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Conscious Creation

The Compassion Quotient


Do you think of yourself as compassionate? How do you react when you see someone on the street begging for money or work? How do you respond when your aging parent complains about never seeing you? What happens in your mind when you see thousands displaced after earthquakes in Third World countries? What is your response when you see a child crying?


Do you take a bare notice and rush on with your busy life, or perhaps think, “at least that’s not me?”  Perhaps you have a moment of reflection and a small feeling of care or concern—and then focus on something else.


As our lives become so complicated and the emotional demands on us so intense, what has been lost is compassion. Whether that takes the form of a kind word, a wish for better circumstances for the unfortunate, or an act undertaken to comfort or aid someone, we can each do more. Compassion, a vibrational form of love, is in short supply. We are quick to give money, and slow to give of ourselves.


So what is your Compassion Quotient and how can you increase it? Keep in mind that the more you give, the more you will get when you need it.


  • Are you oblivious to other’s pain, loss and longing?….a 0% quotient
  • Are you a little bit compassionate? You remember to call on someone’s birthday and you have to be prompted to call your sick relative?…a 10% quotient  
  • Do you feel anguish when you see someone fall in the street, and go over to help? Do you comfort someone in obvious emotional pain…a 25% quotient
  • Do you reach out to someone you know who is suffering in silence and take them to get help? Do you offer aid and a kind word to a homeless person? Do you comfort someone who has lost his or her home due to financial reversals?…a 50% quotient
  • Do you volunteer to help strangers in need in your community? Are you unfailingly kind and willing to listen to the elderly, regardless of how cantankerous they can become? Are you always on call for family members in a crisis—but available when it isn’t a crisis?…a 75% quotient. 
  • Do you get on an airplane and head across the country to help with a rescue mission? Do you take in an unwanted child to your home? Do you expend your own love, time and money to help someone who is not related to you?…a 100% quotient.


Upping your Compassion Quotient requires being in your heart, not in your head. Here are a few key steps:


· Stop and feel. Don’t just let it pass through you. Feel for that person.

· Consciously create a reserve of love, warmth and kindness within yourself and hold a vision for healing for the other person or people.

· Express that feeling you have to the person in need.

· Ask what you can do; help without asking if you know what needs to be done.

· Be available to those who are lonely, who are in need or who are without resources. Sometimes a kind word is as valuable as a gold coin.

· Commit to doing something weekly to help someone you don’t know. Commit random acts of kindness. Pay it forward.

· Volunteer when there is a crisis in your community. Reach out with your heart..Be compassion, don’t just do compassionate acts. Show others how to be compassionate. Some people just don’t know and they learn by observation.  

· Be compassionate to yourself. It will make you more compassionate to others.

· Forgive—a lot! Forgiveness is compassion for you and for the person you are forgiving.

· Be compassionate for the world and for both its sufferers and for those committing the acts that create suffering. Compassion—feeling love and respect for someone and expressing that love and respect– is the only true key to resolving the planet’s problems.


May you grow to have a 100% Compassion Quotient!

Manifest Message

Eliminate all feelings of lack.  There is no lack.  There is only abundance.  Be persistent.  Prosperity loves persistence.  It is so unfortunate how often we get within inches of the finish line but do not cross it.  Instead, we reach exhaustion and give in to discouragement.  What we really need is a final burst of energy and enthusiasm to push past the finish line.  When feeling discouraged, it is time to push harder.  You are almost where you desire to be.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The establishment of goals is similar to the planting of seeds in a garden.  A garden requires consistent care and cultivation before the harvest.  Be attentive to your goals.  Remain persistent. Your dreams are worth the wait.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Goals take time.  They do not usually materialize overnight.  Therefore, the actual manifestation of your dreams requires patience.  Without patience, you are likely to abandon your dreams prematurely.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #20 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Continue To Believe In And Envision Success, Don’t Give Sway To Fear

Fear is the most corrosive element in the building of a company. If you believe that the economy is faltering and it is going to destroyyour company, than you are indeed paving the way for that exact thing to happen. If you base your decisions on fear instead of faith and optimism, your decisions are bound to take you down the wrong path. So continue to believe in and envision success, even in the most challenging times and that faith will be a beacon. Like the lighthouse, it will keep you off the shoals and moving toward your ultimate safe harbor. 


Manifest Message

The message to be learned is to focus on what you DO want, and not what you DON"T want.  When we focus on what we want, the universe will support us in securing those results.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The higher the frequency and emotion, the faster it manifests. Thus joy, happiness, love and desire to serve others put you in a vibration that will attract your desire much more quickly.  That's because your passion supercharges the delivery.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #19 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

      Do What’s Right Not, What’s Expedient Or Easy


Success eludes the company that always does what is expedient, easy and self-beneficial, rather than what is morally right. It’s always easier to do whatever works for your benefit than what may be initially more difficult, but ultimately more honest and moral. Sometimes it is best to give back money, share the shortfall, own up to a mistake, split the difference, or let go of an expensive investment if these actions re-balance the scales. Focus on your integrity because that is one of the highest of frequencies.

Manifest Message

How we treat each other must become the focal point of the new world we want to create.  If we cannot treat our neighbors, co-workers, the clerk at the store, even strangers we meet with a high degree of civility, we will undermine our vision.

Manifest Message

Awareness opens the door for change.  It empowers you to take charge of your life…No thought is neutral.  It forces you to acknowledge that yours is the life you've created.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.