Category Archives for "General"

Jackie Lapin’s ‘Practical Conscious Creation’ Honored As Best Spiritual Book Of The Year By Los Angeles Book Festival

Jackie Lapin, Los Angeles Book Festival

Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires by Jackie Lapin (Findhorn Press) has been named best spiritual book of the year by the Los Angeles Book Festival. That award comes on the heels of Practical Conscious Creation being singled out for a Pinnacle Achievement Award, presented by the North American Bookdealers Exchange. 

Practical Conscious Creation breaks new ground by providing a manual for applying Conscious Creation principles on a daily basis to anchor those practices and speed up the manifestation process. The international bestseller has previously been ranked as’s #1 Hot New Release. 

The book is the second in Lapin’s Practical Conscious Creation series. Her first book The Art of Conscious Creation, a No. 1 bestseller, also widely acclaimed, and was a finalist for the USA Book Award, The Visionary Award and the National Indie Excellence Awards. 

Practical Conscious Creation brings Lapin’s unique take on Conscious Creation down to the cellular level—charging each day with Practical Conscious Creation wisdom–employing this powerful form of inspired thought in all actions, decisions, and routines. Practical Conscious Creation provides a methodology for reenergizing and reempowering your daily experiences, making them the engine for the change you intend.  

Filled with specific and imaginative practices, Practical Conscious Creation teaches you how to use the Law of Attraction with Conscious Visualization to proactively choose your future, rather than merely passively waiting for something to happen. Seventy articles provide the step-by-step actions to achieve a greater sense of empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle. 

Readers will discover chapters on Trust and Expansion, Wealth and Prosperity, Conscious Living, Compassion and Love, Romance and Relationships, Business, Health, Happiness and Peace, Clarity, Personal Expression, Daily Application and more.

Between each of the 70 individual articles are additional short tips that mirror the topic’s chapter. 

Practical Conscious Creation is chocked full of meaty information and creative inspiration. With this book, readers will: 

  • Learn to Use The Power Of Your Directed Thought To Pave The Way For Greater Happiness and Contentment 
  • Find Out How to Get Comfortable with Change and Risk
  • Break Through Mental/Emotional/Energetic Roadblocks and Limitations
  • Live Life More Deeply and More Deliciously
  • Jumpstart Their Abundance and Flow
  • Empower Their Relationships and Love Generously
  • Express Themselves Fully and With Passion
  • Live More Consciously and with Greater Zest
  • Savor Every Day and Discover the Freedom Within

 “I am truly honored by these two awards and grateful to have been chosen,” said Lapin, author, entrepreneur and Practical Conscious Creation coach. “This highlights what readers have been saying–that Practical Conscious Creation is a valuable life-changing resource and it stands out in the literature of empowerment because of its distinctive practical approach.”

Get Your Copy Now!

Tips to Get the Most from Personal Growth Conferences …

Tips to Get the Most from Personal Growth Conferences When You’re Bombarded by Wisdom–Today’s New Tech Tools Help!

So you’re intent on finding better ways to live and expanding your consciousness, but you’re easily overwhelmed by the all that fabulous wisdom coming at you in one big dose when attending a conference…what to do and how to retain it? 

With Hay House publishing’s extraordinary I Can Do It! conferences in San Jose in March and Atlanta in April–chock full of luminaries and emerging leaders, and attended by thousands–it’s a good time to examine what works and what doesn’t. 

And fortunately, some of the new technologies that are changing our lives are helping us to retain much of this content. 

So here are some tips for soaking it all in and fostering growth: 

  • Where it was impractical to take notes with a laptop in previous years given space restrictions and limited battery power, today’s tablets are the perfect easy and rechargeable way to keep tabs on the important concepts you want to preserve. They are so self contained you can indeed use them regardless of your seating conditions. But don’t try to take photographs as these are almost always forbidden during such speaker conferences. 
  • Don’t have a tablet? Use your smart phone. You may well have a “filing cabinet” to contain information, but it may not have a lot of memory, so just hit the high points.
  • Tweet those memorable lines! That will not only share the wisdom with your followers, it’ll give you a record you can go back and retrieve.
  • When all else fails, take notes the old fashioned way! With pen/pencil and notebook.
  • Focus your note-taking on the speakers who are the most important to you so you don’t come home overloaded with so much content you are discouraged from even returning to it.
  • Or simply record just the headline concepts across the board—those key phrases or concepts with which you truly resonate and which create a “shift” for you.
  • If you are a book buyer, either get the books at the conference, or (if you don’t want to carry them), buy and download them to an ereader quickly, so the information is fresh. And if your ereader allows you, highlight the critical concepts. 
  • And the last step is the most important—list the actions you will take to implement what you’ve just learned, and then act on the list! There’s no short- cut to that part. You’ll simply have to do the work!   

And should you be in the mood for a little wisdom, personal growth, motivation and inspiration, look no further than the I Can Do It! conferences March 17-18 in San Jose and April 14-15 in Atlanta, to use these new skills! You’ll learn from such luminaries as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Doreen Virtue, Carolyn Myss, Cheryl Richardson, Brian Weiss, Gregg Braden and other emerging leaders!

For info, go to

30 Days Without > I Can’t

Recently my physical trainer gave me an ultimatum: only one “I can’t” during a session. The second one earns me extra repetitions! When you are lifting huge weights and you are fatigued, you really have to think twice about uttering that “C” word. By nature, people are self-limiting. We seem never to have enough faith or lack of fear to push beyond the point that we envision for ourselves. As my trainer Jack has shown me, I can do more than I think I can if I just do it slowly and carefully, increasing a bit each time.

So I challenge you to go 30 days without saying “I can’t.” And set a consequence for each time you do. I guarantee this will make you think twice about limiting yourself and it will open up new horizons and new self-confidence. Most of all, it will make you a more positive high frequency person!

Morning Rituals

Morning is rebirth, renewal and re-ignition! It is a beautiful time to engage your connection with the divine, set your intentions for the day and step fully into your empowerment as a heart-centered light-being on the planet.

Each morning you can leave behind what was, what you did before, who did what to you in the past and how you did things previously. It’s a nContinue reading

Manifest Message

It is only through facing our fears and difficulties that we can find creative and effective solutions.

by Shakti Gawain, “The Path of Transformation” 

For more wisdom from “The Path of Transformation” please visit, where this book is available.

Words of Wisdom

“To have abundance, we need only to consciously receive what has already been given.” – Sufi saying

My Upcoming Book Signings

I’ll be signing copies of my latest book “Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires” at the following locations.

Saturday, December 10, 1-3pm – The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee 1414 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks, CA (805) 495-5824

Sunday, December 11, 3pm –The Bodhi Tree Bookstore 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, CA 310-659-1733

I look forward to seeing you there!

Note from Jackie

Recently I found myself feeling overwhelmed at trying to fulfill other people’s expectations of what I am capable of achieving. Because I am a high achiever and because people are paying money for my efforts, they have an expectation of what they would like to have occur. And since I truly desire to give value, I put a lot of pressure on myself to provide what those people expect of me. 

But I had to step back and realize I can only give my best, and my best is as good as it gets. There are many factors outside of my control that influence my level of success…factors that have nothing to do with my personal performance or commitment. So I finally had to take the pressure off of myself and say, “I will do everything in my power for success and surrender the outcome.” I focus on what I can do today, and let go of the expectation and the anxiety or worry that comes from my fear of not succeeding at the level of my desire—or their desire. 

The result is that I’m more able to focus on my work and do so with enjoyment. And joy, of course, leads to a better, more satisfying result! 

So let go of feeling that you haven’t done enough or that you’re under pressure to perform. Just do your very best and surrender the outcome! Then relax and enjoy. Whatever comes is what is! 

In light and love, 


My Book Launch TODAY!

Today’s the Day! You might have noticed in my last newsletter that I said my new book was on the way.

Today, we need your help in taking it to Number 1 on Amazon! This means you must buy today to make it count!

Here’s the book you’ve been waiting for—even if you didn’t realize it!

By now you’ve probably heard plenty about the Law of Attraction/Conscious Creation/Conscious Manifesting and Visualization in my newsletter, but how often do you actually remember to practice these?

What if there was a book that helped you to incorporate these practices into EVERY SINGLE DAY?


Where Your Dreams, Wishes and Desires Start Materializing NOW!

There is such a book!…It’s called: Practical Conscious Creation:Daily Techniques for Manifesting Your Desires 

Practical Conscious Creation is the second book in my Practical Conscious Creation Series. My first book was the Amazon #1 bestseller, The Art of Conscious Creation—a book that was called “life-changing,” “awakening,” and “powerful.”

This new book takes Conscious Creation down to the cellular level—charging each day with Practical Conscious Creation wisdom–employing this powerful form of inspired thought in all actions, decisions, and routines. A methodology for reenergizing and reempowering your daily experiences, making them the engine for the change you intend.

Order Now and Speed Up Your Manifesting!

Get 70 incredible articles that provide step-by-step actions to achieve a greater sense of empowerment and a more satisfying lifestyle.

You’ll discover chapters on Trust and Expansion, Wealth and Prosperity, Conscious Living, Compassion and Love, Romance and Relationships, Business, Health, Happiness and Peace, Clarity, Personal Expression, Daily Application and so much more!

  • Learn to Use The Power Of Your Directed Thought To Pave The Way For Greater Happiness and Contentment
  • Find Out How to Get Comfortable with Change and Risk
  • Break Through Mental/Emotional/Energetic Roadblocks and Limitations
  • Live Life More Deeply and More Deliciously
  • Jumpstart Your Abundance and Flow
  • Empower Your Relationships and Love Generously
  • Express Yourself Fully and With Passion
  • Live More Consciously and with Greater Zest
  • Savor Every Day and Discover the Freedom Within

Speed up the Manifesting Process!

How Will Speeding Up the Manifesting Process Serve You?

All those things you want for yourself will be yours much sooner!

  • Greater success in life and business
  • A career or business that excites you, impassions you and creates wealth for you
  • More love, more romance, more heart-felt two-way communication
  • Inspiration and joy springing forth from inside you
  • Clarity about what it is that will empower and ignite you
  • A lifestyle that reflects who you really are
  • More time to achieve what you desire, to spend with those you love, to enjoy leisurely pursuits
  • People and resources to guide you, support you and make your life easier
  • A home that fulfills your dreams
  • More self love, self respect, self care and self-esteem 
  • Greater regard and appreciation for your deeds, your contributions, your commitment and your love.
  • Travel to wherever your heart desires
  • Expected and unexpected new sources of income
  • Inner peace and contentment
  • Graceful relationships with everyone in your life
  • New friends, relationships, lovers and mentors who honor you
  • A new awareness of wonder and beauty in your world
  • Sparkling health
  • More fun!

This is the first book of its kind—

The first to give you specific details on how to engage the Law of Attraction and Conscious Creation as your way of life!

Buy this book today on, and get these great bonuses:

  • A chance to win a four-week personalized Practical Conscious Creation coaching program with Jackie Lapin.
  • A chance to be one of five people to win a free copy of Jackie’s two CD set of guided visualizations “Visions for a Better World
  • Three video tips from Practical Conscious Creation on How to Consciously Create Your Day, How to Manifest Your Beloved and Travel the World With Your New Partner, and How to Take That Important Leap of Faith When at a Crossroads in Your Life
  • And FREE entry in the first “Pathway to Practical Conscious Creation” introductory call.
  • A special $5 discount coupon for The Art of Conscious Creation, the first book in the Practical Conscious Creation Series. This book will show you how to manage your personal frequency, the first step in achieving your dreams and Consciously Creating your life!
  • Amazing FREE gifts from Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Marie Diamond, Peggy McColl, Joe Rubino and more!

I hope you order this book right away, and begin your new lifestyle immediately—the one that changes everything and puts your manifesting on the fast track!

And if not for you, order for someone you love!

Order Now and Make Every Day Magical with Possibilities!

And help us take this to No. l – but you have to buy today to make it count!

In love and light,
