Feature Article

I have good news for you: You weren’t put on this Earth to be miserable!  That’s something I’ve been telling people for most of my life — something that I just knew innately.  But as I was researching my book, The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, my strongly held beliefs were reinforced.

Every great spiritual leader of the New Age — from Wayne Dyer to Jerry and Esther Hicks, to just about anyone you can pick — says that we come here in a state of joy and then proceed to muck it up. Our souls are blissful things — looking to love, live deliciously and enjoy.  Furthermore, the Universe is set up to give us all that we desire, to “download” to us goodwill, happiness and peace.

So why do we persist in wallowing in misery and suffering?  Because we can’t believe our good fortune and we question it, question and doubt ourselves, refuse to trust, allow our egos to get in the way of our good sense and spiritual knowledge, deny reality and truth, and ultimately let ourselves sink into negative thinking.  Then our negative thinking and focus on what’s wrong with our lives–through the law of attraction–attracts everything that will reinforce our unhappiness.

But I said there was good news at the beginning of the article…want some more?

We can choose not to be miserable.  We can Grab Life’s Joystick and Consciously Create happiness and bliss in our lives!  Quantum physics has now begun to validate that our thoughts and our emotions are energy and that they have the power to change our reality.  If we create positive, joyful thoughts and emotions, they will bring to us more happy and wonderful experiences, and create a far more peaceful and struggle-free life.

So how does one Grab Life’s Joystick?

1. Think positive thoughts.  When you feel a wave of negativity come over you, consciously rearrange the thought to something more optimistic and hopeful.  When you do that, be confident that your words are creating a positive, happy outcome.

2. Stop thinking less of yourself and think more of yourself.  Love yourself more.  Pat yourself on the back more.  Pamper yourself more.  Give yourself more of a break.  Focus on your strengths and not your failings.  Enjoy who you are.  Allow yourself to feel pride in whatever you have done.

3. Go out and help somebody else.  Nothing makes us feel better about life than that wonderful emotion we experience when we’ve given our time and effort to help someone else and their gratitude washes over us.

4. Spend time envisioning what you want in your life, how you want your life to be.  Whatever form that may take, put yourself in the image, as if it has already happened and just feel that joy and wonder and excitement of being there.  Feel it, taste it, smell it, observe the details.  This should hasten its arrival!

5. Make a list of everything you want to come your way.  Or cut pictures out of magazines of similar images.  Put these in a special box, with words on the cover that say: Thank you for granting these wonderful things to me.  Then trust that the Universe is working on bringing them to you.

6. Do one wonderful thing every day.  Indulge in a favorite book or ice cream cone.  Exercise until you feel the endorphins let loose!  Go hiking with friends.  Take your dog to the park.  Cuddle your children and read to them.  Etc.

7. Be nice to someone that needs it.  Or maybe lots of someones.  Put a smile on your face, and be the sunshine that lights up the room.  Give a nice word to a person who toils daily without much acknowledgement.

8. Go out in nature.  Feel that “aliveness” that comes from being outdoors, from sitting in the sun, walking on the beach, smelling flowers, resting under a tree, enjoying the brisk wind, playing at the park.  The mere act of soaking up nature’s positive energy should raise your own energy and personal outlook.

These are just a few ways that you can start living a joyful and happy life.  But it takes a commitment to begin Consciously Creating your own happiness.  You have to take responsibility for your own bliss. You must not look to anyone or anything to manifest it for you, clear the obstacles or magically make your life perfect.  You are the only one who can open the door and invite that joy into your life.  So go Grab Life’s Joystick!


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