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Conscious Creation in the Workplace


How often do you find yourself wishing your work environment was better, that your boss was more respectful, that your colleagues weren’t so cliquish or irresponsible, that the people you supervise were more committed and responsive to your direction? Do you sometimes think about quitting and moving on?


Before you do that, let’s explore how you can apply Conscious Creation to the situation and see if you can transform your work environment. First review the three actions that constitute Conscious Creation:


·         Raising Your Personal Frequency—eliminating all negative vibrations of fear, anger, anxiety, jealousy, etc and instead disseminating wavelengths of patience, acceptance, love, gratitude and joy. This will enable you to manifest faster and with greater potency.

·         Creating the Vision of what you desire to occur, and then feel it in your imagination with the powerful emotions you would be experiencing when this vision manifests.

·         Being an “Actionary–taking action to demonstrate to the Universe that you are willing to back up your request, thereby putting in motion those extra “brownie points” that the Universe affords those who show their commitment through deed.


When transforming the workplace, the first thing you must do is look at what you are emitting. If you are allowing your anger, frustration and anxiety to dominate your presence than you are contributing to the environment you are experiencing. Once you neutralize the negativity factor, by choosing instead to vibrate in the high range, you will start to see a change. Never go into work dreading the day, anticipating problems or feeling overwhelmed at the workload on your desk. This energy will set the tone for what you receive that day. Make sure you start your day with a positive, optimistic, joyful attitude of exuberance…think to yourself: “What great adventure or wonderful thing will I experience today?” 


Now that you’ve started shifting your behavior, let’s look at what you can do to reshape your environment. 


Let’s consider these five scenarios:


Your boss, clients and others higher on the food chain: If you are feeling disrespected, unappreciated or unacknowledged, than there are several things you can do. The first is to act toward your supervisors in the kind of way you wish to be treated…show them great respect, wonderful appreciation and acknowledgment for what they do for you. Let the positive energy flow from you first. You brighten their day, since the s…t rolls downhill and they are feeling the pressure, too. Secondly, begin to visualize–with the emotional component–the type of interactions you want to have, the specific acts of regard and respect that you would like to see offered to you. Feel lifted, respected, recognized, happy since you’ve been spoken to with encouragement, instead of commanded to do something.   


Now if you anticipate that there is a matter ahead that could be unpleasant or you’re interacting with someone who often mistreats you, start by putting yourself in a cocoon of love. Allow that love to permeate every cell in your body. This is your transformative armor. Now, before you meet, in your imagination extend your “love net” out from your body over that person. See him or her transformed with love, compassion, regard and kindness. Then project movies in your mind of all the great things that will occur in your meeting and the type of positive interactions you seek. Allow your high frequency energy to set the tone. You can use this technique with any of the people you encounter professionally.   


Group dynamics: The first and foremost thing that you can do is walk into a meeting with a genuine smile and your welcoming warmth. This should immediately have some effect on the low vibration people in the room! Make sure that all of your comments come out of a high vibration space—you can bring up potential downsides, but do it in a constructive way. Monitor your words to ensure that whatever you are contributing, raises the frequency in the room. If you are the leader, than you may want to see if you can start out the meeting by asking everyone what they would like to achieve and then formulate a short image or “guided meditation” of what you’d like to accomplish given everyone’s input. That Consciously Creates a positive intention for the resolution and achievement of outcome.


Co-workers: Every company has its gossips, people who blame others, individuals who fail to pull their weight, etc. The first thing to remember is that you are responsible for how you respond or react – and you actually don’t need to do either. You can simply stay in your high frequency state, and don’t allow others to make you angry, annoyed or disgusted. Focus on your own path, responsibility and personal satisfaction. However, if their work impacts yours, then you should use your power of positive vibration and visualization to start changing the dynamic. Once you’ve done that, use a strategy of high vibration, positive word-choice communication to propose new solutions to your interactions. Go into meditation and ask for guidance on what and how you should suggest those new solutions. You’ll receive great answers as long as you are vibrating with positive intentions! 


People You Supervise: Lead by example. Use your high vibration attitude and communications as a bellweather for your staff. Make your staff conscious of their own vibrations. Set up contests to eliminate negative communications. Reward those who make the most progress and show the most regard for others. Or simply compliment those who demonstrate high vibration leadership. Encourage your staff to set their own intentions for their achievements and their behaviors, using Conscious Creation and visualization. When you have staff whose work or actions need guidance, direction or correction, first toss your love net, set an intention for a positive result, visualize what you want to see happen (with emotion—i.e.see yourself enthusiastically congratulating that person for making the change)  and then begin the dialogue with high frequency communication techniques.   


Physical Environment: Some of the things that cause dissonance the most are space limitations, lack of window or uplifting light, or dingy or unkempt upkeep.


With space limitations, create a radiance around you that you feel extends well beyond your cubicle or desk. Let your positive vibration energy extend outward. Open your space to a feeling of expansion, knowing that your support and freedom comes from the entire reaches of the Universe, not just your little office space and immediately adjacent co-workers. Make your space your own. Bring joyful things or put fun screen savers on your computer. Let your personality shine! Own your space with loving energy!


With the issue of limited natural light, make sure you leave the building at least once everyday to get that wonderful “hit” of natural energy from the outdoors and sun…then bring your sunshine back into your space. If you can have a say in the lighting, install or ask your employers to install full spectrum lighting because this elevates vibration and mood.  Give yourself a short meditation when you feel you need it, so that you can replenish your “light from inside.”


Now when it comes to the upkeep of the office, you can choose not to leave it to your bosses if they have neglected the situation. You can be the force for upliftment for everyone in the office! Volunteer to head up a crew on a Friday to clean files, repaint the office, create order…whatever will create pride and positive energy in the office. Ask the boss to pay for lunch for everyone who participates, and encourage your boss to join the crew. Turn it into a fun project to which everyone plans and contributes. Let it be a team-building venture. With your cleanup effort, set a group intention to open up a stream of positive energy that allows goodwill to flow and greater success and prosperity for the whole company.


Employ your wonderful abilities in Conscious Creation in your workplace and you will see a transformation in yourself and everyone around you!