Author Archives: jackie

Assorted Wisdom

It’s a Re-Direct!!!!!!!!!!


Tired of making or encountering MISTAKES? Hitting the wall? How about running into Murphy’s Law? You make plans and God laughs? Then there are “problems,” “challenges,” “issues,” “dead-ends,“ “failures,” “disasters,” “disappointments,” “hiccups”….we can go on and on…


But now hear this! These are not what you think they are. Forget those old labels. What you are experiencing are Universal RE-DIRECTS!


How many times have you obsessed over what went wrong, perhaps blaming others or blaming yourself? How often do you keep trying to work through something that isn’t working? How much time have you wasted pushing a rock up a hill? How long have you hung onto problem clients or miserable relationships?


These are all symptoms of someone who has not yet realized that the Universe is offering you valuable information—Try something different! Change your attitude. Change your actions. Change your expectations. Change your team. Change your route. Change your job. Change your intention. Change your partner. Let go of this course of action!


Many people ignore the gentle nudges that the Universe offers until they get hit with a sledge hammer. But all along the way, you’re being re-directed to new more life-enhancing choices. But if you don’t do it, the Universe will do it for you.


I experienced this about 12 years ago when I was running my $2 million bi-coastal public relations agency. It had become a burden; the fun had gone out of it. Instead of doing creative PR for my clients, I was chasing money to pay my enormous overhead. And furthermore, my heart was elsewhere, loving a hobby business that I had created in the sale of mineral spheres. I saw the signs, but just kept trying to juggle clients, vendors, employees—with challenges everywhere. The business was imploding on itself, and I couldn’t cut the cord. Finally, three clients all went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the same month, owing me $150,000! That was a very big OUCH, and it was the final straw. I finally closed up the business, found another opportunity for myself immediately, and finally relaxed to enjoy life again after finding a way to settle with my creditors. The Universe was re-directing me to something far more life-enhancing than that stressful, meat grinder that I had suffered through for those last two years.   


When you hit a roadblock, instead of railing against fate, ask yourself: “What is this Universal Re-Direct all about? How can I look at this objectively, step aside and think differently?” You’ve heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason.”  Apply that to your Universal Re-Directs and you will begin to see that each one is a blessing in disguise. There are NO mistakes, NO errors, NO Accidents, NO missteps, NO faults…There are ONLY Universal Re-Directs!


Use these wonderful nudges as your guide early on, and you will find your life being easier and more effortless. Tune into the Universal language of course correction and you will be rewarded with greater and quicker success, more peace and joy, less struggle and greater abundance.


Just remember, if it’s too hard, you’re being called for a Universal Re-Direct!

Notes from Jackie

Sacred Sundays…After years of having to work Sundays to manage the work load on my desk, this past year I began a practice that I call my “Sacred Sundays.” Undoubtedly, there was wisdom in the biblical mandate to keep the seventh day for holiness and sacredness. And while I don’t go to a house of worship, my house is a house of worship. On my Sundays, I do the following things: treat myself to sleeping in, enjoy the pleasure of reading the full Sunday paper, meditate and dialogue with the divine, read books, exercise in the sun on nice days, and generally recharge my energy and reboot my mind. I’ve stopped reading emails and allowing outside intrusions. It’s my day for myself, to ease my inner mind, take a time out from the turmoil of life and remind myself of the Universal support I have around me. I know that many people have responsibilities that won’t allow them to spend a full day in self-care and self-regeneration, but I do encourage you to try to find at least a half day every week to pamper yourself and shut out your world cares. It makes you so much more ready to enter the new week with a calmness and peacefulness that can create a positive vibration that ripples forward. It helps prevent burn out, and makes you more centered, self-confident and aligned. And if you’re like me, it makes you happier! So here’s to Sacred Sundays!



Assorted Wisdom

It’s a Re-Direct!!!!!!!!!!


Tired of making or encountering MISTAKES? Hitting the wall? How about running into Murphy’s Law? You make plans and God laughs? Then there are “problems,” “challenges,” “issues,” “dead-ends,“ “failures,” “disasters,” “disappointments,” “hiccups”….we can go on and on…


But now hear this! These are not what you think they are. Forget those old labels. What you are experiencing are Universal RE-DIRECTS!


How many times have you obsessed over what went wrong, perhaps blaming others or blaming yourself? How often do you keep trying to work through something that isn’t working? How much time have you wasted pushing a rock up a hill? How long have you hung onto problem clients or miserable relationships?


These are all symptoms of someone who has not yet realized that the Universe is offering you valuable information—Try something different! Change your attitude. Change your actions. Change your expectations. Change your team. Change your route. Change your job. Change your intention. Change your partner. Let go of this course of action!


Many people ignore the gentle nudges that the Universe offers until they get hit with a sledge hammer. But all along the way, you’re being re-directed to new more life-enhancing choices. But if you don’t do it, the Universe will do it for you.


I experienced this about 12 years ago when I was running my $2 million bi-coastal public relations agency. It had become a burden; the fun had gone out of it. Instead of doing creative PR for my clients, I was chasing money to pay my enormous overhead. And furthermore, my heart was elsewhere, loving a hobby business that I had created in the sale of mineral spheres. I saw the signs, but just kept trying to juggle clients, vendors, employees—with challenges everywhere. The business was imploding on itself, and I couldn’t cut the cord. Finally, three clients all went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the same month, owing me $150,000! That was a very big OUCH, and it was the final straw. I finally closed up the business, found another opportunity for myself immediately, and finally relaxed to enjoy life again after finding a way to settle with my creditors. The Universe was re-directing me to something far more life-enhancing than that stressful, meat grinder that I had suffered through for those last two years.   


When you hit a roadblock, instead of railing against fate, ask yourself: “What is this Universal Re-Direct all about? How can I look at this objectively, step aside and think differently?” You’ve heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason.”  Apply that to your Universal Re-Directs and you will begin to see that each one is a blessing in disguise. There are NO mistakes, NO errors, NO Accidents, NO missteps, NO faults…There are ONLY Universal Re-Directs!


Use these wonderful nudges as your guide early on, and you will find your life being easier and more effortless. Tune into the Universal language of course correction and you will be rewarded with greater and quicker success, more peace and joy, less struggle and greater abundance.


Just remember, if it’s too hard, you’re being called for a Universal Re-Direct!   



Quote for the Month

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome."— William James

Book Review

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


This amazing classic originally published in 1937 distills the traits of leading dynastic men of the early 20th century (Ford, Edison, Carnegie) –into some very specific attitudes, beliefs and actions that are key to manifesting wealth. With more than 15 million copies sold, it has been a guidebook to those seeking the insights that can radically change one’s fortunes. It’s an easy read with great kernels of wisdom that is timeless, even though parts of the book are a bit quaint. Keep in mind this book was written in the depression when people sought financial relief, just as in today’s recession. A must have for anyone with a library of manifesting books.


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com

Conscious Creation Tip

Drive, He Said


When you are stuck in a car for a long ride, try not turning on the radio, CD or the iPod. Instead use this time to set new intentions and to refine your desires with clarity. While being careful not to “zone out” so that you are driving unconsciously, you can still use this valuable time for Conscious Creation. It’s also a great time to open your channel to receive and see what comes forth!

Note from Jackie

An Accountability Buddy! Sometimes that’s what it takes to fulfill a commitment. For many years I have been challenged by the priority of putting my work before taking care of myself. This translates into starting exercise and weight release programs, and not staying with them. I imagine some of you might identify with that. Then I would feel guilty, berate myself, and just feel worse. “I know better, but why can’t I stay with it?” These are not exactly high frequency thoughts and emotions. But then at the beginning of the year, I was ready to make the commitment, but the key to it was that I didn’t do it alone where I could just slip back into old habits. I committed to a workout trainer three days a week, where he also tracks my food on an online log, and on the days I don’t see him, I ride my exercise bike. Guess what? It’s now more six weeks and I’m staying on track. The reason? I have someone to whom I must be accountable. I can’t make excuses, I can’t not go or I pay for the sessions. I work to please both him and myself with my progress. Sure there are a lot of days I don’t feel like going, but I do and I feel better. Most of all, I can feel my self-respect and my self-love restoring. I’m releasing pounds slowly–more slowly than I’m used to when I’m focused on weight releasing—but I’m also not so manic and paniced. This is a process, and I have someone to support me and to whom I must report. So my message is, if you are having difficulty making a commitment to something in your life, try an accountability buddy…whether friend, mastermind partner or professional. It could very well get you over the hurdle and into a new way of life that indeed raises your frequency!


Notes from Jackie

Who is on you team?


In life we either build teams or we try to go it alone. It’s a lot more fun and life is a much easier if we progress forward in teams. We can also get a great deal more accomplished if we indeed have people who are “the wind beneath your wings” as my office manager Rita proposed she would be when she applied for her job…And indeed she has been that and more. But our team members can also be family members, or friends….anyone who helps to lighten our load by carrying some of it. I am so fortunate to have staff, mastermind partners, business partners, consultants and friends that I can call upon when I need them or who are already in place assisting me to do my work. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to do all of this without help—and I am so deeply grateful for their aid. So look around and see who is on your team. Write a list and what they do for you. Look to see where there are holes in your “batting lineup.” Then figure out where are the people you can recruit to join your team—officially or unofficially! Workers,  advisors, emotional support, or other kinds of assistance. Or who can carry more than they are carrying now and be excited to take on new roles? Look at your family members, your roommate or your significant other and where they might be willing to provide more support. Do NOT go through life trying to do it all alone. That will only make you bitter, unhappy and overworked. So be a Conscious Creator and build your team around you with a vortex of joy and shared purpose. Gift your team with continual praise, recognition and gratitude and they will only grow in their support of you!


I call mine “Team Lapin”…what’s yours?  





"There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream or desire a reality." – Anthony “Tony” Robbins

Book Review

The Life You Were Born to Live  by Dan Millman


Millman presents his Life-Purpose System, providing a way for you to discover the meaning, purpose and direction for your life. In the book, he looks at the 37 paths to life; a precise method to determine your own life path and the life paths of others; the core inborn talents and special needs related to each path; guidelines for finding a livelihood consistent with your own innate drives and abilities; the hidden purpose of your relationships; how to live in harmony with the cycles of your life, and the key spiritual laws to help you understand your past, clarify your present and empower your future. This is a very powerful pathway to enlightened and purposeful living – awakening within you the full power of your gifts.


You can find this book at www.Manifestbooks.com

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