Practical Conscious Creation
Practical Conscious Creation is an extraordinary gateway to anchoring manifesting and law of attraction into your daily activities to create a life of YOUR choosing, vision, ease and prosperity. A life-changing book!
–Marie Diamond, Marie Diamond, transformational leader and speaker and star of The Secret
Practical Conscious Creation makes conscious manifesting a way of life! Here’s the key to applying it everywhere, in every circumstance so that you can create a life of ease, success and prosperity.
— Peggy McColl, New York Times best-selling author of Your Destiny Switch
Jackie Lapin has done it! Practical Conscious Creation provides a concise road map for implementing daily innovative, creative imagery and inspired actions in ways that result in both incremental and life-changing alterations. If you are looking to have more health, wealth and overall prosperity, this book will take you there.
— Ken D. Foster, bestselling author Ask and You Will Succeed.
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