Feature Article

Most of us just go about life each day feeling like wind chimes … sometimes we make lovely sweet music and sometimes we are buffeted by gale force winds, with wild dissonant sounds.  Often we feel at the mercy of fate, which is handing us some good days and some days that are filled with roadblocks, obstacles, annoyances and frustrations.  At the end of the day, we’re so tired from the challenges that we just collapse in a heap with little energy to enjoy our families, friends or quiet time at home.

But what if we could actually shape our day before it begins? 

How would life be if we could order our day, just like we order breakfast? 

Can I have some fast-and-easy approval on my report, along with my coffee today, miss?  I’ll take some pancakes with my on-time air flight!

“Dream on,” you say?  Well actually, yes, that’s exactly what you can do to make almost every day a “Dream Day.”  You must imagine your next 24 hours in advance.  It’s called Consciously Creating Your Day.

Conscious Creation is the act of aligning yourself with the Universe and setting intentions.  Science is proving that our thoughts and our emotions are energy and they have the ability to change our reality, to shape the future.  Because the entire Universe is a giant cosmic web of energy, when we “transmit” our thoughts and emotions into that web, it has a domino-affect elsewhere on this great connected mesh.  Furthermore, this energy of ours has polarity– it attracts and repels.

So on any given day, if your thoughts are negative because you’ve had a fight with your husband, or you feel guilty from eating a pint of ice cream the night before, you will begin your day by attracting all kinds of other unpleasant consequences.  It may start in the morning when you accidentally spill the coffee on your skirt, then continue when your computer malfunctions, and then end when you run out of gas on the way home, even though the gauge says “full.”  Have you ever noticed how bad days escalate?  This is evidence of “UnConscious Creation.”  Though you may not be aware of it, you are helping to manifest your own heartache and problems.

On the other hand, if you begin the day feeling joyful, happy to be alive, at one with the world, and excited about what you will do that day, it is likely that your day will continue to be a winner.  And even if you are faced with an obstacle, you will handle it with aplomb and it will disappear quickly.  You experience ease, speedy action on your desires, and effectiveness.  You are drawing to yourself experiences that support your own sense of goodwill.  This is like sailing with the wind, instead of against it.

So can you actually control having more good days?  Yes, you can!  You can begin to practice Conscious Creation.

Each day before you begin your workday or you embark on your tasks for that morning, you can do the following:

  • Create a special sanctuary, somewhere you can feel comfortable.  Turn off the cell phone and take the landline off the hook for a few minutes.
  • Get quiet and put yourself into a meditative or quiet state.  Close your eyes.
  • Breathe deeply several times.
  • Now imagine a golden cord of light from your tailbone into the Earth and another from the top of your head upward. Each of these cords is fed by a pool of beautiful golden energy that heals you, fuels you and imbues you with joy.
  • Allow the feeling of goodwill to flood into you.  Just feel your alignment with the Universe, as love, ease, comfort and happiness flow throughout every cell in your body.
  • Now begin to create a vision for your day.  What would you like to see happen?  How would it unfold?  Who would be there?  Shoe away any thoughts of the problems that could arise or the argument that is building up with your boss.  Instead see yourself spreading a net of compassion and care over him, working together collaboratively to resolve any outstanding issues.  Create beautiful mind pictures of the day you really want to experience—the perfect day!  Feel like you are there!  Experience all the fabulous emotions of that exceptional day—let those happy, joyful, satisfying emotions help draw it to you!
  • Say thanks to the Universe for ALREADY granting this dream day.  Put forth your gratitude.
  • Then let go!  Give the outcome over to the Universe and trust that it is looking after your highest good.
  • Slowly open your eyes and greet your day!

By Consciously Creating your day, you are increasing the odds that you will indeed have a felicitous experience.  This is not to say that you won’t encounter problems and obstacles.  But you will have reduced the number and the degree.  And more importantly, you would have put yourself into a calm and productive mindset to deal with the situation in a positive and effective way, instead of escalating the problem with negative energy that you dispense unconsciously.  Life will become more effortless, struggle-free, stress-free and enjoyable.  You’ll have energy left over at the end of the day to play, entertain friends, share experiences with your husband or interact with your children.

What is truly exciting about Conscious Creation is that it is so empowering.  You have the ability to shape and mold your own future–one day at a time.  What could be better than that?


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