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Tip #18 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles


Listen To Your Intuition And Encourage The Staff To Do The Same 


If you have that little “gut” reaction not to do something, than DON’T DO IT!!!! Don’t over-rule your intuitive guidance. How many people have your heard say, “If I’d only followed my instincts…?” This is an internal warning system. It will tell you want TO DO and want NOT TO DO. Conscious Creators understand that intuition is a gift provided to help you make decisions that are in your and your company’s highest good. If you feel uncomfortable with someone, don’t hire them or don’t partner with them. If a deal looks too good to be true and it feels that way, decline. Your antenna is better than you think! Teach your staff to also honor, acknowledge and act on their intuition as well. 


Manifest Message

Conscious Creation is about learning to master our mental, emotional and spiritual messages.  If we want better direction and greater control over our lives and future, we have to take personal responsibility for the thoughts we put into the Universe.  We have to change our beliefs to be consistent with what we want to attract.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin.

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

Conscious Creation is about learning to master our mental, emotional and spiritual messages.  If we want better direction and greater control over our lives and future, we have to take personal responsibility for the thoughts we put into the Universe.  We have to change our beliefs to be consistent with what we want to attract.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #17 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Tips

Make Sure You And Your Staff Have Balance In Your Lives

Working weekends and nights consistently is harmful to your body, your energy and your spirit. Everyone needs balance in their lives. So it behooves you to ensure that not only you, but your work force has plenty of rest and time for a balanced life. That balanced life should ideally include relaxation, meditation and reflection time, family life, exercise, recreation, and personal/community connection. Don’t force, shame or guilt people into working excessively to meet deadlines. Work smarter instead, or bring in extra support. And that goes for you, too! Ask the Universe for the right assistance and it will come forth. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Manifest Message

Be Joyful and Happy.  Abundance flows from happiness.  The happier and more upbeat you are, the more you will attract wealth and other forms of abundance.

from "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Manifest Message

It is important to note the principle of unlimited abundance is about more than just money.  It can be time, space, freedom, children, joy, love!  Whatever you want more of can be called forth if it is in your highest good.

From "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #16 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

 Keep The Clutter Out Of The Office

In order to prevent positive energy from being blocked and to open the flow of prosperity, you must ensure that the physical environment is clear of clutter. So if your desk is a mess of un-filed documents, your supply room is a disaster, your staff leave half-opened boxes everywhere and there is a general sense of disorganization—do something about it! Hold a filing and clean-up day. Hire a professional organizer. Create a Chief Organization Officer. Your success is a direct result of the clear flow of energy. So if you want more success, ensure that there are no obstacles preventing it from arriving.    

Manifest Message

Affirmations are statements you make to yourself and the Universe that proclaim your readiness to receive.  They are short phrases that say in a positive way what it is you wish to attract to your life and what you are becoming.  They express a belief that you can truly experience what you are expressing.  You can create an affirmation for everything you seek to achieve.

From "The Art of Conscious Creation" by Jackie Lapin

For more wisdom from "The Art of Conscious Creation" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.

Tip #15 – How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Let Go Of Control


Letting go of control is a very tall order for entrepreneurs and CEOs. We are used to being in control of our fate and the company. But the truth is that the more control we demand, the less room we give the Universe to step in and support us. If we stop fretting over everything (negative energy), trying to hold onto the reigns (choking off the positive incoming energy and opportunities), and pushing people around to get what we want (resulting in negative kickback from others), than we can simply relax and let the positive intentions we set work their magic—even while we are sleeping! Control is a powerful and destructive drug that we can wean ourselves off of. Place your ultimate faith in the Universe to bring your desire, and go on auto-pilot. You will soon see the doors open in amazing ways.

Manifest Message

Life, life, life.  It is better the second time around for when you awake in consciousness, doubt and fear evaporate;  there is nothing to sustain them.  Come out and greet the life for which you have been ready and reaching.

From "Be Still and Know" by Mara Marin

For more wisdom from "Be Still and Know" please visit
www.manifestbooks.com, where this book is available.