Book Review “Your Destiny Switch” by Peggy McColl

Peggy McColl is one of the most energetic, clear thinking women in the self-help genre. She was a single mom, struggling to keep her family afloat when she fell in love with a house that she wanted to make her own.  It was a house that was put up for a lottery, sold to someone else and still ended up in her hands, despite her having no idea where the resources would come from. 

Peggy became a consummate conscious creator and in "Your Destiny Switch" she goes deeply into the wisdom of mastering your emotions, the lessons she learned as she was growing her very successful book marketing business and setting the course for her future success.  This book, which reached the New York Times bestseller list, is a valuable edition to anyone’s library who is seeking more practical information on learning how to switch your emotions and raise your frequency, so that you can become a more effective manifestor.

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