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Notes from Jackie

All Is Well.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we all operated from this premise instead of: Oh NoI What disaster is going to befall me next? I recently attended an event put on by my wonderful friend and Mastermind partner Christine Kloser, and before each session, she asked us to put our hands over our hearts and says, “All is well.” Whew! That felt soooo good! It just made me relax into a state of wonder, trust and peace. I also have a charming Scottish yoga teacher, who always says in her sweet Scottish brogue “Everything is good!”  These people remind us that the world really is perfect and that everything is happening just as it should….that our lives are unfolding in ways that are helping us to grow and evolve—and few things are ever as bad as we make them out to be in our heads. We ASSIGN negative value to them. So start tomorrow from the premise that All Is Well and greet the day with a smile! Then sit back and remember that phrase each time you hit a speed bump! You’ll be surprised at the difference it’ll make!


Notes from Jackie

It’s always amazing to me that when the Universe wants to get the message to you, it’ll keep trying till the message gets through. I had a perfect example of that this past month. In attending  several personal development seminars on manifesting (yes, the teacher is always learning!), I had my feet put to the fire on a personal challenge/opportunity by not one, but two different wisdom leaders. Both told me the very same message in the space of 10 days and the message was: Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Stop dithering around and going halfway. Ouch! Pretty clear isn’t it!? Those teachers were just the messengers, but the Universe was the Source.

I know I am not alone in being a “waffle.” What is it you are equivocating on? What decision are you avoiding, what commitment are you not making to yourself and what action aren’t you taking.

Mine is about taking better care of myself. But you might not want to wait till you get tapped on the shoulder a half dozen times—in kind ways and maybe not so kind ways– to Make a Decision, Commit Yourself, Write Down the Steps You Will Do and Take Action. Otherwise, you’ll be hearing from the Universe!



Tip #3…How to Run Your Business Using Conscious Creation Principles

 Recognize That You Are Responsible For What You Experience


As an aware Conscious Creator, recognize that your life, your experiences and the state of your company are a direct result of your thoughts and your actions. You cannot blame others for what you experience. Where you are now is an exact result of what you were thinking and doing in the past. If you were thinking negatively and focusing on fear, then you have unconsciously manifested today’s difficult circumstances. If you were optimistic, positive and filled with believe that everything will work out in your favor, than it is likely that your ride has been and will continue to be smoother. Take responsibility for your experience and change your thoughts, emotions and the resulting actions to ensure a better, brighter future.