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Finding Freedom from Guilt: The Forgotten Frequency


Oftentimes when we think of negative frequencies that keep us mired in unhappy, unsatisfying lives, we point to fear, anger, hatred, revenge and jealousy—strong powerful emotions. But there is one negative frequency that is just as poisoning which most people forget about because its one we inflict on ourselves….and that is guilt.


Guilt is defined in the dictionary as a feeling of responsibility, remorse or regret for some offense, crime, wrong, etc.—“whether real or imagined.”


Guilt seems benign. Nobody need know about it, but you. You can hide it well. You can bury it. You can even be unaware that you have it. Guilt is insidious. It makes you feel worthless and unworthy. It may prevent you from playing the role you are destined to play in the world because you’re afraid of “being found out.”  Guilt allows others to manipulate and enslave you. It certainly stymies your ability to be a Conscious Creator, keeping you mired in low frequency vibrations, rather than the positive high frequencies that allow you to manifest effectively and to lead a happier, struggle-free life of your own direction.


Guilt could be for what you “aren’t.” It could be for what you did or didn’t do. It could be over your complicity in someone else’s downfall. It might be for not speaking up on behalf of someone else—or for yourself. It could be for your failure to please another—your boss, your spouse, your children, your parents. It could be over lies told, promises broken or integrity shattered. Maybe you feel guilty for errors made in judgment, relationships that you torpedoed, people you let go out of your life that you now regret. Or perhaps you just feel guilty for not being a better person, one who judges not and loves unconditionally.


Whatever reasons that you have to justify feeling guilty, they are illusory, unnecessary and unproductive. You don’t need to spend your life punishing yourself for acts you felt were wrong–  real or perceived. By holding onto guilt you cannot live fully –it’s like being truncated, held down or tethered. You cannot fly if you are still anchored to the earth. When you release guilt and open yourself for forgiveness and renewal, and allow the Universe to salve your wounds, you can begin to sprout wings. You can move forward in freedom and create positive new experiences that are unburdened by guilt and remorse.



  Here are nine steps you can take to release guilt and elevate your spirit:


  1. Look at the issue with objective eyes. Is this really your problem? Is it real or imagined? Is this truly your responsibility? Put it in perspective…is this really worth worrying about? If you were to look back in a year…would anybody really care?  


  1. Examine what fear this guilt masks. What do you fear you will lose? If you look at the  worst case scenario, it’s probably not half as bad as your imagination manufactures. What really can be taken from you if you value and believe in yourself?


  1. If the guilt is caused by something that might be healed or changed, step up and try to correct the situation or apologize. Look for a middle ground or solution. Your overtures may be accepted and they may not, but you have taken the right step to try to resolve it.


  1. Then you must forgive yourself. This is the most essential step in the process. It’s OK to acknowledge errors or mistakes made in the past, but if you set a new course through your intentions and actions, you deserve forgiveness from yourself. And of course the Universe will demonstrate forgiveness once you have shown love and respect for yourself.


  1. Let go of the past. Don’t hold onto the negative vibrations or negative memories. Experience the emotion, wrap it up in a shiny balloon and imagine it being lifted out of sight into the galaxy where it is transmuted. And then deliberately and intentionally release the burden of guilt…imagine taking off the yoke and walking away unbowed.


  1. Build new bridges and create a new pattern of behavior. When you consciously change your behavior to live with integrity in your actions and relationships, you generate new karmic energy. Present the authentic “new you” as you go forward in life and create new relationships…don’t mourn the old ones, just see them as a learning experience. 


  1. Make wise choices so you won’t have a reason to feel guilty. Use your best judgment going forward. Look at the long term consequences of your actions, weigh all the considerations before committing yourself. This doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect, but it does mean that your “right action” has set an intention for a course that is healthy for you, others and the world. You have created a situation where you know you’ve done your very best.      


  1. Vigilantly watch for signs of guilt and take steps to eradicate it. Zap guilt like you would an annoying knat. If you feel it coming on, look back and go through the steps above.


  1. Release and live free of guilt. Give yourself a break! You deserve to live guilt-free. Make an intention to never return to the yoke of guilt. Focus on the life ahead and living it with joy and freedom.