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Tip #3…How to Run Your Business Using Conscious Creation Principles

 Recognize That You Are Responsible For What You Experience


As an aware Conscious Creator, recognize that your life, your experiences and the state of your company are a direct result of your thoughts and your actions. You cannot blame others for what you experience. Where you are now is an exact result of what you were thinking and doing in the past. If you were thinking negatively and focusing on fear, then you have unconsciously manifested today’s difficult circumstances. If you were optimistic, positive and filled with believe that everything will work out in your favor, than it is likely that your ride has been and will continue to be smoother. Take responsibility for your experience and change your thoughts, emotions and the resulting actions to ensure a better, brighter future.

Tip #1 from How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Create the vision

Create the vision of the company that you desire to have. It should be derived from or exist in concert with your personal passion and dreams for this business, because your personal passion and joy pave the way for your future success. If this is your life purpose, and you are clear on this, and you are following your heart, you are creating the powerful positive waves of energy that lead to success.


You can even commit this vision to paper in the form of your business plan, or simply a description of what you desire to create. Establish not just the monetary, structure and sales goals, but the company culture as well, and the ways you will motivate and lead. Make a complete picture and invest it with all your passionate emotions of seeing it come to fruition. How would you feel once the company is thriving–just as you created it in your mind? Let this be the guiding framework throughout the life of the company, but allow for new visions to expand it as you grow. 


Use this same process on individual projects, specific tasks and resolving the challenges that face you as you grow and lead the company.

Tip#2 …How to Run Your Company Using Conscious Creation Principles

Resolve To Be An Exemplary Positive Conscious Creation Leader


If you become a positive, empowering, inspirational leader who subtly employs high-frequency thinking and Conscious Creation in the workplace, than your employees will begin to emulate you. Try this! You’ll see a change in them. Remember these immortal words of Gandhi: Be the change you want to see in the world.