the Earth—and I know you do—we must unite NOW to counteract violence, hatred, global warming and other catastrophic forces.

Our planet has an energetic consciousness that is alive. The Universe as a whole is constituted of energy, and we are a big part of it. All of us vibrate waves of energy, with the two most potent sources being our emotions and thoughts. Quantum physics has revealed that powerful frequencies from our thoughts and emotions can alter reality. Whatever we emit finds its way to Earth’s Energy Bank, which means both our negative and positive energies are deposited there.

Negative energies include: anger, jealousy, fear, impatience, pessimism, disappointment, frustration, worry, doubt, blame, revenge, guilt, insecurity, despair, dishonesty, selfishness, ingratitude, hatred, intolerance, sorrow, shame and prejudice.

Over the ages, humans have churned out negative frequencies that have found their way to Earth’s energetic force field, resulting in ill effects such as environmental disasters, tsunamis, wildlife extinctions and more. It follows that our negative energies in concert have caused human-made catastrophes such as war, genocide, crime, incivility, disease, etc.

There is good news, however.  We can transform these negatives by becoming Conscious Creators—and Conscious Crusaders.  Through enlightened visions and love we make ourselves transmitters of positive energy and begin to cast positive frequencies upon the Earth. Science has shown that positive frequencies do in fact transmute negative ones.

So how is this accomplished? Conscious Creation is the answer. When something is visualized in your mind, the Universe accepts this as energy. It doesn’t make a distinction between what you think and reality because they both are forms of energy. The Universe simply acts on thoughts to make them real and bring them to fruition.

So for us to generate the world we desire, we must picture it as we wish. See it, feel it, and experience it as tangible by reveling in the joy, contentment and excitement of that world. Emotions are “wave boosters” that project messages with force. Once envisioned, thank the Universe for having ALREADY put into motion the energies necessary to transform positive thoughts into reality.

Those that love and want to heal the Earth for a better tomorrow must make it their responsibility to engage in positive visions. There is a new global organization called United World Healing ( chartered to harness the conscious intent of people and organizations worldwide to create a healthy, more compassionate world. By drawing on the precise, unified, positive mind images of millions around the globe, United World Healing will magnify the power of those visions exponentially, making those energy waves vastly more capable of creating change.

The first worldwide United World Healing “Vision-In” will take place live online on Friday, November 9. (Check the website for your local time.) All you need to do is listen, imagine and feel! Join in and lend your inner power and energy to establish peace, joy, abundance, freedom, environmental balance and opportunity for all.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World."  Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on


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