Note from Jackie

I was recently reading Catherine Ponder’s terrific treatise on The Dynamic Law of Prosperity and two pieces of wisdom jumped out at me. Ponder, a minister and New Thought Leader, is one of the great Conscious Creation teachers of the last 50 years. This book has always been one of her best sellers. In it she says: “Watch your thoughts when you are handling your money, because your money is attached through your mind to the one source of all substance and all money.”


Now that’s a really interesting concept…yes, we know that our money comes from the Source, but to realize that it is a two-way street puts a very different perspective on how we treat the funds that we do have. If you are handling your money carelessly, or are resentful when paying it out, or feel depressed because there isn’t more, that goes straight back up the wire! It’s like a telegram or email to the Universe! I know this will make me much more aware of what I’m thinking, especially when I’m handling my funds!


Now Ponder also proposes: “With every financial transaction that presents itself to you, multiply it by ten, giving thanks that ten times that much is coming to you for your private use.” So for every $10, give thanks that $100 more is already on its way. I think this is a wonderful practice and gets you in to that important habit of envisioning it already being yours and experiencing gratitude for it. I’m hopping on this one right away, too. I hope you can find it valuable, as well!


Wishing prosperity with love and light,




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