Monthly Archives: January 2010

Manifest Message

Many of us are motivated by success.  But what is success?  What do we want to achieve?  We do only three things in life: We stand, we sit, we lie horizontal.  Once we've found success, we'll still be sitting somewhere, until we stand, and we'll stand until we lie down or sit again.  Success is a concept, an illusion.  Do you want the $3900 chair instead of the $39 one?  Well, sitting is sitting.  Without the story, we're successful wherever we are.

from "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie

For more wisdom from "Loving What Is" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

You must mentally accept in the present what you actually want to happen in the future.  Picturing it brings that acceptance much quicker.

from "Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder

For more wisdom from "Open Your Mind to Receive" please visit, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

God wants you to be what you want to be.  In your quiet thinking select your future, accept it as normal for you, and then expect it to happen.  Give thanks that the ways and means to bring it to pass are already in action.

from "Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder

For more wisdom from "Open Your Mind to Receive" please visit, where this book is available.