Tag Archives for " inspiring people "

Who Inspires You?

Who among your friends and family are an inspiration to you? When I’m feeling that I’m insignificant, I like to look around and take inspiration from people I know that make a difference with big and little gestures. Here are some of the experiences that have helped me grow:


   *My grandmother was a Polish immigrant who sought to locate her relations in the refugee camps after the holocaust, but instead found 10,000 survivors without food or clothes. So she set about supplying the entire camp with used clothing, canned food and everything else she could get donated from friends and family.  

   *My former love made a habit of compassionately giving a few dollars to street people outside of supermarkets who just needed a meal.

   *My bookkeeper and dear friend Ann came and stayed with me or delivered food after my back surgery, regardless of whatever else was going on her life.


These acts have inspired me to step up to the plate and “pass it on.” Who do you know that you can emulate, and can inspire you to be a shining example to someone else?