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“Choosing” Our Future

As each of us takes on the mantle of Conscious Creator, we begin to become aware of the thoughts we have let overtake us, the emotions that have previously ruled us and the words we use to imprison us. As newly-birthed Conscious Creators, we learn that we can indeed counter these powerful negative forces by consciously willing ourselves to think, feel and speak differently, to raise our personal frequency through choice.


And in raising our frequency, we vibrate the positive energies that create greater harmony and ease in our lives, influence others in positive ways, and provide a smooth, easy, speedy path for manifesting what is in our hearts.


And so we might find ourselves reframing our thoughts and words into far more positive statements of possibility, opportunity, faith and confidence. Indeed we often may find affirmations a valuable tool in making these changes, by saying such vital and impactful words as “I am….” This is a compelling practice that truly helps shift our world view, and allows us to grow into who we want to become. Instead of focusing on the negative, we now also go about our daily lives with great intentions of positive declarations, instead of focusing on the negative. We often say we “will” do something, or we “want” to take action.


But while these are all very important positive and valid steps toward becoming a Conscious Creator and Master Manifestor, there is one word choice that is even more powerful—because it implies a conscious will…and that is to say “I choose to…”


By saying these simple three words “I choose to…,”  you are telling the Universe that you are taking responsibility for your actions, that you are deliberating going down this path and you are signaling to the Universe that you desire to attract its help in reaching the preferred outcome.


For example, here are the kinds of statements that are powerful incentives for the Universe to help you achieve what you have selected:

·         “I choose to” open my heart, be more compassionate and look at everyone else with the knowledge that we are one.

·         “I choose to” to be more abundant in my giving and my receiving.

·         “I choose to” be open to receive love, support, compliments, joy, respect and wisdom.

·         “I choose to” be healthier and more disciplined in my self-care.

·         “I choose to” be more confident and willing to speak up for what I need in my job and in my relationships, but to do this with grace and consideration for others.

·         “I choose to” release my fears and trust the Universe.

·         “I choose to” make wiser choices about the people with whom I spend my time.

·         “I choose to” eat only those foods today that are nutritional and valuable to my body, and in my highest good.

·         “I choose to” to love and respect myself today.

·         “I choose to” to express my emotions in a healthy and appropriate manner, so that they free me from imprisonment.

·         “I choose to” to have a positive and healthy relationship with my parents and to forgive them for their unconscious actions.

·         “I choose to” to be a powerful attractant for abundance, and to show the Universe I am worthy of its gifts.

·         “I choose to” be more patient with my children today, regardless of how they behave and what I am doing at the time.

·         Etc…


See how much more power these words produce? You are standing tall and proud when you make a choice that is right for you. Proclaim that choice! And when you do, two things happen, you are consciously aware that you have made a commitment that you must now live up to, and the Universe sees the seriousness of your intent and supports you. 


Choose to choose! Show the Universe that you are truly conscious of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Let your choice be your ticket to a life of your design.