Tag Archives for " jackie lapin "

Book Review

The Feminine Heart  by Jenica Ashlie

This is truly one of my favorite books and I have since become a very good friend of the author. Jenica Ashley is an amazing sage who is on a crusade to teach women to retrieve their Feminine Hearts. Women have relinquished their Feminine Heart in the striving to become successful income earners. Reawakening one’s Divine Feminine Heart allows a woman to be truly who she is and the powerful engine for love in her world and THE world. It is through the reawakening of the Feminine Heart that we can create true peace and love globally. One key goal of Jenica’s book is to inspire “A peaceful world where children witness deep love and respect between the sexes.”  This book is chalked full of incredible wisdom. It’s divided into three sections Deep Intimacy: Satisfying our Yearning for Infinite Love, Deep Purpose, Sharing the Gifts fro Our Feminine Hearts and Deep Passion, Offering the Gift of Endless Love. Each section opens with a  beautiful peace of Jenica’s poetry addressed to “My Darling Feminine Heart” and then goes on the illuminate the subject in that chapter. The chapters conclude with Musings and Blessings, offering specific recommendations on ways to allow our authentic love to resurface. This is an inspiring and powerful book for any woman who has felt the need to sacrifice her sacred feminine side. I highly recommend it.   


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com

Notes from Jackie

Notes from Jackie:


OK…so the weather may be dismal, you’re struggling a bit financially and you’re buying into the lack mystique that’s permeating the nation, you feel stagnated and you’re giving in to depression. So take a break from the doom and gloom!  It’s not any fun anyway. Here’s what I did over the holidays, I did a re-boot! I took a week (you can do this in a weekend) and reset my mental attitude. I read 13 powerful spiritual books (some were small), and then sat down to meditate and connect to the Universe. Filled with that inspiration, I just decided everything was going to be fun and abundant–and got into that vibration. And most importantly got into the vibration of feeling love coming into me and through me so I could help others. Just sat in those feelings for a couple of hours each day, feeling them welling up inside me and spraying out the top of my head. And guess what? As soon as the New Year arrived, I had a flood of new business calls, lots of new opportunities and a good bit more fun and joy. And I even had standing room only at my speaking session at the Conscious Life Expo here in Los Angeles. (Thanks to those of you who came!)


So if you’re feeling down, time for a re-boot! Don’t wait for spring when everything blossoms anew, you can do it now! 



Notes from Jackie

All Is Well.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all operated from this premise instead of: Oh NoI What disaster is going to befall me next? I recently attended an event put on by my wonderful friend and Mastermind partner Christine Kloser, and before each session, she asked us to put our hands over our hearts and says, “All is well.” Whew! That felt soooo good! It just made me relax into a state of wonder, trust and peace. I also have a charming Scottish yoga teacher, who always says in her sweet Scottish brogue “Everything is good!”  These people remind us that the world really is perfect and that everything is happening just as it should….that our lives are unfolding in ways that are helping us to grow and evolve—and few things are ever as bad as we make them out to be in our heads. We ASSIGN negative value to them. So start tomorrow from the premise that All Is Well and greet the day with a smile! Then sit back and remember that phrase each time you hit a speed bump! You’ll be surprised at the difference it’ll make!


Notes from Jackie

It’s always amazing to me that when the Universe wants to get the message to you, it’ll keep trying till the message gets through. I had a perfect example of that this past month. In attending  several personal development seminars on manifesting (yes, the teacher is always learning!), I had my feet put to the fire on a personal challenge/opportunity by not one, but two different wisdom leaders. Both told me the very same message in the space of 10 days and the message was: Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Stop dithering around and going halfway. Ouch! Pretty clear isn’t it!? Those teachers were just the messengers, but the Universe was the Source.

I know I am not alone in being a “waffle.” What is it you are equivocating on? What decision are you avoiding, what commitment are you not making to yourself and what action aren’t you taking.

Mine is about taking better care of myself. But you might not want to wait till you get tapped on the shoulder a half dozen times—in kind ways and maybe not so kind ways– to Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Otherwise, you’ll be hearing from the Universe!



Manifest Message

Eliminate all feelings of lack.  There is no lack.  There is only abundance.  Be persistent.  Prosperity loves persistence.  It is so unfortunate how often we get within inches of the finish line but do not cross it.  Instead, we reach exhaustion and give in to discouragement.  What we really need is a final burst of energy and enthusiasm to push past the finish line.  When feeling discouraged, it is time to push harder.  You are almost where you desire to be.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The establishment of goals is similar to the planting of seeds in a garden.  A garden requires consistent care and cultivation before the harvest.  Be attentive to your goals.  Remain persistent. Your dreams are worth the wait.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Goals take time.  They do not usually materialize overnight.  Therefore, the actual manifestation of your dreams requires patience.  Without patience, you are likely to abandon your dreams prematurely.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #20 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Continue To Believe In And Envision Success, Don’t Give Sway To Fear

Fear is the most corrosive element in the building of a company. If you believe that the economy is faltering and it is going to destroyyour company, than you are indeed paving the way for that exact thing to happen. If you base your decisions on fear instead of faith and optimism, your decisions are bound to take you down the wrong path. So continue to believe in and envision success, even in the most challenging times and that faith will be a beacon. Like the lighthouse, it will keep you off the shoals and moving toward your ultimate safe harbor. 


Manifest Message

The message to be learned is to focus on what you DO want, and not what you DON"T want.  When we focus on what we want, the universe will support us in securing those results.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The higher the frequency and emotion, the faster it manifests. Thus joy, happiness, love and desire to serve others put you in a vibration that will attract your desire much more quickly.  That's because your passion supercharges the delivery.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.