Feature Article

In the last newsletter we looked at the first six ways that can help you jump start greater prosperity for yourself, your company and for the world.  Here are the last six ways.

7.   See the world as an opportunity, not a hostile environment.  Where there is strife, find new ways to create relief.  Fill voids that provide services or goods to those who need it, or in new markets.  Think in terms of expansion, not contraction.

8.   Call for positive change.
Hold our leaders to the same standards.  Press them for positive action, not blame and finger pointing.  Support those who are taking positive action for change in our society and economy.

9.  Operate in a state of gratitude.
Be grateful for your talents, for your employees, for your co-workers, for your customers, for the relative health of your company, for living in a nation where individual freedom provides unlimited opportunity for growth, for the abundance that is yet to materialize in the future.  Show your gratitude, don’t just feel it.

10.  Pay it forward.
Do good deeds and make generous overtures to others, simply asking the recipients to pay it forward.  Create the energy that will heal and repair, and plant positive healthy seeds that will allow abundance to grow.

11.  And most importantly, hold the vision of abundance!
Create your company goals and written documents with a strong vision of success.  Work with your personnel to create visioning moments, seminars or gatherings that invoke the exciting, emotionally exalting feeling of success and abundance.  See the market climbing again.  Visualize people being able to get out from under the debt of their homes and mortgage companies helping people to reestablish home ownership.  Note how spending is once again flowing.  See businesses thriving instead of folding and jobs opening up.  Visualize money circulating responsibly.  See the world filled with peace, prosperity, abundance and economic opportunity for all.  See the world’s people cooperating in uncountable ways that generate goodwill, fair trade, conscious business, holistic value and prosperity.  See your powerful place in this vibrant, robust and satisfying planet.

12. Here are some simple affirmations that support these visions.
You might want to recite them regularly! 
• I am expanding in every way and every moment.
• I am a force for good in the world.
• Everything wonderful is a possibility in my life.
• I project positive energy into the world.
• I am transmuting all negative energy to positive energy.
• I am choosing to be optimistic and confident in the future, and happy.
• I welcome and work toward abundance for all.
• I am a powerful Conscious Creator who can help manifest abundance personally, professionally and for the good of the planet.
• I trust the Universe to always produce whatever is in my and my company’s highest good.
• I am grateful to myself and the Universe for allowing me to step fully into my ultimate potential.
• I am filled with a vision of mankind’s success at Consciously Creating a vital and vibrant future for our planet.
• I am filled with the knowledge of mankind’s power and ability to create a world of peace, joy, abundance and environmental sustainability.
• I know that everything is going to work out fine.

I’ll be hosting a special teleseminar on this vary topic later this month.  Stay tuned for details!


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