Let Go of the Past Before You Bring It Into the Future

Let Go of the Past Before You Bring It Into the Future

7 Steps to Create an Unhindered Future



While the past holds great memories for us as human beings, it is also a minefield for many. That mental landscape has hidden booby traps and ambushes that we don’t realize are there or surprise us at unexpected moments. Our long-buried memories can often establish beliefs and behavior patterns that rule our lives, our relationships and the way we navigate the world, even though we are unaware of them.  Easily recalled memories are vivid because they remind us of painful experiences of rejection and hurt that forced us to unconsciously build elaborate walls to protect against future pain. 


The past is a place where we often get stuck. When we allow it to dominate our thinking, out motivation and our actions—or even subliminally do these things—we are limited and constrained in our lives, mired right where we are. No matter how hard you try to step out of the muck, it always sucks you back in. The past is a dangerous place to live.


And here’s where it even gets more scary. If you hold onto the past, you will bring it into the future!


If you are visualizing and vibrating the energy of the past, if you are focusing on the negative past experiences in your life, you will manifest more of them in the future. People often wonder why they pick the same type of boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, then this is a great place to start looking for explanations. If you are focusing on what went wrong in the past, your energy will draw in more things that can go wrong in the future. If you are remembering all the slights and the rejections of old, you are destined to experience more slights and rejections in the future. That’s what you are vibrating.


Remember, what you think you create!   


So leave your negative past at the door! If you want to create a vibrant, happy, unlimited future for yourself, you must start with today as the first day of creation. You must focus on happy, loving, fulfilling memories that enhance your life and you can re-create anew in the future. Happy memories raise your personal frequency so that you can create more of the same going forward.


Or you can simply live with optimism and faith in a grand future, allowing it to unfold on your waves of positive energy. Don’t burden the future with the negative energy and thoughts from before. Let it be clean, open and expansive. Release the future from anything that will bog it down, and keep you stuck.


So here are a few steps you can take to sweep out those old memories, before they can infect your future:


  1. Catch yourself in the act. Every time you find yourself wallowing in the past, zap the memory with your magic laser, disintegrating it. Now there is no negative memory to go back and retrieve.


  1. Scan your body for hidden negative memories. Get into your quiet meditational stage. Call up the memory, say thanks for all the protection it gave you and release it, saying that it no longer serves you. You have to make room for your unlimited future. Then burn some incense to symbolically burn away all the last remnants of it.


  1. Find out why you are hindered. If you are feeling stuck and unable to move forward, go looking for the memory that may be keeping you where you are. Bring it out, look at it, re-experience the emotion that it creates, and then let go of it. Breathe deeply the whole time, expelling the memory from your DNA.      


  1. Do a little scream therapy. Go scream out the memory where no one can hear you. Get rid of it. Good riddance. No need to have it clutter the future.


  1. Give forgiveness and ask for forgiveness. An act of forgiveness will bring conclusion and closure to an open festering wound. Finish your business here, so you can be heal.   


  1. Set an intention to release unhealthy memories. Setting an intention is like making a pact with the Divine. If you keep up your part of the bargain to live a life without wallowing in the past, the Universe will help you achieve it. 


So move forward with joy and optimism, unhindered by the past. Go boldly into the future! 


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