Category Archives for "Manifest Message"

Manifest Message

The message to be learned is to focus on what you DO want, and not what you DON"T want.  When we focus on what we want, the universe will support us in securing those results.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

All that matters is right now. Live it.  Love it.  Experience it.  Yes, you must act now to impact your future, but worrying about the future and living in the past take up huge amounts of energy that can be put toward Conscious Creation and enjoying the satisfaction of the moment.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Affirmations are statements you make to yourself and the Universe that proclaim your readiness to receive.  They are short phrases that say in a positive way what it is you wish to attract to your life and what you are becoming.  They express a belief that you can truly experience what you are expressing.  You can create an affirmation for everything you seek to achieve.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Letting go of judgment moves us forward with a giant step.  It allows us to create a fresh start, a new beginning without the negative energy of judgment clouding our horizon, filtering out the sunlight.  Release judgment against others and yourself – and let the light in.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Without holding onto past wrongs, impediments, limitations – and dwelling in these, we can re-envision new paths to the future.  In this moment free of negative thinking, we can make change for the future, visualize change for the future and create the future.  Our point of power is now.

From "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.


Manifest Message

Eliminate all feelings of lack.  There is no lack.  There is only abundance.  Be persistent.  Prosperity loves persistence.  It is so unfortunate how often we get within inches of the finish line but do not cross it.  Instead, we reach exhaustion and give in to discouragement.  What we really need is a final burst of energy and enthusiasm to push past the finish line.  When feeling discouraged, it is time to push harder.  You are almost where you desire to be.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The establishment of goals is similar to the planting of seeds in a garden.  A garden requires consistent care and cultivation before the harvest.  Be attentive to your goals.  Remain persistent. Your dreams are worth the wait.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Goals take time.  They do not usually materialize overnight.  Therefore, the actual manifestation of your dreams requires patience.  Without patience, you are likely to abandon your dreams prematurely.

from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" by Ellen Peterson

For more wisdom from "Choosing Joy, Creating Abundance" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The message to be learned is to focus on what you DO want, and not what you DON"T want.  When we focus on what we want, the universe will support us in securing those results.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

The higher the frequency and emotion, the faster it manifests. Thus joy, happiness, love and desire to serve others put you in a vibration that will attract your desire much more quickly.  That's because your passion supercharges the delivery.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit, where this book is available.