Monthly Archives: September 2009

Tip #13 – How to Run Your Business Using Conscious Creation Principles

Choose Partners For Their Abilities To Be Conscious Creators Instead Of Unconscious Creators


When you go to hitch your wagon to other partners and affiliates, choose individuals who share your Conscious Creation ideals and values, and recognize their own responsibility for what they create. Not people who look to place blame. Look for positive, optimistic, collaborative partners whose attitude creates positive outcomes, rather than whining, critical unconscious creators who never understand why “bad” things happen to their companies.  

Manifest Message

Relinquish the need to defend your point of view.  In defenselessness, you remain open to all points of view, not rigidly attached to one of them.

Tip #12 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Make All Deals Win-Win, Not Win-Lose


A direct result of leading a collaborative organization is ensuring that all deals you consummate, agreements you arrive at and relationships you enter into are win-win rather than win-lose. It’s imperative that you create an energy that is expansive rather than contracting. The minute you make a one-way deal, you plant the seeds for future divisiveness and challenges. You put obstacles in the roadway to your own future success–obstacles that will ultimately derail you from achieving your own Conscious Creation visions and goals.