Assorted Wisdom (Clear Your Cache)

Clear Your Cache
(First of two parts)

You’ve probably had the experience where you go to a web page that you know has been updated or changed, but your browser is still showing you the old page? You seek out your computer expert to find out why and he tells you the only way to see the revised page is to “Clear Your Cache.” This means you must clear out all the old programs, retained pages or temporary pages held in the browser memory so your new pages can appear. 

The Universe operates very much on the same principle. As spiritual beings, we are charged with releasing the old before the new can be seen, experienced and enjoyed. Do you really want to get stuck in life looking at old pages and doing the same things over again, suffering the same fate? Do you want to live with what you have or clear the way for something better, new or exciting? New energy fills an energy vacuum. 

If you are going to “Clear The Cache” from your own life, you will need to look at many areas and see what you can expel in favor of leaving space for what shows up next. So let’s take a look at some of the areas that should be up for review. 

  • Your Belief System—This is the most critical sticking point in your personal browser! With all those old pages playing in the background, you’ll find yourself re-living your experiences again and again. Look closely at what beliefs keep you grounded where you are, clear them out and consciously replace each of them with a positive belief that opens the door for joy, prosperity, success, generosity, wonder, beauty, peace and love. Then you can truly fly!
  • Your Attachments—Holding fast to old attachments means that you are anchored in one place. The attachments have claimed you. Look at releasing attachments in general, and those that specifically no longer serve you. One way to do that is to first imagine what life would be like without that attachment. If it feels freer and happier in your imagination, then cut it loose! You can do this either in an emotional sense of attachment or a physical one where you give it away, sell it or destroy it.  
  • Your Relationships—It is often difficult to clear out unhealthy or withered relationships, but you won’t have the emotional and energetic bandwith for new ones if you’re still pouring your soul into relationships that don’t prosper you. Look at relationships in every aspect of your life to see what needs jettisoning— employees/employers/colleagues/business partners/clients, friends, family members, lovers, spouses, etc. And while this may not always mean completely cutting off all contact, it does mean stop feeding energy there. Spiritually “clear your cache” and move on.  
  • Your Habits—If you look closely, you will undoubtedly discover a number of significant habits that are constricting your life. These are like little straight jackets that give you no room to move beyond the habit or rut you’ve created. These habits might be physical (smoking, being a four-hour-a-night couch potato, etc.), emotional (eating when you feel depressed, stressing when your work load increases, etc.) or spiritual (mistrusting everyone, being unkind, ignoring inner guidance, etc.) Wherever you have patterned behaviors that do not allow you the freedom to be a whole, happy, self-actualized individual, then you need to start the clearing process.  
  • Your Attitudes Toward Yourself—Self-esteem issues are all signs of unnecessary judgments against yourself. This leads to actions and behaviors that reflect your feelings of unworthiness toward self. Oftentimes this manifests in failure to take care of your physical body, your emotional needs, your personal care, your home environment and your spiritual wellbeing. Look closely at each of these areas, start wiping clean the slate and allow in new attitudes of compassion, care and commitment. 
  • Your Attitudes Toward Others—Have you engaged in any of these actions or emotions in the past months—unkindness, anger, mistrust, envy, condescension, intolerance, disregard, disloyalty, betrayal, condemnation, gossip? If you have, then you have not come from a place of love and compassion. It’s time to clear the cache, start over and begin consciously reaching for your love and compassion switch before you act out.   
  • Your “Take It For Granteds”—Too often our senses are dulled by our familiarity with an experience, a thing or a person that we take for granted because of its ongoing presence in our lives. How unfortunate! Because we then miss the delight, the joy, the wonder, and the gratitude of looking at something familiar with new eyes—as if it was brand new! So apply your cache-clearing skills to the familiar and see once again the wonder and the beauty of it! See that rose in your garden as if it was the first one ever! Appreciate your child’s desire to play catch as if it was the first time and not the third this week! Be grateful for having such a skillful hairdresser that makes your color so perfect that everyone thinks you’re a natural redhead.  

To Be Continued…


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