Tag Archives for " jackie lapin "

Is Your Stock Going Up or Down?


Notes from Jackie:


Is your stock going up or down? As the market dips and jobs disappear, are you focused on the stock market or on your own personal stock? What do you have that will buoy you in this environment? Optimism, gratitude, love, talent, intelligence, determination, vision, a willingness for collaboration, inner strength, integrity, creativity, intuition, and other gifts and positive values. If you focus on bringing these to the table, it doesn’t matter what happens in the stock market. You will survive and thrive and so will those whom you influence! Focus on your gifts. These are the true gold in your life.



The Power of Now


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle


By now, you have probably heard of Eckhart Tolle, the little elfin man who did an 8-part webcast with Oprah Winfrey that drew as many as 11 million people, as he led a discussion on the chapters in his book A New Earth. As groundbreaking as that webcast was, I happen to feel that his first bestseller, The Power of Now, was a more important book. Tolle was the first of the New Age authors to devote an entire book to the concept of living in the Now, to releasing the prison of the past and the trap of the future from our consciousness. Tolle explains how living in the now, this present moment, is a life transforming act that opens the door for far greater joy and peace. He traces his experience as a homeless man, lost in misery, to a man who lives each moment in a state of equilibrium and harmony. It’s an incredibly thought provoking book and one which will open your eyes to a different way of living.   


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com


Conscious Creation Tip




One the best ways to start re-programming yourself to be in a higher vibration state, and to release limiting fears and anxieties, is to engage in self-hypnosis. This relaxing practice enables you to bypass your conscious mind and your ego, and to change your beliefs. Some people find it easy to perform self-hypnosis (I use it to sleep) and others will need an external stimulus or direction. There are wonderful guided meditations available to address many personal challenges and limiting beliefs. I personally would be delighted to recommend the special programs created by my friend and colleague Anita Pathik Law, available at www.hypnoticmanifestation.com. Anita has a wonderful, conforting and encouraging voice and I love doing consciousness work with her. You’ll find her downloads and CDs a great tool to start shifting your vibration.


A Dialogue Between You and Your Money

I know this sounds strange, but it’s time you started talking to your money. If you are feeling strapped by the economy, than you need to develop an up-close-and-personal relationship with your money.  And when I say “your money,” that may be money already in your bank or dollars that are on the way and you have yet to deposit in your account.

So let’s start a dialogue between you and your money.

What would you like to say to it? How do you want to make it feel? Do you appreciate it? Do you enjoy it? Do you love it? Are you grateful for the things it’s helping you do—pay your bills, get a manicure, give gifts to your children, pay for the car repair, buy dinner with your best friend? It’s fantastic, isn’t it? It’s just a tangible method to track the exchange of services and energy between people, but it’s just so GREEN! Green represents abundance, harmony, rebirth and growth! Money lets you celebrate the success of your work life.  It enables lots of forms of joyful entertainment. It provides enriching food.

So talk to it. Romance it. Love it. Just like you would a puppy or a kitten.

What do imagine it would like to say to you? I love being able to service you? I love being YOUR money and letting you pass me along to someone else to help make their life better. I love making you feel good when you see lots of dollars fill up your bank account. Please spend me smartly and save me for a rainy day. It’s just so fun to bring joy, happiness and prosperity to you!

Now what would you say to the money that has yet to arrive? I’m so looking forward to your arrival. Thank you for helping me to grow and prosper. I promise to use you for my personal growth, for making wise choices and for helping others. You’re a blessing on the way, since I know that you’ll help me pay down my mortgage quicker, and will get into a great place financially. It will be so fun to have you by my side when I go to buy my new car, and get the wood and tools to build my son’s treehouse. Now I can take care of that treatment I need to get into peak health! Oh and wonder of wonders! I can take that trip to


regardless of how the dollar is faring against the euro. I am so thankful for your arrival!

Fun, isn’t this! It’s a unique to Consciously Create your future wealth employing joy, fun and imagination, instead of intense focus on changing the future. This is a light-filled joyous celebration of your wealth today and a celebration of wealth to come.   

So what other imagination tools can you devise to attract money and keep it coming?

Try these:

·         The Money Tree. Imagine you have a money tree in your tummy. (I actually pulled a picture from the Internet of a money tree and put it on the wall in front of my desk as a reminder.) Imagine it growing inside of you and each time you need some money, you plug some of its $$$ leaves. And watch, they grow back! There’s an unlimited supply!

·         Magnetize Your Aura. Imagine your aura in brilliant colors all around you. Set the intention to magnetize it. Zap! Now you are a money magnet and money is coming from all over to stick to you! Pluck one from your crown chakra. Oh there’s another one I can grab right off my ankle. Those dollars are just arriving from all over the Universe!

·         Your Genii in a Bottle. Go find a funky old lantern or bottle, something antique-y and fun. Imagine this is the bottle in which your Genii lives and he (or she!) is there to grant your money wishes. See your Genii bringing you that money whenever you want or need it. But make sure to feed your Genii lots of love and gratitude to keep him feeling special about your relationship. He’ll keep trying to please you as long as he feels appreciated.    

·         Your Magic Box. Find a beautiful box that evokes lovely thoughts whenever you open it. Each night go over, open it up and put in your imaginary savings. Keep piling in dollars—and oh yes..now and then, put in the real thing! (Now that’s an idea!) 

·         The Emerald Gem. This one has always been a powerful one for me and when my business was in trouble many years ago, this imagery helped turn my life around. Go outside in the sunshine. Imagine a stunning deep rich green emerald in the sky above you. See beams of emerald green light shining down on you, knowing that this light represents abundance, prosperity, safety. Let it warm your shoulders and caress your body. Feel financially taken care of and blessed by the rich green Universal gemstone.  

So the minute you start feeling poor, turn your mind to one of these lovely fantasies or talk to your money. I have no doubt you’ll start to see a change in your fortunes.

Ok…so the weather may be dismal…

Notes from Jackie:


OK…so the weather may be dismal, you’re struggling a bit financially and you’re buying into the lack mystique that’s permeating the nation, you feel stagnated and you’re giving in to depression. So take a break from the doom and gloom!  It’s not any fun anyway. Here’s what I did over the holidays, I did a re-boot! I took a week (you can do this in a weekend) and reset my mental attitude. I read 13 powerful spiritual books (some were small), and then sat down to meditate and connect to the Universe. Filled with that inspiration, I just decided everything was going to be fun and abundant–and got into that vibration. And most importantly got into the vibration of feeling love coming into me and through me so I could help others. Just sat in those feelings for a couple of hours each day, feeling them welling up inside me and spraying out the top of my head. And guess what? As soon as the New Year arrived, I had a flood of new business calls, lots of new opportunities and a good bit more fun and joy. And I even had standing room only at my speaking session at the Conscious Life Expo here in

Los Angeles

. (Thanks to those of you who came!)


So if you’re feeling down, time for a re-boot! Don’t wait for spring when everything blossoms anew, you can do it now!      



"Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do."   – Brian Tracy

Love Colors, A New Approach to Love, Relationships and Auras by Pamala Oslie

Book Review


Love Colors, A New Approach to Love, Relationships and Auras by Pamala Oslie

Life Colors, What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal About You  by Pamala Oslie


I thought February was a particularly fun time to review a wonderfully lighthearted book on relationships as viewed through the prism of one’s auras! Pamala Oslie is a charming psychic and consultant who works with clients around the world to help them live more fulfilling lives by using the color of their auras as a compass. Life Colors was a revelation for me, helping me to discern the colors that ruled my life and what they revealed about my patterns of behavior. I correctly determined that I was a “blue/purple,” and I think you’ll find discovering your colors as fascinating as reading astrology books that pinpoint your traits and insightfully present you with opportunities for growth. With Love Colors, you discover the key to successful relationships. You’ll learn your personal love colors and those people you are most compatible with. You’ll discover ways to find, recognize and attract your ideal partner. There are new recommendations for you to move past year fears and open to love, with the knowledge of your love colors guiding your throughout. If you have a lover, share these insights. If not, spend Valentine’s Day with a “colorful” good book!       


Supportive Listening

Conscious Creation Tip


Supportive Listening


Don’t you just want to jump in and fix someone’s life when you see them doing things you don’t agree with? It’s so easy just to tell them what they should do. Especially children, spouses and people you are close to. When you live in close proximity to someone, you feel as if they are almost an extension of you, and you are more likely to be critical. Because by fixing them, you fix part of your life. But the problem simply is you can’t fix their life. And if you push your ideas, you will only find resistance and pushback. Try listening and encouraging instead. Ask questions. Let that person talk. Show you support him or her regardless of whether you agree with the path that person is taking. Show confidence that he or she will ultimately make decisions that will lead to maturity and success. And in your mind, Consciously Create a happy and fulfilled person, giving that individual the space to grow and thrive, whatever path she or he follows. You’ll be surprised at how this will change the relationship for the better and erase the tension and strain for both of you.

Cupid’s Wave: 10 Steps for Attracting Love

Cupid’s Wave: 10 Steps for Attracting Love

Cupids’ Bow. Valentine’s Day is coming soon and we will see hundreds of cards in the store with cherubic Cupid pointing his bow and arrows at his soon-to-be victims, smiting them with love.

But as much as this sweet image has been part of our cultural legacy of a day devoted to finding and celebrating love, it needs an update! Cupid needs to add particle and wave physics to his arsenal! The little guy needs to attract instead of attack!

All that said, you’re probably not waiting around for Cupid to do you any favors. If you are a single person today, you are more likely to be searching for love online (Match.com or EHarmony.com), in your social networking organization (Facebook, My Space), at work (where statistics show a high percentage of relationships begin), in school, at your workout gym/yoga studio, or within your special interest group (church/spiritual center, pet rescue, cycling club, cause-related organization, etc). Or maybe you’ve just given up looking, but not given up hope.

Anytime of the year is a good time to be open to finding for a lover/partner/spouse, but with Valentine’s Day upon us, we are reminded that love is possible for any and all of us. However, we need to begin to view the search for love in terms of Conscious Creation and energy…a far more effective and compelling way now that the Law of Attraction and energy management have come to light.

So, how would you go about attracting a soul mate, a true love? Let’s look at ways to apply your skills at Conscious Creation. Here are 10 steps.

  1. Raise Your Personal Frequency

In order to be attractive to a prospective partner you must be vibrating positive, compassionate, appreciative, loving frequencies. If you are vibrating negative waves of energy (desperation, resentment at past lovers, judgment, criticism, self-centeredness, etc) you will drive people away even if your words are sweet. People will sense what is underlying because your body will be radiating that energy. Furthermore, if you raise your frequency, you will become a faster and more effective manifestor, attracting your partner more quickly. 

  1. Become Love to Attract Love

Like energy attracts. If you want to attract love, you must vibrate love—unconditional love. You must be loving in intent, in your heart, in deed, in action, in appearance. Loving energy should permeate your entire being. Get quiet and allow love to become your default energy. 

  1. Love Yourself

If you are constantly self critical (I’m not thin enough, I’m too bald, I wish I was smarter or more glib with the opposite sex, etc.), you are vibrating energies that will repel your prospective lover. Because if you are critical of yourself, you will be critical of him/her. If you accept and love yourself, you have begun the process of accepting your partner for who he or she is. Furthermore, if you dislike yourself or find fault, you are not operating in a state of unconditional love, the love that will draw forth your partner.   

  1. Start Consciously Creating Love

Create a vision of the person you want to bring into your life. Not just what he or she might look like, but what qualities that person has, what interests might you share, what values, how the relationship will feel to you. When you start Consciously Creating, remember that the emotional component is most critical for this is the “express mail to the cosmic post office.” You must feel the emotions of living this beautiful relationship.

  1. Be Specific

It is essential that you be specific in your Conscious Creation about what you desire in your soulmate. My friend Lee is a very handsome, charming, intelligent and successful entertainment entrepreneur, but he had difficulty finding the right woman for him. So he sat down and started writing, getting very specific about what he wanted in a wife. Very soon after that, she walked into his life and they have now been blissfully married more than a dozen years. The Universe can’t bring it forth if you are unspecific or conflicted. It has to have clarity to match the vibrational request.

  1. Make Space in Your Life for Your Lover

Is there room in your life for this lover? Is there enough time in your life? Is there enough “attention bandwith” to make someone feel valued? Is there space in your closets? Create spiritual and energetic space so that the Universe can fill the vacuum with the partner you are seeking. This also applies to releasing old energies relating to past partners. If you hold onto bad memories, anger, resentment, etc, this energy will not allow positive new loving energy to come forth. Dump the garbage and let the Universe fill up your psychic space with the vibrant, loving energy inspired by your relationship with a wonderful new partner. 

  1. Trust the Universe

Have faith that once you start this process, and you have done all the aforementioned steps, that the Universe is at work creating a new reality for you, presenting you with opportunities to connect with possible partners, maneuvering you into situations where the right person may present him or herself. Believe that you will meet your partner and you will…but note that this will be in Divine timing. It may not be on your timetable. So be patient.

  1. Affirmations

Create and restate affirmations that reinforce your belief and readiness for this person’s arrival. Words like this: “I willingly embrace the loving partner who is coming into my life and am creating a safe haven in my life for him/her” or “I am filling myself with abundant and unconditional love so that I may share it with my lover who is now in my life.” It is especially effective to act as if that person has already arrived on your doorstep when creating affirmations. 

  1. Preparing for Love

Take the steps to prepare yourself for love. Be groomed beautifully, even when running errands. Take pride in your appearance. Pamper your body. Work on your fitness. Make your home welcoming. Take classes to enhance your knowledge and wisdom. Practice your charm, kindness and focused attention on others so that you will be accustomed to doing so when your partner arrives.

  1. Raise Your Antenna for Love

Be out in the world. Don’t isolate yourself. Raise your antenna and use your wavelengths of energy to start connecting with people. Put yourself in places where you might meet someone—or meet someone who can introduce you to someone else.  Let your waves go out and bring back your new love…just like a modern wave-wielding Cupid.   

I Say Yes!

Notes from Jackie:

I say Yes! That’s the message that my friend Lorraine Cohen wants to convey. “I say ‘Yes’ to what wisdom and opportunity that the Universe extends to me, stretching myself to learn, reach and grow.” Her beautiful viral email is an amazing gift and one I’d like to share with you, and allow you to share with your family, friends and colleagues. I urge you to watch it and think about its message. Then go out and say “Yes!” yourself –as I am doing!

