Welcome To The Conscious Creation Chronicle

As I embark on this first newsletter, I am struck with wonder and gratitude at the way that so many people in the New Age/Personal Growth have extended their hand in friendship to me. It has only been for the past two years that I have “gone public” with my spiritual journey and the message of Conscious Creation that I feel I’ve been given to deliver. So I am still just a relative newcomer compared to many who have been doing this for many years.

Yet, from all quarters have come people who have offered their advice, their resources, their endorsement and even access to their mailing lists and their radio shows. They tell other media about my book, they pass me along to other authors to open doors of friendship, they invite me to events to meet other experts in the field. They prove that many, many leaders in the Consciousness movement really live the generosity of spirit that they espouse.

This gives me a great sense of joy, knowing that as the Universe awakens us to our ability to create and mold the future, we will be in good hands with our spiritual Consciousness leadership. These are the people who will stand together as we help people to live their most authentic, responsible and fulfilling lives. These are the people who are helping to raise the resonance of the planet! My utmost gratitude to all of them!


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