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“Gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best insurance that the abundance will continue.” – Muhammad


The Feminine Heart

Book Review


The Feminine Heart  by Jenica Ashlie

This is truly one of my favorite books and I have since become a very good friend of the author. Jenica Ashley is an amazing sage who is on a crusade to teach women to retrieve their Feminine Hearts. Women have relinquished their Feminine Heart in the striving to become successful income earners. Reawakening one’s Divine Feminine Heart allows a woman to be truly who she is and the powerful engine for love in her world and THE world. It is through the reawakening of the Feminine Heart that we can create true peace and love globally. One key goal of Jenica’s book is to inspire “A peaceful world where children witness deep love and respect between the sexes.”  This book is chalked full of incredible wisdom. It’s divided into three sections Deep Intimacy: Satisfying our Yearning for Infinite Love, Deep Purpose, Sharing the Gifts fro Our Feminine Hearts and Deep Passion, Offering the Gift of Endless Love. Each section opens with a  beautiful peace of Jenica’s poetry addressed to “My Darling Feminine Heart” and then goes on the illuminate the subject in that chapter. The chapters conclude with Musings and Blessings, offering specific recommendations on ways to allow our authentic love to resurface. This is an inspiring and powerful book for any woman who has felt the need to sacrifice her sacred feminine side. I highly recommend it.   


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com

Are You Ready for a Shakeup?


Too often we find ourselves in a rut. We do the same things day in and day out. We eat the same foods. We think the same way. Our frequency just slides lower and lower as we feel stuck. I love the quote from Albert Einstein that says “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.” So what’s the best way to break out of a rut? Do something radical and different! This doesn’t mean you should change everything in your life, but just do ONE thing different. And keep doing it differently until you sense a change of energy. One shift can lead to other shifts. Remember, everything is connected. And before you know it, you’re moving forward again with excitement and enthusiasm. You’re out of the rut!  

How Do You Handle Stress?

How Do You Handle Stress?


Stress. In today’s world, this is not easy to avoid. Unless you are a yogi, Buddhist monk or Hindu holy man, you probably are suffering the effects. Stress takes its toll on our health, our mental stability/resilience/acuity, our eating habits, our fitness, our sleep, our attitudes, our outlook, our patience and our families and partners. Stress comes from financial concerns, jobs, home life, relationships, parental responsibilities, time limitations and what we expect of ourselves.


And here’s the thing…it’s all in our heads! It’s not physical. There’s no giant boulder sitting on your shoulders. Stress is completed manufactured in our minds. If we choose not to indulge in stress, it doesn’t exist! I do know people who just let everything roll off their backs. They go blithely through life, trusting that everything will turn out fine and choosing not to bother themselves over what other people say and do to pressure them. Most of these people are a lot happier than the average stressed-out person! And certainly spiritual monks, who have divested themselves of most worldly possessions, have managed to find the path leading toward nirvana.


But if you are not quite as spiritually evolved as those euphoric spirits who found ways to totally eliminate stress from their lives, there are ways to at least mitigate it in yours. How do you handle stress today?


Do you complain to everyone else around; snap at people; suffer from insomnia; cope with stress-induced physical ailments; bury yourself in more work to avoid what’s happening at home; sleep to escape; drink, do drugs or overeat or become depressed? 

Think about it. What behaviors do you have that are your response to stress? Make a list.


Now let’s look at better ways to cope. To start providing more constructive, spiritually enhancing methods to respond to stress.


·         Ask the Universe to take some of the load. Make a list of all the things for which you feel responsible or that you must do. Then carve out the biggest, more important ones for yourself. Put the rest on a separate list that you ask the Universe to begin handling for you. Then let go of your worry over those items.


·         Meditate or have “quiet time” everyday. Find a time of day when you can carve out 20 minutes and just go inside, let go of everything else and just say, “I am at peace.” See radiant blue light flooding your body from above, and going into each cell. Blue is calming and peaceful. This little oasis should open up a more soothing spiritual space in your mind and your heart.


·         Exercise. But you probably already know this is great stress relief and good for your spiritual body as well. Try to make time at least three times a week.


·         Recover your sleep. Ask yourself “Is this really worth losing sleep over?” It probably isn’t. First set an intention to go to sleep and to release your concerns to the Universe. And if that doesn’t work, try a bit of self hypnosis. Count down from 5, telling each part of your body to relax from the feet to your head. Then say, “As soon as I exit this hypnotic state, I am going deeply, easily and quickly to sleep.” Repeat this three times. Then count from 1 back up to 5, and close your eyes.   


·         Curb self-destructive behavior. Whenever you have an urge to do something addictive, sing! Or do something ridiculous that makes you laugh. Tell a joke. Take a happiness time-out. Smell a rose. Watch the squirrels climb the trees.

Go for a short walk. Play with your puppy.


·         Don’t deny yourself vacations and time off. Make sure you take AT LEAST two weeks a year, even if it is scattered over long weekends. You must get a break from unrelieved pressure and responsibilities. Take your birthday off and go celebrate! This is spiritual survival!


·         Organize your life. Life becomes more frantic and stressful when you can’t find things easily, when your house is a mess, when your desk is a disaster area. Neatness lends itself to calmness…a feeling of not needing control because all is in order.  


·         Find someone to give comfort. You don’t have to be alone. Find someone with compassion who will listen and be sympathetic. That person may not have the answers, but just listening will make you feel better. You can be that person’s confession-buddy, too.


·         Be compassionate with yourself! When you are being kind to yourself, it’s easier to be kind to others. If you are being self critical and putting pressure on yourself to live up to unreal expectations, you will likely treat others unkindly. Of if your superiors are pressuring you to perform, you might just take it out on your co-workers or your spouse. Recognize that you are doing the very best that you can and be happy with your contribution. Your company/boss/business doesn’t own your soul. You are just loaning the company some of your workday hours.


·         Stop worrying! Fretting never made anything better. If you have a sudden brainstorm that solves a problem or lifts a concern, offer it and move on. Don’t obsess. Don’t distress. Have confidence that you’ll be guided to know the answer or have the solution when you need it. Or maybe it isn’t even your problem to solve!


So in closing, create a beautiful domed shield around you of golden light and let the stress bounce right off. Your soul needs that buffer. You have a choice of whether to allow your ego to keep you in a stressed-out state, or let your heart put you in a blissed-out state. Which would you prefer?

Notes from Jackie

The gardeners cut all 250 roses back this week and they look so barren, just a bunch of branches sticking up into the air. But I take great joy in knowing that this exercise in pruning will lead to an amazing renewal! In late March and early April here in


, my garden will be awash with fabulous gorgeous roses in every color of the rainbow (except white since I’m addicted to color!) There will be solid color roses, blends, multi-colors, stripes and reverses (a different color on each side of the petal.) I can just imagine the smell and the feel of those soft petals, and the luscious bouquets adorning my desk and my home. Knowing that I will enjoy that beauty in the spring makes the winter much more enjoyable.


So my question is: what can you prune from your life now that will create rebirth, renewal and brilliance in the near future? What habit or trait, what extra unnecessary task, can you eliminate that will burnish your life in 2009 and make it the best year ever? Prune now and reap joy and inner peace as a benefit!

Quote for the Month

“When you deliberately slow your life down, you are resonating with the earth’s heartbeat.”—Sharyn Jordan Hathcock


Science of Getting Rich

Book Review


Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

With the phenomenal success of The Secret many people are just now discovering the Law of Attraction and how it can be employed to influence their lives. But back around the turn of the century Wallace D. Wattles was revealing to a world just coming into the Industrial age the same principles. In his landmark book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles succinctly lays out the mind-bending strategies that will take a person from wanting to wealth. While the prose and gender references may be a little anachronistic, the wisdom is profound. He lays it all out in a cohesive and thought-provoking manner and even one who is well versed in Law of Attraction philosophy will find many kernels of insight, as I did. The book has sold millions of copies through the ages and it is truly amazing to think how it must have been received in 1910 when it was first published!      


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com

Give Yourself a Time Out!

Conscious Creation Tip

Give Yourself a Time Out!


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, there are times when the stress level gets to you…You become cranky, moody, demanding, tearful, angry, frustrated. Now before you do something rash and you let your frequency come crashing down, take a time out! Just like parents send their children to their room, do something to create a break from whatever is stressing you. Go outside for a few minutes; have a soda, juice or frozen coffee drink; take a mini nap; do a few exercises; start a quiet meditation with a mantra (“I am at peace and all is well.”); call someone who brings a smile to your face, write an email to someone you love; go buy a book; light a candle and set an intention; listen to your heartbeat, sing a few bars of your favorite song, catch a few tunes on your iPod. Give yourself 20 minutes before you get back in the game!

Your Energy Body

Your Energy Body

Excerpted from The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World 


A person’s energy body has three major interconnecting elements. One is the overall aura or capsule of energy that surrounds the body, most often in an oval shape extending 24 to 36 inches outward from the surface of the body. The second is represented by the channels of energy flow connecting the seven main energy vortexes or chakras that regulate energy coming into and going out of the energy body. These seven chakras reside on the same linear alignment as the body’s primary energy meridian, through the center of the body, energetically paralleling the structure and function of the spinal cord to the physical body. Doctors of Oriental Medicine were among the first to recognize the extensive energy pathways, using them for the treatment of illness through acupuncture.  The third is the connection with the Universe through the chakra system of energy exchange. 


The seven chakras each correspond with key aspects of our terrestrial and spiritual lives, and the frequency of energy that we hold in them indicates how well we are advancing in our consciousness. As our frequency rises, we clear emotional roadblocks, heal illnesses, and generally become happier, more self-actuated beings.


The first or “root” chakra is located at the bottom of our torso or tailbone and is generally seen to have a red color. This chakra is associated with physical survival and our physical connection to the Earth and its energy.  Socially and emotionally, it is related to matters that have to do with how we relate to the external world–family, cultural heritage, community and the world at large. The energy here involves issues of safety, acceptance by society and our place in the world.


The second chakra is located near the sexual organs, between the pubic bone and the navel, and is generally seen to be orange. This chakra is associated with matters related to sex, money, work, creativity, power, vital energy, control and morality. The energy here involves issues of sexuality, our relationship to money and the flow of your inspiration.  It is our creative center.


The third chakra is called the emotional center and is located in the solar plexus region, above the stomach and just below the ribs. It is generally seen to have a pink or yellow color. This chakra is the center of emotion and desire, and is associated with self-esteem and how you perceive yourself in relationship to others. The energy here involves matters of self-confidence, self-respect, emotional vulnerability to others, sense of honor, fear and ego.   


The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and is generally seen to be green. This is the chakra which is a link between the upper and lower charkas.  It enables feelings of interconnectedness with all things and therefore enables compassion. This chakra is associated with love and forgiveness. The energy here involves matters of love and acceptance, hope, empathy, kindness and commitment. On the other hand, this is also the center of hatred, selfishness, anger, grief, bitterness and resentment when it is out of balance.


The fifth chakra is in the throat and is generally seen to be blue. This chakra is associated with how we express ourselves and communicate, and, as such, it is associated with sound and its creative expressions. This chakra deals with our strength of will, and the energy here involves following one’s passion, voicing our feelings and opinions in the world, standing up for oneself, criticizing and judging ourselves and others, and our ability to influence others. This is also the seat of our addictions.  


The sixth chakra is the site of intuition and insight, of which the intellect is one expression.  This chakra is located on the forehead just above the bridge of the nose and between the eyes. It is often called the “third eye” and is seen to have a gold or indigo color.  Besides intuition and insight, intelligence and wisdom, this chakra is associated with sight beyond the five senses, clarity and soul force.  The energy here involves intellectual and Universal truth, ability to grasp the lessons in life, including the purpose and meaning of our emotions, learning to trust intuition and the information available to us, willingness to entertain the opinions of others, questing for greater knowledge and education.


The seventh chakra at the top of the head is the spiritual center or “crown” chakra, often visualized as the “thousand petalled lotus,” as it is known in Buddhism. It is generally seen to be white or violet. This chakra is associated with all matters of the spirit. The energy here involves our chakra and its connection to the non-physical universe. This is the primary portal for energy entering our chakra system.  It is associated with man’s connection with and faith in the Universe, our values and ethics, our selflessness and our desire to help others.


Aura readers report each of these chakras appears like a pinwheel or whirling vortex of energy, extending out from a funnel-like core. These funnels are essentially senders and receivers of energy, pulling energy out of the Universe according to our conscious or unconscious will. Energy can be transported between the chakras up and down the midline (meridian) that connects them.  Each of the chakras is associated with a series of organs, and dysfunction or energy obstruction in a chakra can presage illness in the corresponding organ.  These chakras and their corresponding organs can harbor old memories, including those from past lives, essentially packets of energy-information stuck from long ago, which are one of the main sources of blockages to a free flow of life force energy.  This is why massage and therapeutic touch can cause the replay of old memories. These memories get repressed and trapped because of their overwhelming emotional charge. Some people actually experience moments of clarity from a past life through touch therapy. Other people may not consciously remember a past life, but the emotional residue from a previous existence can also clog up the energetic works, lodging in the energy body until released.


One method of releasing emotional charges from old memories and past lives is to call forth the memory, examine and lovingly allow it to go. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help in the process.  Or alternatively, the belief that enables the memory’s existence can be located, released and replaced with a positive belief or thought that generates a positive reality.


The healthy aura, which is the extended energetic body around each individual, generally has a mix of iridescent colors that reflect the person’s vibrant mental, physical and energetic state.  However, colors in the chakras and the aura change depending on the thoughts, memories and emotional charges that are held within. Color represents wavelength or frequency of the thought held in that portion of the energy body. Thus, if the person is depressed or angry or driven by fear, the energy visible in the aura will be gray or black, and may be incoherent or diffused and muddy in appearance. Uplifting positive high frequency thoughts create luminous colors, oftentimes topped by a brilliant gold, and the aura in that area is generally very coherent and clear. Pink is the color of love and in fact, researcher UCLA researcher Dr. Valerie Hunt reported measuring energy frequencies emitted from subjects registering feelings of love as being in the pink range—as she interpreted, blending the vitality of red and the white of higher consciousness.


In consciously managing one’s energy, the auras and the chakras can be a very valuable starting place. Throughout this book, we explore the art of Conscious Creation and the ability to use our imagination to make real what is not yet visible to us. This is the same principle. In working with one’s energy, you must use your mind to imagine the energetic system and to give it commands. You are directing energy through your will.  What you can envision, you can make reality.


For example, if you wish to replenish your energy supply, imagine a golden cord extending from your root chakra at your tailbone down into the Earth. See a golden ball of swirling energy at the end of the cord. Call up the energy from that cord into your body. Now see a similar golden ball above your head and run a cord up to that illuminated light. Allow that light to come down and mix with the other light. You have now performed an act called “grounding,” which keeps balance in your energetic system.


Here are a few other examples of how one can use consciously creative imagery to help manage energy flow in the energetic body:


  • Let’s say you want to open your channel to the Universe. See a large cone extending upward from your crown chakra opening to receive information from the Universe, and intend that flow.


  • If you want to open your heart to the world, well then, see your heart opening and sending pink light out far and wide.    


  • If you want to release anger, pack up those negative wavelengths into a neat tidy balloon, shove the balloon out of your aura, shoot it to the far horizon, into the wisdom of the Universe, and watch it just explode into tiny harmless pieces.


  • If you want more balance in your life, allow the lovely green color of balance and harmony to wash over you like a waterfall, starting at your crown chakra and working its way down.


  • If you want to start healing a particular part of your body, assemble those molecules of healing high frequency light and send them off to mend the energetic blockage. Really feel the radiance of that energy at work in the area.


Energy management of the aura and chakras can actually be enjoyable and fun. There are a number of guidebooks on the chakras and the aura that can be exceedingly helpful in this process including Karla McLaren’s Your Aura and Your Chakras, The Owner’s Manual; Caroline Myss’s Anatomy of the Spirit; Barbara Y. Martin’s Change Your Aura, Change Your Life. However, if you begin actively practicing energy management, don’t underestimate its power to change your life and prepare to enjoy the benefits of your work.

Notes from Jackie

Notes from Jackie:


What a momentous day this has been!


I heard it said today by a woman civil rights lawyer in

Los Angeles

that today marks not a transition in our country and our world, but a TRANSFORMATION.

I indeed agree with her. With the inauguration of Barack Obama as president we have someone who knows the difference between the leadership of power and the leadership of the heart. What thrills me about his ascendancy is not the color of his skin, but the light that emanates from him, for this is truly a man who lives in concert with the high frequency energy of the Universe. He radiates it in his words, deeds and values. May his clear vision, and call for self-responsibility, compassion, commitment and unity guide us to a gentler, more peaceful and prosperous state of affairs. And may our nation once again be one that reaches out in brotherhood to the rest of the world. I hold a vision that under his leadership, we will become a nation of people who serve others, who lift up those who are in greater need, who eschew greed and instead compassionately share what we have with those who need it more. And may the priorities he sets enable us to protect our world and allow it to recover from the damage that has been done to its environment.

May the presidency of Barack Obama be the transformation that we need. I know I will do what I can to be a part of that positive, light-filled change!
