Category Archives for "From Jackie"

Notes from Jackie

Remember what it’s like to throw a coin in a wishing well, in the hopes that it will bring something wonderful back to you? That’s putting your faith in the future, in a benevolent force watching over you. I’ve been thinking that maybe you can use those same coins as an investment in your future in a different way. While this is a very difficult year for many, most of us have at least a dollar a day that we can stash away somewhere. What if we were to put that dollar toward some program of self-improvement? I’m not suggesting that you should save it for just a book, teleseminar or program that I offer to you—I’m suggesting that you hold it for spending on any course or resource that might create a great shift in your life—whoever’s program resonates with you. The point is that we often say we don’t have the money for guided self-growth, but if you make a little investment every day—just like a wishing well—at the end of the year, you’ll have at least $365—a nice little fund that can be used for special opportunities to free your spirit and your mind. So why not create a special “wishing well” savings bank just for investing in yourself—giving yourself a way to more than just wish yourself well, but make yourself well.



Notes from Jackie

All Is Well.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all operated from this premise instead of: Oh NoI What disaster is going to befall me next? I recently attended an event put on by my wonderful friend and Mastermind partner Christine Kloser, and before each session, she asked us to put our hands over our hearts and says, “All is well.” Whew! That felt soooo good! It just made me relax into a state of wonder, trust and peace. I also have a charming Scottish yoga teacher, who always says in her sweet Scottish brogue “Everything is good!”  These people remind us that the world really is perfect and that everything is happening just as it should….that our lives are unfolding in ways that are helping us to grow and evolve—and few things are ever as bad as we make them out to be in our heads. We ASSIGN negative value to them. So start tomorrow from the premise that All Is Well and greet the day with a smile! Then sit back and remember that phrase each time you hit a speed bump! You’ll be surprised at the difference it’ll make!


Notes from Jackie

It’s always amazing to me that when the Universe wants to get the message to you, it’ll keep trying till the message gets through. I had a perfect example of that this past month. In attending  several personal development seminars on manifesting (yes, the teacher is always learning!), I had my feet put to the fire on a personal challenge/opportunity by not one, but two different wisdom leaders. Both told me the very same message in the space of 10 days and the message was: Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Stop dithering around and going halfway. Ouch! Pretty clear isn’t it!? Those teachers were just the messengers, but the Universe was the Source.

I know I am not alone in being a “waffle.” What is it you are equivocating on? What decision are you avoiding, what commitment are you not making to yourself and what action aren’t you taking.

Mine is about taking better care of myself. But you might not want to wait till you get tapped on the shoulder a half dozen times—in kind ways and maybe not so kind ways– to Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Otherwise, you’ll be hearing from the Universe!



Your B-Earth-Day

Sometime this year you will celebrate your birthday, or as one my favorite notecard refers to it as your B-Earth-Day, the day you arrived in physical form on this planet.


Some people bemoan this day as a reminder of years passing, aging bodies, achievements not fulfilled and experiences not yet had. Others celebrate it with abandon and joy, an opportunity to celebrate their presence and aliveness, a time to gather with friends and family to remember they are loved. 


But somehow in either of these ways of remarking a passing year, the sacredness is lost. You are a gift to the planet, and gift to the soul of the solar system. Connected as you are through your spiritual self to the Universe, you are allowing the great Source energy to express itself and its expansion here on Earth. How wonderful to be a part of the great evolution of the Universe! You are a sacred being!


Our birthdays, then, should also be a time of reflection, a time of gratitude, and a time of reconnecting with the Universe. It’s the perfect time to honor that connection. And also to set intentions for the year ahead…to place our order, so to speak, for the changes we want to see in our lives and in ourselves.


So as your birthday approaches the next time around, plan ahead for a new kind of B-Earth-Day celebration—this one just between you and the Universe. Begin thinking about what it is that you want to contemplate on that day, jot it in a notebook, so that you can begin creating a special B-Earth-Day ritual that honors you in a truly spiritual way.


On the day of your remembrance—for that is what it truly is, an opportunity to connect in and remember who you really are—you will want to go to a beautiful and sacred place, either in your home or somewhere you can be alone outdoors, perhaps a spiritual shrine, or a quiet natural park under a tree.


First just connect in. Breathe deeply for at least five minutes and relax. Open yourself to the flow of positive energy coming from above. See yourself connected to the Universe, to the Source, by golden light flowing into the crown of your head. Let your mind release, relax into a state of peace, feel a warm glow of love in your heart for you, your higher self and for the Universe.


Now move into a state of gratitude. Reflect on all that you have achieved in your years and what you have that enriches your life today. Remember the people who have loved you and support you still. Think of all the fun and joy you have had in your life. Then begin to truly feel your gratitude for being allowed to be present in physical form, for the years on Earth that you have been granted, for the wonders that have enabled you to be present today. Look back at all of this in awe and wonderment and amazement and blessedness.


Now in this state of gratitude and connection, ask the Universe, “How can I live the best human experience in my next year? What should I know, what must I become and what shall I do to live my best life in my next year, starting today with my B-Earth-Day?” Stay open to the answers. Listen now, but the answers may come immediately or much later. But just keep your mind focused on listening for at least 15 minutes. You may “hear” words in your mind, you may see images, you may just get a sense of knowing, you may get a physical sense. Everyone receives information differently.


Once you have allowed yourself the opportunity to be in receptivity and reverence, then—and only then–you may offer the Universe a vision of how you would like the year to unfold, and what B-Earth-Day gifts you would like to have become reality. Remember to be living a high vibration, positive life as part of your dream. View these images as already done, as if you are looking back from next year’s B-Earth-Day. Remember to get into the emotion—the joy, gratitude, love and excitement –of having just experienced such a blessed and wondrous year.


Conclude your special B-Earth-Day celebration with a blessing for yourself. Thank the Universe for who you are, for your spiritual connection, for your spiritual growth, and for how you have made the world a better place. Remember just how wonderful–and remarkable–you are. Thank the Universe for the gifts of human life and the everlasting lifetime of the spirit, and the light that you are on the planet.   

Unearth and Unleash Your Hidden Entrepreneur

I’ll bet you didn’t know that you were really an entrepreneur in denial. You’ve just been afraid to come out of the closet. You’ve been too terrified of taking that leap. But it’s there…whispering in your ear. What if I just worked for myself? What if I could just make money without going to a 9 to 5 job? What if I could just do something I love and get paid for it?


Then that other ego and fear-driven voice kicks in: But what would I do that I’d be any good at that people would pay me for? How can I know that I could really pay the bills? How do I dare let go of security when I have to support my family or pay the mortgage? How do I know I wouldn’t make a mess of things if I’m on my own?


Well today’s economy may have just “out-ed” you. You may have little choice but to get out of your security zone and start looking for new alternatives. Even if you haven’t lost your job, you may just need to start earning some money from new sources to augment dwindling reserves. 


You may not be a “natural” entrepreneur like I am—a serial entrepreneur who has only worked for others for four of my nearly 60 years—but if you have the passion, the creativity, the committed work ethic (note I didn’t say hard work, just commitment to work!) and the faith that the Universe will assist you, then you can do it, too. And you can be successful at it.


So let’s look at those four factors individually.


Passion—What do you love? What burns in you and ignites your dreams? Entrepreneurs start businesses for two reasons—they want to do something that they love or know well, or they see a void in the marketplace, something they can offer that is in demand (we’ll address this more in creativity.) But the entrepreneurs who succeed most quickly and at the highest levels are those who are in love with what they are doing. That passion can take several different forms:


·         A hobby or professional pursuit that engages them and their interest

·         A love for serving others and helping those people be happier or more successful

·         A general love for people and working with others

·         A passion for the process, the kind of work they are doing

·         A joy for just being on one’s own and not taking direction from others

·         A knowledge that he or she has a better way or a better widget and that there are people just waiting for it to help make their lives or jobs better


So ask yourself: where does your passion lay?


Creativity—A successful entrepreneur always finds a way to be distinctive in the business world. This is called your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).


For example, you can be a real estate agent just like a lot of other real estate agents, but you can creatively set yourself apart in many different ways—the way you market yourself, the kinds of properties in which you specialize, a special gift you give your buyers and sellers, a unique service you provide that others don’t, a certain market you serve, etc…


If you are selling something, your product is different that anything on the market, or you package it differently, or sell it bundled with other products. What product can you offer that is unique?


If it’s a service business, perhaps you offer a service not available in your area. You create a service that few are doing and that serves a distinctive niche. Or you do it better than the competitors and can prove it.


Your product or service doesn’t have to be completely different than what is already in the market—it just has to appear to be different by virtue of how you position it in your marketing. And then it will resonate with those people who need it or who are perfectly attuned for what and how you are offering it.


For example, there are many other people in the spiritual self-help genre that address manifesting as their core value, but they are not me! They don’t build their premise around Conscious Creation and the fact that you can actually create a blueprint and make it happen in your life. That’s my USP.


So get creative…what can you offer, create, serve or position that is unique to you? What market can you serve that is now underserved?


Work Ethic—Yes, entrepreneurialism takes work. And sometimes it can be more than 9-5. But it’s not necessarily hard work. When you are doing what you love and embarking on something of your very own, it can be easy work, because the doors will just begin to open. However, if you go into it tentatively, half-heartedly or fearfully, than the Universe can’t support you. Give it your heart. Even if you don’t have much money. When you show the Universe you are committed and willing to work, than you will find answers to your challenges, people to help you, customers to buy your product or service, and money that will begin to flow your way.


So what kind of a commitment are you ready to make? This doesn’t mean that you have to quit your day job immediately to start your new venture, perhaps it’s something you start on the side and grow. But whatever it is, nurture it fully and completely so that it will eventually sustain you.


Faith in the Universe—This element is often overlooked in the harsh light of the business world. Even if you don’t initially have faith in yourself, if you have faith in the Universe to support you, than you will begin to succeed. If you are living in confidence that the Universe has your best interests at heart, and you are open to its gentle guidance, then your business will thrive. The opposite of faith is fear, and the need for control.  Yes, you need to have a plan and be firmly acting on that plan, but feeling desperate to maintain “control” is just another way of expressing the fear that you are on your own and that you no one or no force is there to help you. Let go and trust. Surrender to the Universe. Have faith in the Source Power to be your co-pilot in your new venture. If you have faith, all the answers to your questions and challenges will come forth easily and quickly, and you will be guided to take the actions that will be right for your growth and maturity as a business person.


So, how can you expand and practice your faith in the Universe? Start by trusting your intuition and the messages you are receiving. Then remember that everything happens for a reason and allow yourself to be re-directed if you are gently nudged in a new direction.  Keep your eye on your goal and don’t be fixed on how you get there. The Universe may have other great ways to ultimately get you to your desired success. 


An entrepreneur with these four—passion, creativity, willingness to work and faith–is nearly unstoppable. These are the bedrock values of a successful entrepreneur. Certainly knowledge of the market, financial resources, marketing savvy and other business tools are valuable and can increase the rate of success, but you must first have these four core values to create a satisfying and successful entrepreneurial venture. Start by finding, instilling and cultivating these values in your work life—and you’ll be on your way.  


Oops..was that you peaking out of the entrepreneurial closet? 

Notes from Jackie

Notes from Jackie:

Here’s a new story I love! The Associated Press reported that maybe everything isn’t quite as depressing as everyone thinks! In this “winter of discontent,” Brian Williams got tired of reporting downbeat stories on the NBC Nightly News. So he asked viewers to send in some good news from their community that the network could report. Guess what? In just two days, the network received tens of thousands of submissions. Said Williams: “I’m looking at a stack of printed emails. We have more stories that we could humanly cover if we combined all three network newscasts. It’s hit an unbelievable nerve!”


Now what good news could you be overlooking in your life? And to whom can you spread the good news? Share you good news and lets start a good news snowball!  



Is Your Stock Going Up or Down?


Notes from Jackie:


Is your stock going up or down? As the market dips and jobs disappear, are you focused on the stock market or on your own personal stock? What do you have that will buoy you in this environment? Optimism, gratitude, love, talent, intelligence, determination, vision, a willingness for collaboration, inner strength, integrity, creativity, intuition, and other gifts and positive values. If you focus on bringing these to the table, it doesn’t matter what happens in the stock market. You will survive and thrive and so will those whom you influence! Focus on your gifts. These are the true gold in your life.



Ok…so the weather may be dismal…

Notes from Jackie:


OK…so the weather may be dismal, you’re struggling a bit financially and you’re buying into the lack mystique that’s permeating the nation, you feel stagnated and you’re giving in to depression. So take a break from the doom and gloom!  It’s not any fun anyway. Here’s what I did over the holidays, I did a re-boot! I took a week (you can do this in a weekend) and reset my mental attitude. I read 13 powerful spiritual books (some were small), and then sat down to meditate and connect to the Universe. Filled with that inspiration, I just decided everything was going to be fun and abundant–and got into that vibration. And most importantly got into the vibration of feeling love coming into me and through me so I could help others. Just sat in those feelings for a couple of hours each day, feeling them welling up inside me and spraying out the top of my head. And guess what? As soon as the New Year arrived, I had a flood of new business calls, lots of new opportunities and a good bit more fun and joy. And I even had standing room only at my speaking session at the Conscious Life Expo here in

Los Angeles

. (Thanks to those of you who came!)


So if you’re feeling down, time for a re-boot! Don’t wait for spring when everything blossoms anew, you can do it now!      


I Say Yes!

Notes from Jackie:

I say Yes! That’s the message that my friend Lorraine Cohen wants to convey. “I say ‘Yes’ to what wisdom and opportunity that the Universe extends to me, stretching myself to learn, reach and grow.” Her beautiful viral email is an amazing gift and one I’d like to share with you, and allow you to share with your family, friends and colleagues. I urge you to watch it and think about its message. Then go out and say “Yes!” yourself –as I am doing! 

Notes from Jackie

The gardeners cut all 250 roses back this week and they look so barren, just a bunch of branches sticking up into the air. But I take great joy in knowing that this exercise in pruning will lead to an amazing renewal! In late March and early April here in


, my garden will be awash with fabulous gorgeous roses in every color of the rainbow (except white since I’m addicted to color!) There will be solid color roses, blends, multi-colors, stripes and reverses (a different color on each side of the petal.) I can just imagine the smell and the feel of those soft petals, and the luscious bouquets adorning my desk and my home. Knowing that I will enjoy that beauty in the spring makes the winter much more enjoyable.


So my question is: what can you prune from your life now that will create rebirth, renewal and brilliance in the near future? What habit or trait, what extra unnecessary task, can you eliminate that will burnish your life in 2009 and make it the best year ever? Prune now and reap joy and inner peace as a benefit!