Note from Jackie

Happy Valentine's Day! I want to remind you that you are your most precious Valentine. You must languish your love on yourself and not wait around for others to do it. Indeed it is wonderful when someone makes you the recipient of their love. But even if you do not have a romantic partner or admirer, this is a time to be in a heightened state of love. Remember, you are a being of the fabric of love, and as such you are a touchpoint of light. Your own heart is grand. Treasure it. Love all that you are. Embrace your shadow and love it, for it is most in need of love and forgiveness. BE LOVE. 

Receive love blissfully in all its forms…support, gratitude, affection, passion. And then give all of those to yourself, too. Let your love overflow in all ways. Treat yourself with the utmost kindness and unconditional love. Start with letting go of self-judgment for just one day—Valentine’s Day–and then try it the next day, too. Revel in the gift that you are to your own heart, to your soul, to the planet and to the Universe. So today, I suggest write yourself a Valentine. Remind your heart why you are so special. And then live from a place of knowing you are a Valentine to all of us!

In light and love to all my dear Valentines!



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