
Upcoming Teleworkshop:  Power Up Your Life!  Consciously Create Love, Health & Wealth

Mark your calendar for Thursday, July 10th, 5:30 p.m. Pacific /8:30 p.m. Eastern

• Are You Facing Challenges in Your Love Life?
• Are You Not Attracting the Kind of Money that You’d Like?
• Are You Not in Peak Health?
If so, you owe it to yourself to learn how you can Consciously Create Love, Health and Wealth.  Discover your ability to Power Up!  Learn the techniques to focusing your personal energy—your unlimited power–on locking in the reality you choose for yourself this year. 

CLICK HERE for details.  Registration is now open!  Until July 1st I’m offering $50 off and over $120 in extra bonuses.  Don’t wait…register NOW!

Quote for the Week

“Sow a thought, you reap an action,
Sow an action, you reap a habit,
Sow a habit, you reap a character,
Sow a character, and you reap a destiny"

Samuel Smiles, 19th Century author, Philosopher

Book Review “Where Peace Lives” by Debbie Robins

Where Peace Lives is a book of timeless wisdom for people of all ages.  Both children and adults will delight in the adventure to free the angel Peace who has been locked in an unbreakable glass box and can’t get out.  The only hope for the world is to find the three keys to set Peace free.  Inspired by the universal teachings of Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Buddha, Jesus Christ, Moses and Mohammad, the story teller (who is never mentioned by name, gender or age, so each reader can make this journey on his or her own) discovers that the “Three Keys to Peace” are not physical keys.  To learn what they are, Robins invites you to read the book.  Where Peace Lives was written to inspire the world to study, learn and practice more peace, and to encourage parents to become their children’s peace teachers.  Where Peace Lives is a call to action to strengthen our peace ‘muscle’, and make it our most dominant, global trait.  Written in the vein of The Little Prince and beautifully illustrated, Where Peace Lives is a classic in the making.
You can find this book at

Conscious Creation Tip

The Power of Water.  Water is a great conductor of positive spiritual energy.  Have you ever found, like I have, that some of your best ideas come while taking a shower?  Another friend of mine reports that when she’s having a negative day or experience, she goes in and washes her hands extensively, finding that her cares seem to go away with the suds.  I love the sound of running water, like that of water trickling in a fountain or a creek.  It calms me and creates a kind of alpha state that lets me relax and allow in positive energy.  In Feng Shui, it is said that having a fountain in front of your front door attracts not only positive energy, but abundance, too!  However, my absolute favorite way to “soak up” the positive energy of water is to immerse myself in it—in either a bathtub or a pool.  I am fortunate to have a pool in my backyard and I just love to get in and go neck deep in water, allowing myself to simply bob and float in the water and feel its gentle caress.  If you can do this, I think you will find that you’ll experience a tremendous sense of peace and joy, regardless of whatever else is going on in your life.  It’s the perfect way to raise your personal vibration.

How to Stay Positive…With a Negative Vibration Spouse or Partner

This is a topic that has come up several times in interviews over the past few months.  People who are making the change to a conscious and spiritually-driven life often discover that they are yoked to someone who is not prepared to come along on that journey.  The partner is mired in his or her own negative thoughts and emotions, and meets any topic of spiritual enlightenment, positive vibration and conscious creation with a wall of resistance.  Don’t despair…lots of others have gone through this phase too, and come out on the other side with a happier life.  Let’s look at what you can do in this situation:

• Stay in your positive vibration state.  Don’t allow your spouse or mate to pull you out of alignment with the Universe.  When you feel yourself drawn into it, take a walk, go play with the kids, read a book, or go have lunch with your best friend … and continue to think and feel positive about yourself, your life and the good qualities in your partner.

• Create a sacred place in your home where you can go to meditate, clear your chakras, express gratitude, Consciously Create, connect with the Universe, —activities that keep your frequency high.  Ask your partner to respect this private time, so that you can “recharge.”  This recharging should continue to buttress you against his or her negativity.

• Demonstrate how your life has changed by just being happier, more upbeat, and less stressed.  Soon your partner may want to know what it is that has changed you and how he/she can get some of it!

• By changing how you respond to things, your spouse is bound to have to adjust.  If you are doing something different, that will change the dynamic between you and within the family.  Your partner will have to adjust in some ways to meet or stay up with the new you.

• Visualize a harmonious relationship. See your relationship changing and your partner opening up to greater dialogue, a more open-minded attitude and a willingness to explore new avenues—new ways of thinking.  Take your focus off of what is WRONG, and put it on what is right and what you desire.

• Throw your “love net” around him or her.  We’ve previously written a bit about the “love net,” but I really believe this is an empowering tool to create waves of love that generate vibrational change.  See yourself throwing the net of positive loving energy over your mate and yourself, so that it will allow him/her to release the negativity in a net of safety and acceptance.  This raises the vibration between the two of you, and floods him or her with your loving, positive energy.

• Each day of the week, spend five minutes telling your partner one or more of the things you love about him or her.  Your partner will be delighted to hear praise instead of complaints!  It may well begin to shift his/her expectations, mood and outlook.

• Focus on making the present moment the very best and most enjoyable you can and vision for the future.  Release the past.  Don’t reintroduce old patterns, or hold him or her to past behavior by bringing up how it’s been previously, and make sure that you don’t fall back into old negative repetitive interactions yourself.  Let go of the anticipation that your partner will respond in “the same old way.”  Leave the door open for change and possibility.  Create a new pattern of interaction through your change of emotions, thoughts and energy habits.

• Present your partner with positive alternatives.  When he or she focuses on the negative, gently demonstrate what alternative thought, emotion or perception may further his or her desire.  Be a teacher, but do it gently.  Don’t force-feed these concepts.

• Become a Master Manifestor.  As you raise your frequency, good things will increasingly come to you at your beckoning.  If your spouse or partner gets jealous, point out that he/she can do this too if he/she follows your path.  Then hand your partner a copy of The Art of Conscious Creation!

• Accept that the Universe is creating an opportunity to test how effectively you can maintain your own positive energy in the face of a challenge!

• Lastly, and this is the most extreme outcome, if you have tried all of these over time and you find yourself in a situation that is not emotionally healthy for you, you may have to leave the relationship.  It is when the negatives outweigh the positives, with little prospects for change, that you have a responsibility to your ebullient and joyful soul to find an alternative lifestyle either alone or with a more positively-disposed and spiritually aware partner.  Remember, even when there are children involved, they fare better with at least one happy parent, rather than two miserable ones.

For many relationships, the awakening of one partner is often the key to evolution and positive growth for both.  May yours be one of those!

You Can Stay Positive! Let Me Show You How

My friend Mary Schnack of Sedona, AZ has created a co-op to assist entrepreneurial craftswomen in the third world with marketing their homemade products.  It’s called Up From The DustUp From The Dust brings beautiful handmade products to the U.S marketplace that help to support and economically empower women around the world.  The organization imports jewelry, bags, and home decor from women entrepreneurs in developing countries.  Mary says that Up From The Dust targets its sales to women in business so they can enjoy those unique products and help support their sisters in business worldwide.  If you are interested in supporting this wonderful venture, please go to

Power Up Your Life: Consciously Create Your 2008—Stepping Beyond The Law of Attraction

Wouldn’t life be better if you could just create a blueprint and everything would develop nearly as you envisioned in 2008?

You indeed have that power! So why not begin Consciously Create the year you want to have in 2008, rather than letting life unfold willy-nilly, with little structure, drawing in whatever elements happen to arrive. If you built a house that way, it would look something like a Rube Goldberg kinetic sculpture, rather than a house with four walls, a roof, an attractive and inviting design, and all the amenities that you need and want. Why take the chance on building your life with whatever happens to be sent your way—good and bad?

Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which holds that you energetically draw to you whatever frequency you are resonating, and whatever you are focusing on. If you are resonating low frequencies (anger, fear, mistrust, blame, victimization) you will attract negative consequences. If you are focusing on things you don’t want to have occur, than you will attract exactly what you don’t want. On the other hand, if you are resonating high frequencies (optimism, compassion, trust in the Universe) you will attract positive consequences. If you focus on what you desire to become reality, you will attract that into your life.

However, knowing how the Law of Attraction works is only one step in the process. In order to truly take charge of your future, you must begin pro-actively Consciously Creating Your Life—marshalling all of your intent, your energy, you creative visionary skills and your power of creation to manifest the future you choose to live–and there is no better time to do that than at the crest of a new year.

January/February/March are months when people create New Year’s resolutions and feel that they can start building afresh. But do they? Most people simply haul their old baggage—their old structures– into the next year. They may want something different, but they are manifesting much of the same because they have not changed their energetic component. Their forced-air heating system is still spewing out tainted air.

To really create a new life beginning in 2008, one must undertake a wholesale rebuilding, from the ground up and the most important component of that is energy, just like in a real home. But this energy is the positive vibrational energy that each of us resonates. In order to Power Up Your Life, you must monitor and transform negative thoughts, emotions and actions into positive ones, so that you are only vibrating from a positive state. You must be flowing positive energy in order to have control over what you are manifesting.  There are many ways to go about learning these techniques, but mastering them will open the door to establishing a blueprint that you can turn into reality.

Consciously Creating Your Life in 2008 means reinventing everything you desire in advance…leaving little to chance. Then giving yourself the time to design the house and empower its formation using your positive energy waves as the construction crew, and the Universe as supervising contractor.

So what do you want in your life for 2008:
• More money?
• More love?
• Better health?
• More vacation time, more travel?
• A better job, a better boss?
• More time, more personal freedom?
• More peace and serenity? Less stress?
• A better home, car or other belongings?
• More help to carrying your load at home, at the office?

Don’t leave it to chance. Hone your manifesting skills. Take charge of your future. Live the life of your dreams in 2008!


Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Learn the techniques to Power Up Your Life! Consciously Create Health, Wealth and Love in 2008 with Jackie Lapin’s Jan. 31 teleworkshop:

Sign up now to receive Jackie Lapin’s life-changing 48-page fr*ee ebook: Beyond The Law Of Attraction: How Conscious Creation Can Help You Create The Blueprint For Your Future, at

Quote for the Week

“The Winds of Grace are always blowing.  But it is YOU who must raise your sails."
Sri Ramakrishna

Book Review “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life” by Barbara Y. Martin

Your aura is a reflection of the energy you are vibrating.  Color is a vibration and so it is a clue to what is going on inside of you.  Barbara Y. Martin, a renowned aura reader and expert, maintains that you can actually change the outside to help change the inside.  In this amazing book, she gently leads you through her highly effective technique for improving the aura.  You’ll discover the complete picture of what your aura looks like; what the various colors mean and say about you; how to download power rays of energy to enhance love, healing and wisdom; and how to further open your channel to the Universe to increase your own receptivity and knowing.  She includes 90 meditations to help with everything from deepening personal relationships to transforming negative emotions to opening the door for greater abundance and success in career.  This is a great book to add to your spiritual toolbox.
You can find this book at

In the News

Jackie was interviewed on:

• Darlene Braden’s “What Stops You”
• Elaine Ireland’s Show “Going Global for Spirit”
• Whitley’s Strieber’s Dreamland hosted by Marla Frees (see below)

Jackie Lapin on Dreamland
If you’ve never heard of Jackie Lapin, get set to have your life changed, because she is the first interview in a frequent series we’re embarking on that focuses on the positive–positive change, hope, and making the world better.

The relentless negativity of the media is disempowering, and is rendering millions of people helpless with what, according to Whitley Strieber, is basically a lie: that we are small and powerless.

Listen as our resident psychic medium Marla Frees finds out from Jackie Lapin how to recreate your own consciousness as a vital, empowered force for abundance and goodness in your own life and the life of our suffering world.

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