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Your B-Earth-Day

Sometime this year you will celebrate your birthday, or as one my favorite notecard refers to it as your B-Earth-Day, the day you arrived in physical form on this planet.


Some people bemoan this day as a reminder of years passing, aging bodies, achievements not fulfilled and experiences not yet had. Others celebrate it with abandon and joy, an opportunity to celebrate their presence and aliveness, a time to gather with friends and family to remember they are loved. 


But somehow in either of these ways of remarking a passing year, the sacredness is lost. You are a gift to the planet, and gift to the soul of the solar system. Connected as you are through your spiritual self to the Universe, you are allowing the great Source energy to express itself and its expansion here on Earth. How wonderful to be a part of the great evolution of the Universe! You are a sacred being!


Our birthdays, then, should also be a time of reflection, a time of gratitude, and a time of reconnecting with the Universe. It’s the perfect time to honor that connection. And also to set intentions for the year ahead…to place our order, so to speak, for the changes we want to see in our lives and in ourselves.


So as your birthday approaches the next time around, plan ahead for a new kind of B-Earth-Day celebration—this one just between you and the Universe. Begin thinking about what it is that you want to contemplate on that day, jot it in a notebook, so that you can begin creating a special B-Earth-Day ritual that honors you in a truly spiritual way.


On the day of your remembrance—for that is what it truly is, an opportunity to connect in and remember who you really are—you will want to go to a beautiful and sacred place, either in your home or somewhere you can be alone outdoors, perhaps a spiritual shrine, or a quiet natural park under a tree.


First just connect in. Breathe deeply for at least five minutes and relax. Open yourself to the flow of positive energy coming from above. See yourself connected to the Universe, to the Source, by golden light flowing into the crown of your head. Let your mind release, relax into a state of peace, feel a warm glow of love in your heart for you, your higher self and for the Universe.


Now move into a state of gratitude. Reflect on all that you have achieved in your years and what you have that enriches your life today. Remember the people who have loved you and support you still. Think of all the fun and joy you have had in your life. Then begin to truly feel your gratitude for being allowed to be present in physical form, for the years on Earth that you have been granted, for the wonders that have enabled you to be present today. Look back at all of this in awe and wonderment and amazement and blessedness.


Now in this state of gratitude and connection, ask the Universe, “How can I live the best human experience in my next year? What should I know, what must I become and what shall I do to live my best life in my next year, starting today with my B-Earth-Day?” Stay open to the answers. Listen now, but the answers may come immediately or much later. But just keep your mind focused on listening for at least 15 minutes. You may “hear” words in your mind, you may see images, you may just get a sense of knowing, you may get a physical sense. Everyone receives information differently.


Once you have allowed yourself the opportunity to be in receptivity and reverence, then—and only then–you may offer the Universe a vision of how you would like the year to unfold, and what B-Earth-Day gifts you would like to have become reality. Remember to be living a high vibration, positive life as part of your dream. View these images as already done, as if you are looking back from next year’s B-Earth-Day. Remember to get into the emotion—the joy, gratitude, love and excitement –of having just experienced such a blessed and wondrous year.


Conclude your special B-Earth-Day celebration with a blessing for yourself. Thank the Universe for who you are, for your spiritual connection, for your spiritual growth, and for how you have made the world a better place. Remember just how wonderful–and remarkable–you are. Thank the Universe for the gifts of human life and the everlasting lifetime of the spirit, and the light that you are on the planet.