Category Archives for "Assorted Wisdom"

Inspiring Inspiration

AHHHH…Sweet Inspiration! Remember that song from the 1960s? Inspiration is indeed sweet. It’s the wellspring of our hearts, the gateway to our unique and fulfilling future. It is the manner in which we create what is distinctly unique about ourselves.

So here are some important questions to ask yourself: 

  • What inspires you?
  • How do you inspire yourself?
  • Where does your inspiration originate?
  • How can you inspire more inspiration in your life?
  • Where can you apply it?
  • What can it do for you?

 Inspiration is the great problem solver. It is where the ideas come from to change and correct our lives when they aren’t working. It’s the artistic expression when our souls are yearning to communicate or release our emotions and extol our love of beauty. It’s that connection to the Universe that brings forth newness—something breakthrough and amazing! It’s you co-creating with the Universe.

Where can you see Inspiration at work in your life?


  • Business – Inspiration can lead you to start a new business, revitalize an old one, create more appealing advertising and marketing tools, invent new products, develop unique new marketing niches, create new ways to motivate staff,  mold a new job that’s just right for you, develop a speaking platform that is different from all others, find new distribution options, develop creative breakthroughs in positioning your product or business, communicate in new ways with your clientele and reignite their interest. 


  • Relationships—Inspiration can be the key to returning the romance to your partnership and be the door-opener for more creativity in designing your relationship. It can lead you to new places to find a relationship partner. It can allow you to reinvent yourself so that you are attracting a different kind of partner, one that is more connected to your Higher Self. It can create positive news ways to communicate more effectively and with greater love.  


  • Home—Inspiration can put you in the perfect house for you. It can enable you to create the ideal environment—indoor and outside. It can lead you to the right place for your personal sanctuary and what needs to be there for you to allow your soul to settle in comfortably. It can allow you to imbue your home with your light and your character so that guests recognize your home as a beautiful reflection of you.


  • Artistic Express—Inspiration enables you to create from deep within your heart and your soul connection. Whatever your spirit wants to celebrate, express or release can be seen through your artistic expression. Whether that is art, photography, dance, music, song, design or other forms of self-expression, artistic expression is an essential outlet for everyone.


  • Playtime/Hobbies—Inspiration can be seen in what you choose to collect, make, create, cook, grow, craft, assemble, build, participate in or where you choose to travel. Your playtime is your childlike inspiration manifest in your adult life.


Inspiration is an imperative for a healthy life. Each of us needs both the influence of it in our daily existence and the expression of it.


So how does one inspire more inspiration?


  • Put aside time for it. Make time each week to allow for you to tap into your creative connection. However you are inspired.
  • Meditate or quiet your mind so that you are open to the inspiration that comes to you when the noise is screened out.
  • Listen to music that stirs your soul.
  • Go places that give you creative inspiration from other art forms—art galleries, design studios, car shows, boutiques and stores with unique merchandise, festivals and fairs, museums, other artists studios
  • Find a place in nature that inspires you. The ocean, a meadow, a forest, a waterfall, the desert, a flower garden, a butterfly sanctuary…
  • Surround yourself with pictures of beauty—from magazines, posters, photography, the web, digital slide shows, paintings, calendars, etc.
  • Change your home to be inspirational. Find the books, candles, images and other items that create the mood for you to call forth your creative side.
  • Go on a spiritual retreat or to a spiritual center of divinity such as the Self-Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades, CA, a place carefully designed for you to open yourself to Universal messages and connection.  
  • Help someone else on their creative endeavor (redecorating their home, for instance) which will give you ideas for your own life.
  • Collaborate with others on creative endeavors (for instance a mural or collage) because two or more people can inspire each other.
  • Find a teacher or mentor who will help you unlock your creativity.


Don’t overlook the role of inspiration in your life. And remember that as you are inspired, you inspire others! Let your inspirational light shine!

Power Pronouncements

Power Pronouncements

So many of us live in a place of hesitancy about our lives. We’re not exactly sure we are who we want to be. We’re not really clear on what we want or where we want to go. We’re not convinced we really deserve what we desire. We might be beaten up by childhood experiences or failed relationship so we are afraid to go boldly into the world. We often do the shuffle and the two step so that we don’t have to really make a stand. That might be risky and terrifying. People might figure out we’re a fraud!

Aha! But let me clue you in….Hesitancy is a curse. Remember: He who hesitates is lost! Being neither here nor there means that you are not fully alive. You’re in a state of limbo that doesn’t allow you to grow. To grow means that you must throw off the fear and the reluctance, and actually take a stand!

Even if you are not yet sure of where you are headed or what you have to do to advance or who you yet want to be, you can begin to grow by declaring what you know to be true and what you want to be true!  These are called POWER PRONOUNCEMENTS! And they are like affirmations on steroids!

It’s time you shed your cloak and come out into the light. Declare yourself!  













Getting the idea? Sit down and make a list of the Power Pronouncements that resonate with you and address the areas that you do indeed feel “weak” or “unfulfilled.” These are the areas that need shoring up! Break these declarations down into each of these five categories based on what you aspire to be, do and experience.

Now here’s the thing once you do that.

Step One is to say these into the mirror or yell them out loud in your backyard. Step Two is to declare them boldly and courageously to a friend, a spouse or a partner. Yes, this means you have to abandon your anonymity and really risk embarrassing yourself! But here’s the good part, by stating these things before others and God, you are more than halfway committed to believing them and making them come true! You’re increasing the odds that you can in fact manifest what you have stated! Begin believing that you are what you declare.

Step Three …Now when you’ve practiced and gained your confidence, you are truly ready to reveal your new and powerful self: GO SAY THESE POWER PRONOUNCEMENTS TO A CROWD! 

You can do it…You really are who you declare yourself to be…or you are at last on the way there! 

Frequency Matching

Frequency Matching

As we look to manifest and Consciously Create our lives, we have begun to understand the power of raising our frequency, and carefully and fully crafting our vision. But one of the most important –and forgotten—elements of attracting and manifesting our desires is the concept of FREQUENCY MATCHING.

We know that energy attracts or repels. The fastest and most effective way to bring something to you is to match the energy of the thing that you want to attract.

For example, if you desire to become wealthy, you must project the energy of wealth and prosperity. If you want to attract love, you must project the energy of love, acceptance and compassion. If you desire to experience companionship with supportive new friends, than be a supportive and caring friend.

In order to bring it to you—whatever it is—you must already be emitting that energy, in some either tangible, thoughtful or emotional way.

Thus doesn’t mean that you must already be wealthy. It isn’t just that the wealthy get wealthier, although that is certainly likely if they exude joy and gratitude over their prosperity. It’s more about how you FEEL!  If you are a person of little means, but you feel wealthy in spirit, love and whatever you DO have, than you can attract greater means. So here are ways you can Frequency Match:


  • Action—Perform actions that put you in the situation where you would experience what you are trying to attract. Dress up and go dining in Beverly Hills, or fly first class on a short flight, but one where you get pampered. Put on your best work out clothes, and go work out where the well-to-do work out if you want to feel moneyed. If you want to have more fun, do kid’s things—finger paint, build sandcastles, ride bicycles. Be like what you want to become.  


  • Thinking/Imagination—Use your mental energy to create visions and scenarios where you are experiencing that which you want to attract. Imagine the money tree inside of you that continually replenishes each $1000 bill you pluck from it. Imagine putting thousands of dollars into a bank account from a new investment that pays a monthly dividend. Make choices about your life based on the assumption of having money.  Be grateful for the money you have and remember that all your other money is just waiting for you to call it forth!. Think wealthy to become wealthy.


  • Emotions—Feel as though someone wonderful loves you and wants to lavish you with their affection. Feel lovable and worthy. Feel loving toward everyone you meet –strangers, friends, family, animals. Feel passionate about your art or your singing or your dancing and translate that passion into your sensuality. Just send out love from every pore—be a love machine. Feel love to attract love.

Your job—if you choose to take it (remember Mission Impossible?) is to match your frequency with whatever you desire to draw in.

So sit down and make a list of the top three things you wish to experience. Then create a corresponding action, thought and emotional expression for each one of those desires. Now go out and live it! Rev up those vibrations so that you can become a frequency broadcaster like no other! Call forth your future by energizing it and Matching Your Frequency!


The Power of Commitment

Most of us are a paralyzed at the fear of making change, of letting go of what we know, of taking a risk. It is the nature of our ego to hang onto to what’s familiar…what we can be sure of. Why let go of a sure thing for something far less sure? And when we reach the precipice that requires us to jump, we fall back, afraid of that unknown future. Noted motivational coach and speaker David Nagle calls this The Terror Barrier.


Now you can waffle all you want. And just not decide. It’s OK to assuage yourself with a life lived in fear, complacency or downright misery. Whether it’s only one aspect of your life –relationship, career, addiction, personal development, etc.– or all of it. And you can feel alone and stuck.


Or you can MAKE A COMMITMENT and watch the magic happen! 


Here’s where the ride gets fun! The Universe Rewards Commitment. Once you make a Commitment, all of the doors will open in your favor–in sequence! You may not know exactly how you’re going to get where you’ve planned to go, but once you make The Commitment, you will be guided to the next step. And then the next. And the next one after that.


It’s like that scene in just about every Indiana Jones or jungle adventure you’ve seen in the movies. The hero arrives at the chasm with no means across, and some wizened character says, “Trust—Just take the first step.” And sure enough, a hanging bridge appears just as the hero’s foot steps forward and with each step, more of the bridge appears.


That’s the Power of Commitment. I’ll bet that if you look back on your life, you can see this Universal Law in action. When you were passionate about something and you made the Commitment to move forward, all of a sudden the doors started to fly open, people you needed showed up, synchronicities appeared, everything just fell into place.


So what Commitment are you avoiding? Is it a big one or a little one? Does it involve habit change, career change, financial investment, home change, relationship change, releasing a co-dependent person from your life, addressing an addiction, or avoiding confronting a health challenge, for example.


So here’s a good exercise to start getting you comfortable with the idea of Commitment. Write your Commitment at the top of a page of paper. Then make a list of pros and cons. Make sure to add on the “cons” such things as: “I’m unhappy. I’m afraid. I can live with what I’m making even though it’s poorly paying and I hate my job. I don’t feel well, but if I have the operation, I could be worse.”


Then on the pros, write the upside: “I am so happy. I feel free. I have more money. My kids are benefiting because I feel radiant and can give them more of my time. I’m loving life. I have a great new home that I love. I’m living addiction-free. I don’t have to worry any more now that I’ve had the operation.”…. you get the picture.


Most of us focus on the risks, but hopefully this exercise reminds you of the extraordinary upside—and how could you miss when the whole Universe is lining up to help you once you Make The Commitment! 


So stop waffling! Engage the Power of Commitment to create your dream and free yourself to move forward!


Just remember however, that once you reach the next level, you will likely again find yourself at a crossroads. You can fall back to fear, or Commitment and trust again because you know the exhilaration of succeeding through Commitment. Take that first step!


Where is Your Sanctuary?

Life is tough. Especially now when finances are strained for many and job security is non-existent. The pressures of securing a steady stream of income, holding onto a home, fulfilling family responsibilities, taking care of commitments and just dealing with the pressures of daily living are oftentimes overwhelming.


Each of us can feel alone, harried, and frazzled. We feel resentful, angry, bitter, exhausted, moody, irritated, and lost. Our soul cries out for relief, for Sanctuary!  Where is your Sanctuary?  


Most of us cannot take the time or may not have the resource to run off to an ashram in India for two months like Elizabeth Gilbert did in Eat, Pray, Love. We have to find our own Sanctuary closer to home.


So where do run to rest, recover and connect to God and your higher self…the place where you can just breath and feel safe?


Where is Your Sanctuary?


· A quiet place in your home where no one will bother you, where you can meditate and just become peaceful?


· A yoga, qigong, tai-chi class?


· Outside in nature–a special little area where you can sit, or a place you can walk?


· A house of worship or spiritual center?


· By the ocean listening to the soothing waves. In the mountains surrounded by the all pines. In a meadow blooming with flowers?


· In a place that offers quiet meditative music?


· A spiritual retreat guided by a spiritual leader, yogi or other wise person?


· With animals that lighten and delight your heart?


· In the garden?


· On the table at your masseuse’s?


· At a Day Spa?


· In the bathtub, surrounded by candles and quiet music?


· Inside You…wherever you are!  


Create time for and a regular place of Sanctuary where you can go when life just gets overwhelming, or to simply distress before it gets that way. You can do this alone or with a friend who shares your need for quiet relaxed communion with yourself, your higher self and the Universe. Perhaps you can mark certain days on the calendar just for self-Sanctuary, perhaps every other Sunday!


But make sure you commit to do this self-Sanctuary before stress effects your mental and physical health. 


May you find peace, joy and deliverance from anguish and stress in your place of self-Sanctuary!

No Kvetching Allowed Here!


A couple of years ago, one of my close friends, a woman I mentored for many years, sent me a plaque for my kitchen wall that she knew I would appreciate. It says “No Kvetching Allowed Here!”  Kvetching is a wonderfully expressive word in Yiddish (the Jewish cultural language) that means COMPLAINING. Doesn’t the word “Kvetch” even sound like a whiney complaint? 


You can be a Kvetch (a complainer) or you can Kvetch (the act of complaining or kvetching). Noun or verb, it doesn’t matter which—it means you’re an emotional drain on yourself and everyone else around you!


Complaining—or kvetching—is an habitual glass-half-empty approach to life. And complainers aren’t content to stew in their own misery, unhappiness with the world around them, and all the people they judge to fall short. They feel compelled to share it with the world! But does everyone else want to hear it? Not likely. I remember, when people would ask my grandfather how he was, he would say: “Fine! What’s the use of complaining? No one wants to hear it anyway.”   


Whether a Kvetch wants to build support to justify his or her point of view, just desires to feel “heard,” or wants to make someone else bend to their will, it’s a dead-end tactic. The noisy wheel seldom really does get the grease. Whining and complaining usually achieves just the opposite tack, it stymies real change because people don’t like or want to accommodate a person who is an unpleasant annoyance. “You get more bees with honey” is a far better strategy than “being a noisy wheel.” 


And worse, the negative energy continues a pattern of unconsciously attracting more of what the Kvetch doesn’t want. Remember, you attract that on which you focus your attention!


Most of us are not even aware of our own Kvetching. We’re just commenting on things we don’t like. And we may even surround ourselves with other Kvetchs for comfort. Kvetches tend to reinforce each other’s negative views on life.


But what if you made your sphere of influence—your home, your work, your social environment—a Kvetch-Free Zone? How might your life change?


· You’ll be happier, no longer weighed down by all those negative words and thoughts

· You’ll raise your personal frequency and may begin manifesting more positive experiences

· You’ll have more upbeat, positive friends

· Your family and friends will notice a new lightness in you and may even follow suit

· People will more likely do what you recommend or suggest since you aren’t being critical

· You’ll become a more endearing and lovable person that creates light wherever you go!


How do you break yourself of the Kvetching habit?


· When someone asks you how you are—tell them all the good things and skip the bad!


· Start a little daily journal and write down every complaint or negative comment that comes out of your mouth. (OOPs, was that me! Did I say that?) This will be illuminating because you’ll realize how much of your daily conversation is complaining!


· Punish yourself for every complaint. Put a dollar in a jar for charity or give another dollar tip to the next waiter or waitress that serves you.

· Make a pact with someone you love (a spouse, sibling, parent, close friend) to have them gently point out when you are complaining again.


· Note when other people are Kvetching, but don’t correct them and don’t commiserate. It’s your little wake-up call making you aware that this is what you sound like. 


· Post signs in your home “No Kvetching Allowed Here” wherever you spend time talking to others—near the phone, on your computer, on your mirror where you start your day, in the kitchen when you are making dinner for your family, spouse or significant other. You can substitute the word “Whining” if you choose.


· Set an intention to stop complaining, and ask your guides and angels to tap you on the shoulder before you say something negative, so that you can reframe your thought. You then have a choice to either say nothing at all or to say it differently.


So I encourage you to break the habit of Kvetching before it costs you friends, a job, clients, a relationship, or a peaceful, joyful and prosperous life! You can become a Kveller instead—someone who Kvells or speaks effusively about how wonderful things are!

Assorted Wisdom

It’s a Re-Direct!!!!!!!!!!


Tired of making or encountering MISTAKES? Hitting the wall? How about running into Murphy’s Law? You make plans and God laughs? Then there are “problems,” “challenges,” “issues,” “dead-ends,“ “failures,” “disasters,” “disappointments,” “hiccups”….we can go on and on…


But now hear this! These are not what you think they are. Forget those old labels. What you are experiencing are Universal RE-DIRECTS!


How many times have you obsessed over what went wrong, perhaps blaming others or blaming yourself? How often do you keep trying to work through something that isn’t working? How much time have you wasted pushing a rock up a hill? How long have you hung onto problem clients or miserable relationships?


These are all symptoms of someone who has not yet realized that the Universe is offering you valuable information—Try something different! Change your attitude. Change your actions. Change your expectations. Change your team. Change your route. Change your job. Change your intention. Change your partner. Let go of this course of action!


Many people ignore the gentle nudges that the Universe offers until they get hit with a sledge hammer. But all along the way, you’re being re-directed to new more life-enhancing choices. But if you don’t do it, the Universe will do it for you.


I experienced this about 12 years ago when I was running my $2 million bi-coastal public relations agency. It had become a burden; the fun had gone out of it. Instead of doing creative PR for my clients, I was chasing money to pay my enormous overhead. And furthermore, my heart was elsewhere, loving a hobby business that I had created in the sale of mineral spheres. I saw the signs, but just kept trying to juggle clients, vendors, employees—with challenges everywhere. The business was imploding on itself, and I couldn’t cut the cord. Finally, three clients all went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the same month, owing me $150,000! That was a very big OUCH, and it was the final straw. I finally closed up the business, found another opportunity for myself immediately, and finally relaxed to enjoy life again after finding a way to settle with my creditors. The Universe was re-directing me to something far more life-enhancing than that stressful, meat grinder that I had suffered through for those last two years.   


When you hit a roadblock, instead of railing against fate, ask yourself: “What is this Universal Re-Direct all about? How can I look at this objectively, step aside and think differently?” You’ve heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason.”  Apply that to your Universal Re-Directs and you will begin to see that each one is a blessing in disguise. There are NO mistakes, NO errors, NO Accidents, NO missteps, NO faults…There are ONLY Universal Re-Directs!


Use these wonderful nudges as your guide early on, and you will find your life being easier and more effortless. Tune into the Universal language of course correction and you will be rewarded with greater and quicker success, more peace and joy, less struggle and greater abundance.


Just remember, if it’s too hard, you’re being called for a Universal Re-Direct!

Assorted Wisdom

It’s a Re-Direct!!!!!!!!!!


Tired of making or encountering MISTAKES? Hitting the wall? How about running into Murphy’s Law? You make plans and God laughs? Then there are “problems,” “challenges,” “issues,” “dead-ends,“ “failures,” “disasters,” “disappointments,” “hiccups”….we can go on and on…


But now hear this! These are not what you think they are. Forget those old labels. What you are experiencing are Universal RE-DIRECTS!


How many times have you obsessed over what went wrong, perhaps blaming others or blaming yourself? How often do you keep trying to work through something that isn’t working? How much time have you wasted pushing a rock up a hill? How long have you hung onto problem clients or miserable relationships?


These are all symptoms of someone who has not yet realized that the Universe is offering you valuable information—Try something different! Change your attitude. Change your actions. Change your expectations. Change your team. Change your route. Change your job. Change your intention. Change your partner. Let go of this course of action!


Many people ignore the gentle nudges that the Universe offers until they get hit with a sledge hammer. But all along the way, you’re being re-directed to new more life-enhancing choices. But if you don’t do it, the Universe will do it for you.


I experienced this about 12 years ago when I was running my $2 million bi-coastal public relations agency. It had become a burden; the fun had gone out of it. Instead of doing creative PR for my clients, I was chasing money to pay my enormous overhead. And furthermore, my heart was elsewhere, loving a hobby business that I had created in the sale of mineral spheres. I saw the signs, but just kept trying to juggle clients, vendors, employees—with challenges everywhere. The business was imploding on itself, and I couldn’t cut the cord. Finally, three clients all went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the same month, owing me $150,000! That was a very big OUCH, and it was the final straw. I finally closed up the business, found another opportunity for myself immediately, and finally relaxed to enjoy life again after finding a way to settle with my creditors. The Universe was re-directing me to something far more life-enhancing than that stressful, meat grinder that I had suffered through for those last two years.   


When you hit a roadblock, instead of railing against fate, ask yourself: “What is this Universal Re-Direct all about? How can I look at this objectively, step aside and think differently?” You’ve heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason.”  Apply that to your Universal Re-Directs and you will begin to see that each one is a blessing in disguise. There are NO mistakes, NO errors, NO Accidents, NO missteps, NO faults…There are ONLY Universal Re-Directs!


Use these wonderful nudges as your guide early on, and you will find your life being easier and more effortless. Tune into the Universal language of course correction and you will be rewarded with greater and quicker success, more peace and joy, less struggle and greater abundance.


Just remember, if it’s too hard, you’re being called for a Universal Re-Direct!   

Assorted Wisdom

Dress As If…


Let’s say you don’t feel very attractive this week. And you’re used to going around in a ratty old pair of jeans and a decade old top. You’re in the dumps and life doesn’t seem real abundant right now. How to dump the funk? Dress As If…You’re a Million Bucks! Don’t leave the house without putting on appealing clothes, full make up, jewelry, a jaunty hat, a sexy scarf, your nicest boots…whatever makes you feel fantastic! It doesn’t matter if you are just going to the mall, a mixer or the mailbox. Dress up and Consciously Create a feeling of being wealthy, well-cared for and charismatic. As you feel better about the face you are showing to the world, the more the world will show you the face of welcome, opportunity and love. Strut your stuff!

Assorted Wisdom

FEAR, The Siren Call to Change


A Dozen Ways to Give Insidious FEAR the Boot


When most people think of FEAR, they conjure pictures of screaming women in slasher movies, horrible mindless villains, or heroes chased by zombies. But as we approach Halloween, it is a particularly opportune time to remember that FEAR is much more real for most of us as an insidious virus that our minds and emotions create to stop us from moving forward.


FEAR is the mind/ego’s way of saying “I’m not going there! I like being right where I am. I’m familiar with my current state. If I plunk myself right down here, nothing can hurt me because I already know this territory. I’m not worthy and if I stretch myself, I might get rejected.” 


FEAR is not willing to venture into the unknown, not willing to take risk, not willing to accept and adjust to change. FEAR is about ignoring imperatives to change, putting one’s head in the sand and expecting the problem to go away, allowing others to control your life because you may not have the courage or confidence to control your own. And FEAR always leaves your life messy, miserable and myopic (limited in scope.)


You may not even be aware of the grip FEAR has over you. And even if you are, you sometimes feel powerless to change because of past tightly-held beliefs.


But FEAR can be your ally. If you feel it, it is a siren call to change!


When you bump up against FEAR, you know you are called to move forward, be bolder, take a well calculated risk, flow with the change imposed on you, make the course correction you’ve been resisting, cross the seemingly impenetrable barrier, strike out on your own, act in your own self-interest, or reach for freedom! 


So what can you do when FEAR is at your door to move beyond it to something better?


  1. The Flipside of FEAR is FAITH. If you are experiencing FEAR, than something is pressing you to change. Where does that urgency for change originate—in your heart, in your spirit, in the Universe? If the Universe, your heart and your spirit are indeed pushing you forward, let go and trust…allow your faith to spring forward. Ask if this change is in your highest good—and if the answer is “yes,” than trust the Universe to allow the benefits to unfold once you give up resisting and start moving forward. If the pressure is mounting from outside—job loss, relationship breakup, etc.–again ask if this is in your highest good? This is the Universe speaking to you in the dialect of “loving change and re-direction.” Trust and go with the flow.


  1. Affirming, “I am FEAR-LESS!” Whenever I get overwhelmed by FEAR, I repeat this affirmation again and again. I repeat it with power as if I was brandishing a stake toward a vampire! My confidence grows and the fear lessens as I remind myself that I have no reason to FEAR because I am a FEAR-LESS being with the Ultimate Support System!


  1. Get Clear. If part of your FEAR is confusion about what steps to take or where to head, spend time in silence asking questions, reach out to someone else who can coach you through the process of getting clear or put your options in writing. These are just some of the ways you can get focused so that with clear intention, you can begin loosening the grip of FEAR.  


  1. Look at the Worst Thing that Could Happen if You DO Move Forward—Usually you will have built this FEAR up into something much more than what reality could possibly be. When you really look at the worst thing that could happen, it’s usually not all that terrible. Then it’s simple realization that moving forward easily out-ways your realistic worst case scenario. Voila, paralysis unblocked!  


  1. Bring It Out Into the Light—The more you look at FEAR from an objective standpoint, as if you were not in your body—bring it out, hold it to the light, examine why it’s making you crazy—the more power you have over it to eradicate it. Think of yourself as the sleuth bringing the clues out into the open so you can solve the case.


  1. Recalibrate Your Beliefs and Go for Expansion. Look at the beliefs that are causing you to hold onto your fear. What’s real, what’s not? Make a list of these limiting concepts. Then list the opposite possibility—the expansionist and unlimited belief that you could be holding, that would enable you to move forward with confidence and courage. 


  1. Stop Thinking About What You’re Giving Up and Start Looking at What You are Potentially Gaining—What’s the Upside? This is an easy one! Ultimately change toward your highest good will ALWAYS have a greater potential upside than staying where you are, or giving up what you currently have.


  1. Talk It Out–Find a forward-thinking and positive friend, someone who is used to stepping through FEAR—or perhaps a counselor or coach. Talk about what you are feeling. Ask that person to tell you stories of how he or she gained success by moving beyond. Be inspired by other people’s courageous acts. 


  1. FEAR is Just Thoughts and Emotions. Those Can be Changed!—FEAR is just something you created in your mind. It is not real. It is simply a virtual prison that you can choose to eliminate when you hit the delete button!


  1. Stop Clinging and Start Living…Embrace the Unknown!—Life is an exciting e-ticket ride with everything you want if you will simply embrace the unknown. But if you persist on clinging to the known, you’ll never experience it. Greet the unknown future with a warm welcome and magical things start to happen.


  1. Consciously Create/Visualize the Outcome—Once you release FEAR and unwaveringly commit to change, you can help secure a positive future by Consciously Creating it. Make sure you are operating in a high frequency, create your visualization, post mark it to the Universe and then let it go with a blessing of gratitude! FEAR has a way of fading in the wake of action and purpose.


  1. Remember Who You Are!—You are an unlimited being with a mandate to come here to live in joy. FEAR has no place in your abundant, richly rewarded life of service to the planet.